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Wrexham Guardian and Denbighshire and Flintshire Advertiser

Family Notices

... GIRTHS, Announcements under this head must be aceom- panied by the name and address of the sender. Any addition to the simple notice must be paid for at the rate of one shilling for three lines. BIRTHS. BATTEN—On the 2nd inst,, the wife of John Batten, tailor, 15, Henllan-stroet, Denbigh, of a son. COOPER—On the 12th inst, at No. 8, Heap Terrace, Erddig, road, Wrexham, the wife of Mr Williuni ...

Family Notices

... FIRE AT LORD HOUGHTON'S. Early vesterday morning, a fire broke out at Trystoue Hall, Yorks, the seat of Lord Houghton, and considerable damage was done to a large portion of the front of the building. The valuable picture gallery was saved. ...

Family Notices

... 3Bidh$ gTarriagts, anh g-cailjs. BIRTHS. BODEx-On the 16th inst., at Saighton, the wife of Mr Walter M. Boden, of a son. BLEW—On the 12th inst., at Rhostyllen, the wife of Mr F. T. F. Blew, of a daughter. GILPIN—On the 15th inst., a Minera, the wife of Mr Thomas Gilpin, of a son. J oEs-On tne 20th inst., at St. Helens-road, Hastings, Sussex, the wile of C. Davenport Jones, Esq., solicitor, of ...

Family Notices

... ENGLAND AND TURKEY. PARIS, Jan. 20. The Temps states that the conditions on which Eng- land adheres to Count Andrassv's Note are these :—The integrity of the Ottoman Empire to be maintained the Sultan's independence ia the face both of the Insurgents and the Powers to be recognised the proposed reforms to be submitted to him as simple observations and friendly counsels-, each Power to present ...

Family Notices

... irtbSt Itarriagtst arti) Announcements under this head must be accom- panied by the name and address of the sender. Any addition to the simple notice must be paid for at the rate of one shilling for three lines. BIRTHS. B ROM FIELD—On the 20th inst., at Chester, the wife of F. W. Bromfield, lieutenant 2nd Battalion 22nd Regiment, of a son. HOPKINs-On the 24th inst., at 19, St. Chrysostom- ...

Family Notices

... TROOP DINNER AT THE OLD SWAN Following tbe mounted drill on Saturday of the Wrexham ut the D.Y.C., was the usual dinner in the evening ert theUld t>wiut. which was the last that will be given before the assembling of the regiment for eight days p^>>nont dntv at Ruthin. Dr Eyton-Jones, the regimental »-*Xf-,or. presided, and was supported by Capt. and Aijutani Morrison, Mr Williams, his partner ...

Family Notices

... Carriages, attft feafjjs. BIRTHS. CASSON—On the 4th inst., the wife of Major Thomas Casson, of the North and South Wales Bank, Denbigh, of a son. EARNsHAw-Un the 21st nit., at Talbot-road, Wrex- ham, the wife of Henry Earnshaw, of a son. EDWARDS—On the 4th inst., at Moss, Gwersyllt, the wife of David Edwards, of a daughter. EVANs-On the 8th ult., at 1. Cunliffe-street. Wrex- ham, the wife of ...

Family Notices

... THE EASTERN QUESTION. VIENNA, Dec. 28. In to-day's Conference the Porte is to give an answer to the proposals of the Powers. Although this answer is expected with some anxiety, the prevalent impression seems still to be that will not bj such as to preclude the possibility of further Begotiations. ...

Family Notices

... IMPORTANT SUCCESS OF SULEI- MAN PASHA. Suleiman Pasha has telegraphed that, during an offensive reconnoisance of the left wing of the operating column, and after capturing the entrench- ments raised by the evening- on Becjlidge-hill, situated near Trajuna (Trojan n he has operated junction with the rieht wing. The Russian cavalry and infantry, which were driven from their entrenchments, took ...

Family Notices

... EX-PRESIDENT GRANT. PHILADELPHIA, May 17. General Grant has sailed for Liverpool in the American liner Indiana from Philadelphia. He was tendered the use of a national vessel by the President to take himself and family abroad, but he declined. General Grant will remain in England for several weeks. Me will remain abroad one or two years. ...