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... [Volume XXIX.—-Numbeh 1496. Established in 1787. DRIFFIELD NAVIGATION. ’Dotice ftcrcbp flibra, the next ANNUAL MEETING of the A Comnt 'utioturt of the DriTHELO NAriGAT/OK, nvifl held at the Hf o Lion Inn, Great Driffield, Tuesday the fourth Jay of July next, at ten c> clock in the foremen, audit the Treasurer’s Accounts; JUI up such Vacancies as may then be in the Commissioners, and to Let ...


... “The Power wlio the Treaty of Palis, as. semblcsl at the Congress Vienna, being inf. rmcil of the escape of Na|Mileon Buonaparte, ami hi» entrance into Frame with armed force, owe i> to their own dignity, and the interest of social order, make a declaration the sentiments which this evem has in ihea. thus breaking the cnn*en'i,m which bad established him the Ule of F'tha, Buonaparte de-lroys ...


... TUNIS. The following is copied from one of the last American papers received: Tonis, April 17.— Her Royal Highness the, Princess , of Wales arrived at this port the .“id iust. an Eng- lish 'merchant vessel. This Government immediately ! I determined to receive her with the greatest poss'ble ; ; honours. In consequence this, as toon as she came ; ; on shore the forts Goleta giive royal salute, ...


... Yesterday the following Bulletin was exhibited at the Queen’* Palace, reflecting the state of her health: Kcui Palace, September 17 . “The Queen did not reft fo well laft night a» her Majefty did the night; and i* not fo well today »» in the niornlng of refterday. * Millman. H. Halford.” Soon after the Princesses and Sir H. Halford had retired to rest, on Wednesday night, her Majesty became ...


... Hl« Royal Highnna the Hereditary Prince of Sweden iuued the following proclamation on tht Jih inat. Waaaioas or Noiwat—The war which you commenced against Sweden had neither norlegilimate cause. You shed your blood in a cauae which i> unworthy of you, and which exposes a brave and loyal people to all tlie horrors of a war, not only against a foreign power, but against your fellow-citixens— ...

The of all part* of the divition, in the •perationiwhich wiih»

... dart, afford the tiroogear proof the abiffiiet of Lieoteolnt- General Piet and Major-General Mac Kinoon, whom thejr were directed and led; but I bdg particularly to draw your lordibip'f attention to the Ctrttdact of I.ieuienant-Colonef of the 2d cacadoret, Major Ridge of the 3d battalion sth foot, of Lieutenant- Colonel Cantphell of the 94th regiment, of M»u>r Manner* of the 74 ...


... and COUNTY SESSIONS*. ffiben, rtnHAT the next Epiphany General -*■ Quarter Sessions of the Peace V\ciU be Holden at the Guildhall, in and mfi 1 Tovcn and County of the Town Mqf Kineston-upon-Hull, on Thursday 'Mtithe I6tn day of January next, when C and where all Jurors, Suitors, Per« Recognizances, and others who have the stud Sessions, are required to •fen o'clock in the Forenoon. CODD, ...

TUESDAY, 30, 1816. Printed and Published ROBERT PECK, at his Office, No. 36, Scale-Lane, HULL. The ROYAL PILOT, ..

... value labour, bring them to market with less expence, and with the certainty of the best prices. Those States, understanding their interest, will not be diverted from its pursuit. In tire encouragement manufactures, they find a stimulus for agriculture. The manufacturers cotton, in making application to the national Government for encouragement, have been induced U> do so tor many reasons. ...

Uifc 'Offirr

... Insurances arc by this Office, on Lives and Survivorships, Endowments granted tor Children, and Annuities glinted and purchased. Peisons effecting Insurances with this Company will enjoy the following peculiar advantages : Ist. A Cap’tal of Halt a Million has been subscribed as Secmity for all the Engagements the Institution, the Proprietors taking upon themselves the sole responsibility, ...

Tm: Hoi'st conaists or

... Hoi'st or. First Floor l.irge Entraucr-lmll, a Dinin!»-room feet by 18; Unmirj-room lil tut liv 18; Parlour 21 fi-cl 18; Icuk Parlour 1J trvt II ; and Butler’s Panm. 'Hie lilcvaliou of the above llooim is 12 fcit. Horn —Two Kitchens. Scrvants’-hall, Dairy, Store-room, large Cellars, and other Couveiiieutrs. Sc, end Floor I'ive good Lodging-rooms, and two good Dressing-rooms. 'J’/iird }h>or ...