... LONDON CaIN MARlKET, YestOrday.-Coastwise as wol as by rail, the receipts of holine-groivra wheat, ware on a very, limited scale; oerertheless, the trade ruled heavy, at Monday's rceauction in value. Forcign wheat, the show~of whiclh was gaod, moved off slowly, at the late decline. Floating cargoes of wlheakt were ditlicult to sell, and prices tended downwards. For other lkinds of prodasce ...

Published: Thursday 16 July 1868
Newspaper: Birmingham Daily Post
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1033 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: Commerce 


... BIRMlNGEIAM DAILY SHARE LIST. Y' TItRDAY. COMPANIES. I A i L W A Y . olidland, Birrminghans and Derby* Stratford-on-Avor LEASED. Severn Valley . OUAtlANJEUD. Gt. West., Birm. Guar. 3j per cent. Oitto Preference 0 pr. ct.. Ditto,WestMlid.-Oxfd. 1stG. f 6perct. Iridland, Bristol & Birm. 0 per cent.. CANAL. Blrmlngham .. ,Vacrvick and Napton Womcester ...

Published: Thursday 09 July 1868
Newspaper: Birmingham Daily Post
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 836 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: Commerce 


... LoNION CORN MARKET, Yesterday.-9carcely any, Itomiie-grnwl wheat wits received fresh tip this morning. Never- theless the trade sas very duill, and prices were quite Is. to 2s. per quarter lower than last week. Ftll average siupplies of wheat were otl the stands. fin all lescriletions sales progressed slowly, at prices fullt 1s. to 2s. per quarter below those of last week. 'loaft iog cargoes ...

Published: Thursday 09 July 1868
Newspaper: Birmingham Daily Post
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1023 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: Commerce 


... On Saturday a small meeting of ironworkers was hold at.the Horse and Jockey Inn, Bilston Street, Wolver- hampton. The first business was the receiving reports frosi the differentiworks. These showed that there were now very few furnaces standing. The following written statement was handed in anId read from One of the chinglers in the employ of Messrs. G. 13. Thorneycroft and Co.:- The ...

Published: Monday 08 June 1868
Newspaper: Birmingham Daily Post
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1180 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: Commerce 


... SOUTH STAFFORDSHIRE WATERWORKS COMPANY, The ordinary general meeting of shareholders of the above eomnpany was held yesterday, at the offices, in Union Passage, E1r. IL C. Chawner presiding. The other directors present were Messrs. Richard Jesson, Frank Janes, Sampson Lloyd (Wednesbiury), J. R. McClean, R. Rotton, and Captain IL Townsend.-The reportanld state- mient of accounts, which have ...

Published: Friday 28 August 1868
Newspaper: Birmingham Daily Post
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 943 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... At specils gerneral meeting of the shareholders of the Midland Contracet Company, Limited, was held at the Queen's liotel, yertarday morejing, to confirm the resolution to wind up the Company voleuntarily, and to appoint Messrs. Joseph S. Keep aind John Jaifray as liqjuidators. Mr. J. S. Keep presided. The 0HAIRMArNo moved the confirmation of ties resolution, and mild the dividend warmante for ...

Published: Tuesday 16 February 1869
Newspaper: Birmingham Daily Post
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2735 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... COMMERCIL AM MONMTARYO I (&oss our City Corrnpodersl LoNDON, Saturday Evening. It h s been freely reported on the Paris Bourse and here that Greece has accepted the terms of the Con- ference, and this statement being credited Rentes have advanced 3, and a corresponding improvement has taken place in other Foreign Stocks,. particularly Turkish and Italian. English Railways have likewise been ...

Published: Monday 01 February 1869
Newspaper: Birmingham Daily Post
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2855 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: Commerce 


... BIR. BRIGHT ON CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE. Tire Aceociatot1 Chamlbelrs Of Coinraerc oenterataind the ]Rlght lion1. .johu Bright, 11.p, thle Presidont of thle Board of Tradle, at a dinner hehil at thle Westminster Palises Hotel, on Weldnesday ovening. The chair was occupied by Mr', S. S. Lloyd, of Bbirining- barn, president of the Associated Chambers. Rteplying to the toast in hionor of her Majoety's ...

Published: Friday 26 February 1869
Newspaper: Birmingham Daily Post
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1591 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... [Fro&m our City Correspondent. I LONDON, Saturday Elvoning. The Stock markets have been perfectly stagnant, the indifference of the public during the week having induced a miserably thin attendance to-day. A whole- sale migration to Brighton has been the chief engage- ment of the brokers and dealers ; and it is to be hoped that the invigorating breezes from the sea will reunin- mate their ...

Published: Monday 12 April 1869
Newspaper: Birmingham Daily Post
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2352 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: Commerce 


... BEPORT OF THE TRADES UNION COMMISSIOll. As briefly stated in yesterday's Post, the report of the Tlades Union Commission was presented to Parliament on Tuesday night. A report, signed by Sir IV. Erle, Lord Elcho, Sir D. (Cbosh, Mir. Marivalc, Air. Eootb, Mr. Roe- buck, and 1r. Matthews, reconamends a relaxation of the existing laws against combinastions except as to offences and damages. They ...

Published: Thursday 18 March 1869
Newspaper: Birmingham Daily Post
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 773 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: Commerce 


... MANotEusTER CON MARKET, Yesterday. - At our market, this morning, English wheat was fully 2s. per quarter, and foreign 04. to 9d. per cental, dearer than this day so nnight, with a moderate consumptive business. Flor Is. to 2s. per sack higher, but in less actidve request. Oats advancedi Id. per 46lbs. Bsarm, both English and foroign, Gd. per quarter more money. Indian corn in fair demand, at ...

Published: Friday 13 August 1869
Newspaper: Birmingham Daily Post
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1074 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... VOMBMERCIAL AND MONETARY, I . , : A. . . ?? ?? it ' - - (Bk-ft asly Oor}'pn~I ' ?? LoNDON, Thursday Evening. The Bank of England made no alteration in the official minimum this morning, notwithstanding the rates of the outer market have for some time been 4 ] per cent. lower. The prospective policy thus indi- eated rceeives very general support. It is believed that the remaining months of the ...

Published: Friday 13 August 1869
Newspaper: Birmingham Daily Post
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2159 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce