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North Wales, Wales


Wrexham, Denbighshire, Wales

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DJl\VUU.D. r\..IVI..iD.L

... DENBIGH. HOWELL'S SCHOOL.—Mr and Mrs Headerson, the newly appointed steward and matron of Howell's School, commenced their duties at that institution on Monday last. THE SCHOOL BOARD EXPENDITURE.—We believe school accommodation is required for about 250 infants; if the Board, therefore, strictly adhere to their resolve, only to spend X1,501) on the buildings, that with the cost of land and ...


... Petitions for Liquidation by Arrangement. David Davies, High-street, Towyn. Merioneth, grocer and draper, formerly farmer. Evan Davies, Maenywyn-street, Towyn, Merioneth, saddler. ...


... THE CORN TRADE.—The -1-farlc Lane Express says- The Agricultural outlook is still gloomy. Harvest, even in the south, will hardly be more than begun by mid-August, and the later the harvest the smaller is the chance of its being got in with fine weather. The crop giving the poorest promise seems to be barley. There are few farmers who look for average crops off their barley lands. Wheat has ...

[No title]

... Teas, Coffees, and general Groceries are suppl.-ed at merchants prices by the ISorth Wales Public Supply Stores, 14, High-street, Vv rexham. THE Cordiai supplies a delicious cooling drink in water and an excellent stimulant blended v. ith spirits. It is highly medicinal, cooling, and purifying the l-lvod. assisting digestion. Recommended lw the Lancet. Purchase^ ?V°o a^va.vs order Rose's ...

----.----.----THE BANKRUPTCY OF jiR. ASPIXALL. \ ————)

... New Season's Teas, choicely blended, and rich im flavour, at the North Wales Public Supply Stores. 14, High-street, W rexhara. 77 The best, the purest, and the cheapest new season's Teas are to be had at the Nqrth Wales Public Supply Stores, 14, High-street, Wredmm. 77 Placards, p sting and hand bills, plain or in colours, are printed at the Guardian Office, 26, Hope-street, Wrexham, at most ...

[No title]

... Substitute for Milk.—The £ r 01 MtMcu, U rrsioa to Cocoa Essence, which he calls, Cadbury's Vegetable Milt, and remarks The ex u.-ia >1 tatty ;u'- has been carefully eliminated and thus a cjm:: m r* which conveys in a minimum bulk a maximum n„. [ nutriment. VVestronglyreccomaieadit adaei nr. ...


... OVSBTON. THE Rev Studholaaa WIIJOQ has been appointed curate of Overton. A RUNAWAY.—On Friday a horse belonging to Mr Lawrence, Ellesmere, took fright near the Trotting Mare Inn, when drawing a dogcart occupied by two persons, who were thrown out, but fortunately escaped unhuit. The animal dashed through Overturn, and came to grief in the Cioy-lane. The vehicle was entirely wrecked. DrAry. OF ...

---------------BOROUGH PETTY SESSIONS. !

... Imost every variety of colour from the ebony of the pure negro to the lighter shades of the mulatto and the quadroon. The latter reminded us of the H white slaves of whom we heard so much in the old slave-owning days and except for a certain tendency to wooliness in the hair, the general appearance of the quadroon differs little from that of an ordinary white person. His Worship the Mayor (Dr. ...


... C H TJ Ii CUES. WEi XIIAM. Parish Church.- Sundays. Morning Service at 11 a.m.; Evening Service at •'> p.m. Welsh Bible Class at Welsh Service at 3 p.m. Holy Commuuioll first Sunday ill the month at II a.Ill.; second but. day lin Welsh) at 8 30 thiici Sunday at S yj a.m.; and on the principal Festivals of theVhuich at S 6'0 ami 11 a.m.—Week Days. Morning Service on Wednesdays and Fridays at ...

[No title]

... THE ALLEGED FORGERY ON THE NATIONAL PROVINCIAL BANK. LONDON, Friday. [FROM OUR OWN REPORTER]. At the Guildhall Police Court, to-day, Joseph Parry was charged on remand, before Alderman Lawrence, with uttering a forged cheque for 98-1, with intent to defraud the National Provincial Bank of England. Mr Mullens prosecuted on behalf of the National Provincial Bank- After the former evidence was ...


... gtate gibfortismmts. WANTED, Surveyor; Collector, Super- » intendent of Markets, and Inspector of Nuisances, combined or separate. The Local Board for the District of Llangollen are desirous to receive applications for the above office, stating references, qualifications, and salary required. Address, The.Clerk, Llangollen, before the 1st day of May next. The officer will be required to find ...

[No title]

... The North Wales Public Supply Stores' Teas are the purest, the best, and the cheapest. 14, High-street Wrexham. 77 Pure strong, and delicious Teas and Coffees can always be obtained at the North Wales Public Supply Stores, 14, High-street, Wrexham. 77 Placards, posting and hand bills, plain or in colours, are printed at the Guardian Office, 26, Hope-street, Wrexham, at most reasonable terms, ...