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Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... HULL6 anIelttB 0ei l e1 Ve at af Feos IT0 JAIVE IRO 8 B UEN OS A ERES : e tn The New Ship KIRK-ELLA, - J.ARVIS VOLlANS, Cmniaandeer dl %4 - ARMED AND COPP'RED, * N is ^ 409 TniS Re~isier. Is now commencilig her First Voyage. Will sail n hence 5t1h Otober to join Brazil Convoy at Spit- ( ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CORDIL B3ALNIM OF GILEAD-. . _------ fi rsqtsnt of tieley 'carc- M* Ilillions have died of medicable wouRds. Delusive Habit, generally iearnt at great schools, A weakens andi destroys tfli whble nervOus tysetsn, and il rlse very yower oF y buth brings on all tII iufir- mities of tile most lagutishing old age; rendering its votaries indifferent to all amusensents, aibsest in corn- pany, dull ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1WN ot KINGSTON-UPON-RULL, and j COtNT;Y of the SAMETOWN. . 'IREWSTER SESSI1ONS. I,. . FS T, El R;4 , :-. i- 1- 7JMAr the' Aftgiitriti iivil haid eiri *nt Se-M-ions for antorisin4 -Iiteepers 2;, ietwere, iresidinc' witfhst te Town .Ā¢;! antid ounjy of -the Town of vingston- 2on- JX . . M tid, h aistheir Lic'ences; on M bDWAiC sfj theZEi3ghtli day'of Septemlber iexi, at Ten o'doak in Me ...

Advertisements & Notices

... :SALya OF LANS.D MAT CAV: -IYO BE SdL D BY -aUCTJUIb, :~ r~ off - ork% At the louse of Mir. J~ohnx Cotstable, the Whte hEart J~n% tn Ntorth Cave; inz the Eost.RidfrK offe Cut f7tk * On Wednesday, the 25th day of .lanuary, l82C at Two o' lohk inT-the &fteruoowy ,b f in~less p)restiaasl# Disposed Of Py Private Cntruet, uIhick de 1Vitecc tUill be gis~eaJ; --- tn tlhe following, or such other ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WANTED TO CHARTER, W0 VESSELS, drawiag not more tian 14 feet water; to load at ' St. Mary's River, near Halifax, N.' S., for H1ull. For particulars, apply to R. Roesi )ZAanS, Old flock Side, or 5's, George Street, IB~ull. Tio be SOLD by A UJCTION, At the EXCsANGF, 1Ml7L, fOn Tuesday the 4tl/ day (!f March next, at Otc o'clock in the afternonn, (If not previously Disposed Of Privrte Contatact, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INDI1AN syR UP, imas liel3~i~om~n lnio'i, and aill CUnnp~iiaj fit-(~he ! ,%e tm of his tindiannSyru Ie ha inled Njsrs ifll %tt, t rg tw ~3nivi.l it e,'adcuf. 4hn a ser 69sni' L8s.39 Djnncj'y~n~n~ f *k t,l I V I .. - 3.. y, '' touse prl~iep. n,~cn nr.ldaltaelc,4 ~jr f s p 14A~ -- t a eato. ,oan t enn:rm a nii ingl visjn, 'ech.~~~~~~~j medicineth.. . *c laceti i~iC'n~., the Si, anichas ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I b, Uta, k dY is ID Pla ulm nnlary co noplaints, the most e~ ec- e ticlnerjely d,.c,,val t o warm climc ates; but this I ;5inb, e trit, soetc an tier rich, and utterly unattainable I sod W t lel 1 D0Pr. 'r ce O ot13 substitute is lice Cordial Balm t 3rue ast ers i lle rerese11Y ts lice P pogress both of roneseption cs5-a tee ilecr ic e s bQ sotfle t tdlecece 1110 t state, a ed greatly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FORNEW-.YORK, to The fine Iastgalling Ship wI MONTREAL, Ce 385 Tons Rtegister-* FROST, Master;- rois Wilu sail, (wind and Weather permitting,) on the 31st tr January., * IswitelladajtedaforPasengersahaain ggreatheight between Deciks. Apply to gaauvn ra eg t JOHN IIOLLINGWORTH, a Opposite the Pilot- Office, Queen-treet. H-t, Januarg IC, 1852. - v4 FOR CADIZ, (Direct,) h The fine A. 1. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR QUEBEC, /1 s - -,(WITH GOODS AND PASSENGERS,) To Sa1 yattitirelgy on the 1st of April, Tic rnem i k t:ie f~lt-SailinĀ° COrper-btseteaShip LLAN RUIMNEY, Register 385 Tons, Capt. T. SIMPSON, (late oftbe Victory.) Has most excellent Accommodation for Cabin and Steerage Passengers: - Apply to tfle Captain on Board, the South Side of the Old Dock, Di~rgzf-(e Whiteffiargate Bridge. Hull, Februz ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Practice 4 e. u ol.I essC~ may be peatfull CON1h Street, aq1Ior allthe'-a lql 4soF P. from hrlte per Celit. Pe - 10 Esc eq ae f 14 9! S6 P~~ i1') 12 1 44 10 6 17 l7 0 FO~~~ON4!4IL.?14 10 I-, jaj~zijj~' rrC~t. t4EZ 3 ON5I Cn Dhiltto, 0424 Per Cent 5uej A Pe ent. 4J4 Oreek,~~~ Per CeDOnt y er C' ec. 9, 90 ~ wo X, enthN 28 T~~~lE ILL ~~~ P A, Irrod Si atte P RivQuart er ct nna i~ ~Aeentonth a4 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - Plso b Cauctim, akrt I, ESTARLISHED P[UX6C4IOS-E AT GARFORTH. Apd,,0ORN and MUSTARD MILL, at HULL. toV BE SOLD BY AUCTION, Earlv in the Month of FEa1U.ARY next, A N old-established Freehold PUBLIC- A HOUSE or INN. known by the naue or sizzi of the Swan or Gapin,- Goose. at WEST GARFoRT14. On the Road from Leeds to Selby, being within a short distante of the Junction of that Road with the ...