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Yorkshire, England


Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... LEEDS SUBSCRIPTION CONCERTS, L -F(t1 T'JLE BENEFIT OF el . THE GENERA L. INFIRMARY. THE Publicq tre respectlilly it6ni:rmed, That the LrFIRST CONCERT willbe onr MONDAY lvening, tie Twelfdi Inftant.;,f.r which Evening Mlrs. Di5CONS, (late Mifs POOL E,) -romn tiw lieu ?? Concerts, is engaged. Leaderarft:;e Bld-MNlr. WilNFE. Principal Secoad Violin --Mr, GLEDHI1IL. PrincieAl enr-Mr. 8ORTER. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WAN'ITi) rMME1)[ATELY, *At 1OAY2 RJfltBRO', A PrRTSON lpropety eiualifiad to Teach a select Aand litrited Nlsuber of BOYS in every Branch of Education neccffars for P Iaffor orUr~nde, far vhich a liberal Salary will be'give n he will be required to brinig Nt(fadtory Teftimontals 6f bis Abilities and moral Chareaer. Iap Letters addreefed (Poft paid) to P. R, N. at tbt Pelt- Office in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 11e % a e JO Ii { N A R i7WE'. !NsO E NCY. TTiIlElREIAS Mrs. ANN i AN E, oi th~e v V TowrOiaip of Wosttey, in tp P aI ibh uf Leeas. in the County of York, Widow ard Admini';'ta *ic ofasi alrt liogular le Goods and Chattelr, R'sbhe and reairts, which were cf JO)H7N HARGREAVE, of the [anzc Place, Cl0:hier, her late Hulband, deceafed, at the Time 0! bis Death, who deed intefllae; hsath by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LEEDS COMMERCIAL NEWS ROOM. GENTLEMEN wishing to become Suscibers to this room are respectfully invited either to enter their names this if their tvi.lie- at the Letsds Mcrtturv-O1lice, inl BriggatC, ?? ?? fllowit5 is ntt Oatline of the Plan on wltich this ?? fattre bte cosIssIL . ' nue Annual S'Is)seription ti ONE GTTNA, to h'e paid nt .tinnlintfg (if the' '5ear, to ktr. E.DIVAiD BANL ,asdSt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LADIES' BOARDING SCHOOL, Providence'Rowr, Leeds. M lS. RIMINGTON, vsihes to express to her r iends and the Public her Gratitue I-or thver v liberal Suppoit sit has expericticed, and also tn 'i theLi, ti, t her School wvill meet again on MONDA' Y the Ninetecnth Of Jslu'ryv. G GROVE1, 1i1GH-P-i Al R1hOGA tI.E, ) Atc AlJD!S (1resj~ee 4livits~l'~ xis ?? ds,' uci tnat ber SCHOOL re tcom ?? the 19th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *tSUBSIBCRIPTION CO)NCE'Rrs, FOld TII1' )3EiAI177 (OF q'IEGENE'RAL. INFIR~MAR~Y. 11Pu1bllic are respu~ctfttll y- inflorwoet, IThat tict 4FlRS'r CO3NCERJT will be on MOUNDAV Lenig p wefh Iinfaite, for which Evenitng ei 1)rs. DICKtONS, (late Mifs Pooitr,) Leader of thle atsstd-Mr. II . p,incipail Second Violin---Mr. GLE DI-11LL. Principsal Te-rira-Nlr. PORITER. Principal Vjoloncetlo---.1.r. SUDI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MIALT };lr\x 1,o ke JTL , nnd may lie etei rd to Imineli.,civ 'r 1. I N, sztunc~tl t Il)sllk ~t- AXp y to l Edvard thaineS mh Printcr of thi3 Paper. S;)IOCKS.-JAtZUA'XV S. er It Rcd. jerL;- j Ia,,k 'totk. '09 rper Ct - Banllk T1. -~ no.. I r 0cr Ceent .in 1>ll~lliu -,t cl-nt prem, per cant* Navy - Loittry Uickcls, ?? 16i [I -'iE MER~CURY. . rit7m operations of tile armies in Poland hnae not ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IED.S, L..ANCA5STIT, ari fTWNT.CS'lE,1A I'A'E LO'T'LEIAY Ol ICE. ,f0,000 Jbr tle Pira-Dsruz.w- Tiul, iirst DTis, * . I 5/hJrinsrrsrtr, 2t05. r i1CKETS and SHi]AR ES are Q SA LE by A Mr. J. H. IEACH, Rnook-eller, Tecdrs. Mr. DUNN, Coachi-Office, Lancafter Mr. W. MiNeKill, Boofltailer, Donralirr, For HODGES and Cn. Stuckc-Btr:keis, in the fame liberal rermas as at their Orlices, Coarhiil, Oxiold ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Impkements ef Jgr'ivtu1ttue, MADE AN) SOLD 3BY G. CHAPMAN, K. PIESSPRO) 7GH. HER.ESHING - MACEJINI ?? which, from the ILgr eat Strengtia an d Simplici ty of Priloril Ic), Ivill ihresh with morse hase, TpeditiGn, andCleanller, lilu aly ?? have beel hitherto uflhred and par ticularly claimi tile Attention of the Riirincis and tic Public in grileral. Tel prices fhr the ?? Powers are as ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WrEST 11IDING OF YORhKSIRIlE. Chp'istnttas General .i4arer Srisions, 1807. OTICE is hereby gihen, 'Ihat the CIIMs] M iS N GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS of the PEACE for the faid Riding wil I be oponed at Witherby on Tuesday the i3th Day of January next; oad by Adjournment from thence rvill be held at Wakeftold on Thwltday the lfrrh Day of the fame Month ; and 3lto by further Adjourneent fro)m ...

Advertisements & Notices

... APPR1ENTIC'E WANTED. . LiNEN iDRA PERi in fill Btmiiests, in an a A aegs eable t h'bnu'jx fawn, isin VYtpf a An A'P ETICE. . N. B. APremium wvil bee % 'caeA ; and P11fsrilrslB .mcy be knownp y applying to Mr. Bs3thrdyd, PontetrA T ' ?? MILLSi, LEEDS. To be SOLD or LEF, by Private Contract, L lh()se, the Extensive aud Varluable WATER A CORS-MILLS, fituate in Leeds, in the County of Yodk, Called ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F ms. S~i'VIl ItlNSGA setssrnslher. ?? to her Friendej-aoLi ?? o'fctnms.iherit and the r Pypblie, ihit tshetr ?? Dasy-llqArders, and Day Scholars, winl re -omaneto e on: ;Monday. the ;.Ninetcenlfh ?? . s em s in StrCet,. ecdo Ian st, 1g , ; ,LANGUAG;E10S. . . | D NAGGI inforiiis his F riends aind' the Pusblip, ' ?? he contisiits to infltu&d 'YOUNG GENITE. MEN in tho French,.ltalian, and ...