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Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... VOWI% for *ailini, &c. FOR CALCUTTA, DIRECT, The fine A. 1. Coppered Ship WIILIAM LEE, JAMES SHEPHERD, Commander, Is intended to sail for Calcutta latter end of Feb. ruary, and to return to Bull. All Goods intended for Shipment must be along. side the Ship on or before the 25th February; and the advice thereof given as early as possible, to secure Ship room. Freights same as at Liverpool. t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... halei be~ aUcttiolt &c. FISHING STORES. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY W.W. HYDE, At Messrs. CLIFFORD and Co.'s Greenland Yard, WINCOLMLEE, on MONDAY, December 10th, 1838, at Ten o'Cloek,r LL the valuable FISHING STORES of A the Ship VENERABLE, comprising five good s Boats, seven Casks of Broad, (about 7 cavt. each), c about 300 Tons of Provision, Oil and Blubber Casks, d one Harpoon Gun, six Ship ...

Advertisements & Notices

... + , a~~~~~~~~~~t'Ac3e e. )fttd |15ci~t~b~ at Tthiee 1:h iec it~f bte d I sOpsh at the time of ; h gb dA Coiditio las -f C Saehl a bm p-elPodti iblY e and plea ; & . , 1dp k Nte w Ciaept of Fsioeod in tbe peiv i Jostephl ene if the Port of oda e, and from ats, Johrwa boa conideribly sin le. oy !s at po thes th panit'5 Dock now K. ete is a lil ete e Pet*e9 at-ndii futher a 1'e05 sained ...

Advertisements & Notices

... V1,b1fc wotfccE TO BUILDERS. +.rASONS, CARPFNTgERS and JOINERS, iV BRICKLAYERS and PLASTERERS, PLUM B. EBS and GLAZIIRS, SLATERS and PAINTERS, williug to CONTRACT for the several Works required in the construction of a VESLEYAN CHAPEL, to bc erected iii Hull, mlay inspect the Design and Specification on applying at No. 9, DocK-SrTRURT, between tihe Hours of Ten and Five, from and after ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHEAP AND EXPEDITIOUS GENERAL PRINTING OFFICE, 6, BOWLALLEY-LANE, HULL. a ti L ITECRARY and COc~rltnCtL, GENTLYURN, ' SOLICITORS, AUCTIONEERS, and others in the County, ti re respectfully informed, that every description of Plain - and Orna netafl Printinlg is executed in the first style, at the thortest notice, and on the lowest possible terms, at the ; HULL PACKET OFFICE, this Establishnent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Public Notc0 /HULL AND SCULCOATES DISPENSARY. A A' a Committee Meeting held this day to A receive the Resignation of Mr. CORTIS, the Di s- enser, the ELECTION of his Successor was fixed for Se WEDNESDAY, the 19th October. To enable the Com. CR1 mittee to judge of the eligibility of the Candidates, they Ii Ire required to send their testimonials to the Dispensary, Ra on or before Saturday, the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A fresh supply just received oat the PACKET-OFFICE, 6, B~owlalley-lane, Hull. From the Second Edition of 4 Grirnstone's Weather Almanackc, for the year 1842. SIGHT RESTORED, NERVOUS HEAD-ACHE AND DEAFNESS CURED. UNDER THE ESPECIAL PATRONAGE Or THEIR LATE MAJESTIES, H. R. H. THE DUCHESS OF RENT, And alithorised by her Majesty's Lords of the Treasursy. Mat. vi. 28.-`Tbe light of the body is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T 1 1aj71i dW i ratd'ev of Adhniral Gamie, ?? Lord (Catcvart contain no important .fa/ '*hich 'wv !save not alrzadv Stated; but as time operations of ow- al-mv Orc described o/ith great perspiruitv, the details :vill dszebtless be read rvit/ much intercs. EDITOR. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fit 801LOMON's GUIDE TO ac of THISI* DAY5 IS IIJBLiIMISD, price nS. ,_ III orne volume, octavo, of Ilc;Lr 30os palo0 wih A ~~~elegant portrait Of thle AuthoP'Wal of (And may be had at the H-U L1. PACKET IDplE IA NEW EDITION (with Adhltions) of ti) IEWO HALTIH, or, ADVIU'J 10 ;it A .SFXFS, ina- varietyvfc.''s-~ S It the most simlple and efficacimis rernedie for to 'ies laich are treated ?? ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... l L, .' ZTTH ;he YOPA PACK . Captain-J. TYRIE,:-. ` , Ared with, CARRIAGE, GUNs;; . r is, low. oa-ding, andubiaving consider- able tart q f berCargepoititely eqgagel, Ewill sail in, ~four or five da, *vindpermittilg. The Goods for Glasgow, Falkirk, and parts adjacent, meet with very quick'dispatch; as Vessels are sailing from Leith to Glasgo6V, two and thiee in a week . B g & RQUNDING, Agents ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1!CHKURCR's5COIUJOI DROPS, The' CHEAPEST and BEST MEDICJNE for COUGHS, COLDSI and ASTHMAS. 4fresk. Proof o(fkeir, ,astgsdn,, :lcacy. 7]1'HOMAS EDMUNDS, Guard to the Birmingham * and Sheffieldj Mail-.oach, declares his life was preeerved ro his wife and family by the sole use of CHtURCH's CO6UGH DIA.O ; one bottle, of which, pOirchaed at Mr. .Swiupey's, Bookseller, Hig-ihstreet, ielieved bisi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HULL. For PALERMO, NESSINNA4 f PiE*S - 'Will -ii~l'i.iit the .?dei.- .. OIIN . SA L BUISTAL,. H u a t.',I, F e b z n ary ' Z sth ,i ?1 8 1.7 .. ' ' , , , '?i Will tak¢Goods~for if-n ~, a sufficient qiuanfity Fofr. Q PDC The good Shibi1MANIQUE' 22-7TonsRegistr, :ROBE iTs;(CAkER,'Ma1ler:. 7Will iake~in Googilds cas t'sfor. the abave and Uaila?pbOut the r ??ii., ? ,ýtFig.4or, pass~ge, ply ...