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Cardiff Times


... SOUTH WALES. I DOWN. WEEK DAYS. SUNDAYS. 12 Ml 1,2,3. 1,2,3. Exl2 1, 2. Ex 12 1,2,3.1,2,8.1,2,3. Ml 12 From —— a. m. a. m. a. m. a. rg. a. m. p. m. a. m. a.m. a. m. a. m. Paddington 6 0 9 30 10 30 4 50 8 0 Reading 7 1510 20 11 2 5 40 940 Swindon 1,2 c. 11 35 1,2,3. 6 52 1 5 Gloucester. 2 15 6 4511 10 1 5 3 25 8 20 920 30 2 15 Newnliam. 2 38 7 1711 40 3 5 2 8 40 9 4 8 3 25 238 Lydney. 2 56 7 37 ...

H&1)§ £ dpIeOMMONS.'

... H&1)§ £ dpIeOMMONS. THURSDAY, FEB. 10. NEW WRITS.—New writs were moved for East Worcestershire, in the room of Colonel Rushout, who had been created a peer as Baron Northwich; for the West Riding of Yorkshire, in the ryom of Lord Goderich, who had succeeded to the Earldom of Ripou; and for Hythe, in the room of Sir J. Ramsden, who had accepted the Chiltern Hundreds. SUGAR DUTIES;—Mr. T. HANKEY ...


... TAFF VALE. Dis.| UP. Week Days. Sundays. From a. m. p. m. p. m- a. m. p. m- 0 Cardiff Docks 9 15 2 40 6 15 8 45 3 45 11 Cardiff 9 30 2 55 6 30 9 0 4 0 H Llandatt 9 39 3 46 39 9 94 9 64 Pentyrcb 9 47 3 12 6 47 9 17 4 17 8 TafPs Well 9 52 3 17 6 52 9 22 4 22 12 Treforest 10 3 3 28 7 4 9 33 4 33 13 Newbridge 10 8 3 33 7 9 9 38 4 38 12 Treforest 10 3 3 28 7 4 9 33 4 33 13 Newbridge 10 8 3 33 7 9 9 ...


... TREDEGAR AGRICULTURAL SHOW. The annual meeting of the society which has its locus in quo at Newport, and whose exhibitions are always held in the spacious cattle market of the Tre- degar Wharf Company, was held on Tuesday and Wednesday. The former was the principal day, there being the largest number of people present, the dinner being held on that day, and also because the show is most ...


... TIMES OF HIGH WATER. CARDIFF. NEWPORT JANUARY. morn. even. morn. even. li. ni. h. rn. h. 111. h. m. 15, Saturday. 1 30 2 21 1 5) 2 46 16, Sundav 2 53 3 42 3 18 47 17, Monday 4 10 4 50 4 35 5 15 18, Tuesday 5 16 5 49 5 41 6 14 19, Wednesday 6 19 6 47 6 44 I 7 12 211, Thursday 7 15 7 40 7 38 j 8 5 21, Friday. 7 59 8 24 8 24 j 8 49 ...

'Mi-.,'£,..r4r.t>.. FROM THE LONPON GAZETTE

... FROM THE LONPON GAZETTE. BANKRUPTS.—FMDAY, JAHDAKY 7. J. COOPER, Friar-street, baker. E. ZULZEE, Upper North-place,.Sray's-jfin-road, merchant. T. SUTHEKS, Mytholmroyd, Halifax, reed maker, T. B. FunNELL, Sheffield, draper. ■ A. M'DONALD, Kingston-upon-Hull, innkeeper. C. BRENDOH, Liverpool, licensed victualler. W. MONK, Padiham, Lancashire, manufacturer. D. P. DEMETRIADI, Manchester, merchant ...


... rExtension of District, Purchase or I&ase of the Pig- narket within the Borough of Cardiff, and of Public Slaughter-house, Compulsory Purchase of Lands, Ailditiona Capital, Amendment of Acts.) ~VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Llanclaff 1, M*. d Canton District Market Company, hereinafter c ailed the Company, intend to apply to Parliament in the ensuing Session, for an Act for all or some of ...


... CARDIFF. NEWPORT. SEPTEMBER. morn. even. morn. even. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. 17, Saturday. 8 32 8 51 8 32 9 16 18,Sunday. 9 4 9 26 9 29 9 51 19, Monday. 9 33 10 2 9 58 10 27 20, Tuesday. 10 24 11 5 10 49 11 30 21, Wednesday 11 16 11 56 11 41 0 21 22, Thursday 1 8 1 51 1 33 2 16 23, Friday 2 52 3 21 3 17 3 46 ...


... CARDIFF. NEWPORT. JUNE. morn. even. morn. even. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m» 11, Saturday. 2 15 2 53 2 40 3 18 12, Sunday 3 20 351 3 45 4 16 13, Monday 4 17 4 42 4 42 5 7 14, Tuesday 5 4 5 27 5 29 5 52 15, Wednesday 5 47 6 6 6 12 6 13 16, Thursday 6 29 6 44 f> 59 7 9 17, Friday 7 5 7 19 7 30 1 7 44 ...


... ELECTION OF GUARDIANS SOUTH WALES. CARDIFF. The voting papers in connection with the cleo- tion of guardians for the Cardiff Union werai handed in on Tuesday, and on Wednesday the work of counting up was proceeded with at the board-room, Union Workhouse, Cardiff, under the superintendence of Mr W. P. Stephenson, i who presided as returning officer, assisted Messrs Howells, Wride, Taylor, ...


... RAILWAY TRAFFIC RETURNS FOR THE PAST WEEK. ISiSl. 18SO. Ine Dec. £ £ 86(50.. 9307.. Gil Penarth Harbour. Cite 2277.. 3S7 Rliyumey 2(153.. 2:137.. lti — Brecon and Mertuvr 1205.. 1242.. — £ 7 Pembroke and Tenby 41S,. 411.. 7 London,Brighton, & S. 0 2770;).. 2SC0f.. 955 Soutn Eastern 2856. 2 142.. 1421 Metropolitan 10M7.. 10279.. 638 Metron ilite.n District 715(1 0543.. 013 125425.. 123128. ...