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Leeds Mercury


Yorkshire, England

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Leeds Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... AND11~~piAYTURNPIKE All Egp etC HO ti thle Oveltlej ANNUAL rierice I~~Ovcr I~- tile sa~id ito' III be hell lit and Si Wi i r ,,e 0 ttitii tle. Thirteenth severs i ltt ?? 1:Clotk Ithe iForen-oon, notrh 1 le ieail tile Stiittof ile [load, atid D sea: I I oi1lIAkD~i.UV. atioll TrrI i eot Al 1iletieca li th cciititt P OUPH)ti~is G~u AM) They ii~ ''a te ?? . NUN th si v i i'sl] Ii h;d IS ltals I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HILL TOP, BRAML Y.-~At ?? Horse Inn, Boar Lane, In the Evening, in one or more Lotsas pimaty be determined upon at the Tlime of Sale ; AGOOD DWELLING-.HOUSE, suitable for AM the Residence of a respectable Family, consisting of Two gaed Sitting-Roomis, Two Kitchens, and a Pantry, on the Ground Floor, with Fiva Chambers and a Dressing-Room above, and with Gig-H~ouse, Stabling for Four Horses, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... H BLACKBURN Sa CURRANT COUGH EIJXEI rfHE most safe, speedy, and efficacious Cure for at il PULMONARY COMPLAINTS. ASTHMATIC COUGH, d HOOPING COUGH, COLDS, CONSUMPTION, DIFFICULTY Y OF BREATHING, SPITTING OF BLOOD, &c. at Disease of the organs of breathing has been with too much truth bh characterized by an eminent writer as the opprobriusn of Medicine a' in this country. Its victims are, for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T0 CATTLE DEALERS AND TRADERS IN T GENERAL-NOTICE is herebY given, tilat a FAIR will be held at WIBSEY, near Bradford, Yorkshire, en Monday, the iedtet ef May. 1140. and which spill be continued on the Second ionday of that Month in each succeeding Year. TheI rbove Fair will be called the Summer Fair. I BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT. ' t YH LL'S WVATER ELE- ATR&HYDRAULIC BEL a5 mobt imple, efficient ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BO TANICAL GARDEN'S.-Thel' -f ~ the L~ds Ilotanical Glardens beg to reminI St C01~v!51(11e t~he i'aiblic generally, that the curreat' rpit will expire on the First of May . They - va thley have hitherto madle to render the- tll1' Ce of beeleticip-1, as well as of healthful And inter-. ye. thmsome claimr to solicit a renewal of thle -it .~ jss aswel as an accesision of new Subscribers. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [ADV ErLTil Smi 1NT.] TO TIIE EDITOlS OF TIHE LEEDS MERCUTRY. C GEN-rr.FuLN,-A paragrapli, under the title of Lceds and West Hiding Junction llailways, was inserted as all n advertisentu -nt in your Iast week's paper, and evidently in- tended to mislead the public, as to the control of the 5LII t ?? and Leeds Company over that of thle West Rtiding i. Junction. It is stated that the former ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AW FORMS of every Description, BANK- Li ?? and INSOLVENT FORMS, as used at the 14ed, District Court, correctlyprinited and at he laivest Prices.I Sold by T. WA. GREEN, PRINTERI, &C., 54, COMMIERCIAL-STREET. SNERL IFIRMRYLEEDS.-THE WILLIAM EORWITHSecretary. 10KW ANNUAL SUBSCRIBERS5 £. 5. d.I ?Asr.J &w. Pape, ?? I ir. Win. kiotroYd, StLeterds i M, ill, Leed ?? 2 2 COLLECTION. ysifsh Cburtb, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [ADVERtTISEMENTS. t THlE EDIToRS OF TllHEl LEEDS MERCURY. t GENTmtsmN,-Iu your last week's paper Dr. ?? bali published a letter from this Overseers of Gildereonse, I stati-g that James Laycock, the patient who hid piaralysise and inability to walk, had not applied to themS for relief at 8 the time I met him tvaiting in N'ortley-lane, and that tile pre-s sent overseers do not linow him. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VALUABLE ESTATES AT At,,iLEY1: HALL and ARMLEY, N10AR LEEDS. By Mr. JOHIN HE~PPEIV on W~ednesdai', thie Second day of M Ocober ntext. at 'six o'clock in the evenlIng, at the house, of Mr. obet Tuner thle Gelderd Arms inn, in Wortley, in the parish of LeedS subject to ithe 6onditions then and B there to be p)roduced, and in the following or such other lots as mosy be determined upon at the time ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lJfX. ONCERT ROOK, SToCK ElX0CEANGE P HAL,.KED.-Th abve pacius oomcan now be 5ooedbcPl~li CncetS Lctues Metigs Sc. The 'lo leter, rceiedfro Mr Ditin ?? the .. -I,,SaUlderstatnding-frOn Mr. Hopkintn ta u coce t, of igstpsig1t Was thefirst given in the StockEcagoal ftsv sonttlltleave Leeds without expressing my pretstsato o with thie-rofil';.and have no hesitation in synthtiisoe F ef the finest ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NINE, ?p TR twn. S0TzM EBNGINE, PUMliP TREES, WATER WHEEL, &e,, JlY Mr. RICHARD CLEGG, at Snallbridge CollierY, near Byl Itocbdale, hn the County of Lancaster, on Thursday, the of tfeefsetih DOay of Febre'cy, 1838, at the Hour of Eleven in Ig ti5e 'Forenoon preclsely: S ONE STEAM ENGINE, Thirty-Six Horses' in ANOTtIER of Power, with Boler, he. _e Twenty Horses' Power, with Boiler, &c. ANOTHER ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IMAI TO WORSTED SPINNERS; COTTON SPINNERS, SCRIB.~ Ni BLIN4G MILLERS, Ac-Valuable MILL anid BUILDING 01 GROUNqD, in BRI,';HDUSE-fly Order of cthe Assignees of JamesO enid Henry Nob's, Rinnkrptip ...