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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser



Yorkshire and the Humber, England


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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser

Literary Extracts

... Wijterarl? Oxtracto. A WALRRIOR'S ESTIMATE OF WAR.-Prince Eu- gene, who as one of the very ablest among the renowned generals of his day, and who had gained honour in many well-fought battle, made the follow- ing remarks in relation to war:-' The thirst of renown sometimes insinuates itself into our councils under the hypocritical garb of national ffonour. It dwells on imaginary insults- it ...


... , V , i t ?? THE SYSTEM. 0 ! what a wicked world is tbis, Divinest ShbIkspecave said, Where comeliness is dieem'd amiss, And good is ill bestea4 ; Where fine arts are forbidden lore, And genius pierced unto the core, To make its gums be shed- Where fair is foul 0n0d foul is fair, And honesty's a p cenix rare. Vice is enthron'd in fulsome state, And trick is talent's test. Er'ts round virtue ...


... ?31!ljrlrp. v SONG FOlt THE MILLIONS. A about for freedom: be it loud and long, Earnest and heartfelt, manly, clear, and strong; ].t it re-noho through the dungeon grave, Where groans with agony the living slave, In fetters bound,' the damips of death among; Let it ascend the vaulted roof of heaven, And with prayer sincere, Invoke His aid by whom all good is given To give what man holds dear ...


... Riterature, I A NIGHT'S ADVENTURE IN MEXICO. It was somewhere about midnight when I was awakened by an indescribable sensation of oppression from the surrounding atmosphere. The air seemed to be no longer air, but some poisonous exhalation that had suddenly arisen and enveloped us. From the rear of the ravine in which we lay, billows of dark mephitic mist were rolling forward, surrounding us ...


... Rbritdge THE PEOPLE'S JOURNAL. London: J. Ben- nett, 69, Fleet-street. - We observe with pleasure that Mr. IIDWitt has be- come one of the proprietors of this publication, and from an editorial notice we learn that both Mr. and Mrs. flowitt will use every exertion to aid the Editor in placing the Beople's Journal among the first periodicals of the age ior beauty of appearance, excellence of ...


... The usual Astival in commemoration of the birth of Shakspeare took place on the 23rd of April, in his native town, Stratford-on Avon. The weather was fortunately. extremely fine, and this, combined with thp ringing of bells, the gaiety of the inhabitants, and'the arrival of company from all parts of the mid fnidtitricts, rendered theother- wise quiet town ?? lively, if not unusually bustling. ...


... ST. STEPHRNS. slT EaZsRST JONE6. Sufferers and toilers, Mighty and meek. Who bend tae spoilers, He6 strong to teweak! Start from your slumbers Your wrongs to redress, Union and numbers Pledgeyour success. In his Parliament ?? The oligarch sits, Self.interest and malice Dictating by fits Sate of some fation, Or longing for gold, Nerving to action The listless, and cold. But tbePeople,forgotten, ...

The Feast of the Poets

... ?? of tf)t -otty. WILLIAM THOM. Tjis otiT OF IVNUI'S (Conclxded from the ,'rof April I8.) InU Jtnuan 1844 we find WILLiAM Tnom again in ' der'eaonsiderably improved circum- at Inverurf .lUYll in at tho loom. In the month stances but eared a S publication, intended to I of MarCh aP uthlyentitled The buvertiry Gossamer;, be publish -_ -td oeeb Use Poet was chief editor, assisted, however, by loo ...

Public Amusements

... public amuotmento. 8 ADLEh'S WELLS.-The Tenpeet continues to draw cl crowded and admiring audiences to this legitimate b, theatre - now aluost the sole refuge of, the divine 01 Shakapere. These of our readers who witnessed this ol beautifully got up and highly poetical play at Coveret ai garden under Mncready's management, will deem it high Pt pralse to award equal merit to Mr Phelps, who ...


... ?7?? vottrp* INANEXAT[PNlAOF CRACOW TO 1We have much pleasure in giving insertion to the Mge o spirited lines, and also to the author's pre. **eryensrk, wthevery word of which we gear pion the annexation of Cracow is, with- tle most barefaced combination of eutloceatd tyranny, recorded in modern history. sir, a question oftreaty-breaking, of far more flit, 'qe to the world, than all the humbug ...


... vottrp. THE DELUiiX. TEN MATINW 00en0 OF c RAitea, A prophet always, in MY ministry holy, On the future I dtre to laterrogate Ged: be prinas of earth to ehastise for their folly, Ths old world shaU be swept by oa oterpowaorlug flood. Alredy upon them, the tide growls, andlaslese Ito limits: I Look, mastera, it comes, wild a4d free It I say to them, Look,' but thy answer, 'Thou dreamet:' poor ...


... -- BROUGHAM vserste BROUGHAM ON TIlE NEW POOR-LAW. By RicuARD OASTLER. London: W. J. Cleaver, Baker-street, Portman- square. At the present moment,whon the vaunted boon, acknowledged a failure by its concoctors and suppor- ters, is undergoing the process of patching and tin. kering to prolong its existence, until such time as a Radical Reform of the Commons' House of Parlia- ment shall ...