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Aberdeen Press and Journal


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Aberdeen Press and Journal


... COMPENDIUM. The graduates of‘the University of London are agitating for a representative in Parliament. Lord Campbell was Lord Chancellor of Ireland three weeks in July, 1841, his pension for which long and arduous service on the Irish wool-sack was, and is still, .nooo a-year. In the Court of the Exchequer, a few days since, the Chief Baron fined eighteen jurymen each, and the Sheriff £2O, ...

Published: Wednesday 19 July 1848
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 863 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: bmd 


... Mr Punch’s Sessional Examination of Irs young and old friends of the St. Stephen's School, Westminster, w hich is breaking up for the holidays, took place this week, in the presence of numerous and distinguished audience of the nobility, gentry, and public in general. Mr Punch has much pleasure in furnishing tile following list of prizes bestowed on the occasion:— To Master John Russell, the ...

Published: Wednesday 20 September 1848
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Illustrated | Words: 676 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: bmd 


... new eight wheeled engine has been running on the London and North-Western, w ith 100 tons, at an average running speed of fifty-one, and a maximum running speed of fiftythree miles an hour. This is one of the greatest performances of the narrow” gauge as yet, and is looked upon as a stolen march on its rival the broad.” The longest electric telegraph yet erected is that between Montreal and ...

Published: Wednesday 15 November 1848
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 707 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: bmd 

Advertisements & Notices

... ~'HE AliERDEEN i[OTit, tNo. I-so UNI0ON STtReVT, ABERDIEEN. No. 136 It JAMl ES PREY, C from the C('nitineel-cal Hotel, Ile) M faott. begs to Intimate to tiho Nobility. Gentry, Commercia'Vlt ('entleint it !,nd Publict t large, that ]Ito haI.% srrivld ?? Abtanlleen. - and t.a! 1.- '-rin of that well, knotw, spaciousn. and hatndsl'ino ita~'v. A lEltl1ENT IIOTEI-.I, adjoining U'nion 13irhigi', of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW BO OKS. (;rcel S I.D Y A. BRO10WN. VUIIL!LC LI BHR~lY, 1106 SCIlP I`:.3 I )AIS t ItFEI ST Al K I N r,,i; t I be IL S WRTof A T 1t 0 ?? See Edition, I\Vitlt Iltt.,tia- of,0', tin'1 1iy ?? loyal Hv',o._-C.It 2s.Il - ai . oit igutlarla l'icttnra'.p i and delightful wiork, the been J.-dualiti'mt (Ii LIIi'V t-at ant til te aetolair iintcd - oai ft,qwle.~o's aZa' propit C,4. IIANVI~l-JUS I.NSTR ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW PLAIDS AND SHAWLS, 77 & 79, Union Street. tAMES GORDON, SiL.K AEIICEIt and Sl.ewl. ep. MFNI'IANT, ?? iotimates. thit ho has rc- cet~ivl a Great Addition to Itts .Steckof PLA'Ll) & SIIAWLS dt will Oipent To-niorrwv his SIHAWL and 'URt 1100R 1 with many Novelties adapted to the Season. The New Royal 'art-n Plaid, 'Trimmied. °;s. Oid. A Variety of SHAWL. BlODLIES, FRENCH MERItNO M-iDlILES. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4 ?? .tUflScriPTION AE., ~i x, rrs STRANACR, in consequenec. ?? up her Bazaar, be's leave respectf'ully to intimate, that she intends to - dispose, by SusaRIPTXOX, o'f her Fashionable Storc of Goods, * asndisting of CHlILDREN'S ROBES and DEISSES, of various inds. 'ivith a rariety of FANCY ARTICLES, too 'tedious to 'emuereate in an advertisement ' ' - Q Thie 'Sale, will talce place about the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... This day is pitllishlel, 3 LACKsTVCODS EZDS1z BUVIG;II PAAUASINZ2, No. CCII. For Decembicr, 16r. CONTErEXTS. 1. The L~tdv of tie tleenwloltid ee. ALegenid of Tr:tlisvrIa. Al. ni-.l-I.P tgessifrlsonlt ?? of a lot,' I'hysjcjan. p.~l xlv. : The Thittlaletl-Itr. 'Iot' Crlugle's Lon. Clap. ;VI. The li- P1 rate's Lev:vil-I . Thlle Fi-enCh IRVerl ti0t.a of 113i0-l. T;, Casars. ChaP. I). Atinistts-VI. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'sP~sI ow Orcoi I=i~GN, ARNY At the Cpieneral Ireeting of the Lstndholders, Comminissioneris of Slip- $in? ?? jllstices of Peace, of thL Ciounty of ABERDEEN, held FR hI re on, tile let iir.: ViT'I-ItP iollfivuing RESOLUT'IONS of tliO Countity of EDIN.\ vvII JLB '11 Glx'r ?? y ajpproved of arid ridopted. by the Fouri Pret., 'thlat the County sholdsl e'arnestly iiopress uepon all, die Soc ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P704IMP AND TAYLOR, (-fI ULiotc STREET', P.!sJA IIS) T.ES PFCTF'7,LLY infnuv Their C11sto8flcs thtt, in Coup/c- F 3tt i201z n(- Snnntwr SnTOCIC, they have jist received a Large AiA2t'itftol (If B/lack, 1?i~t, Olive, and n1v11,sile Green Baefne11OlD atid NArARROW CLOTHS8 Iatent ?? 'airaanhotn! not to spol wtithl raian Dagl ao'd Liyl/t. tft'J C'ASS'I~eI!,.S ; !1/alA aml Witney BLANKETS. lini, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P O P U L A R AYD U .ONREiA'WIONAL iiINGIr' . T HE Inhabitrnts of Aberdeen are respectfullly informned Tthat h3fAINZEIR, the.lfiinguished lBVFoa.N$R off SACIAD iand StCtCI.A5l S:\NoI4o, will deliver TrWO LECTURES, P ?? of his Simple snid Efficient System of Popular MUSICAL INSTRUCTION. 1):0 \\ RDEoS'AY Uril TeltIlst',\\ Sepltesriber 2Oattd U'1, IN G OIl f STItl;E'r CIIAPEP,. tfo- NMecting to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tnec Aberdeen Maxine Insurance Cnompaty. I IFANU ?? i I! J II FF11 SI, ci' tl:. Al, 111' Y'1I 1-hill i'lilt INC'Nont1,10N ( o 7:; 2 N. il A: I. . :: I, I - . p ro-'i:'c'tl, Iti:, 1101 Wt i l l :.atl, ' -ool: ?? tie. ?? I'll 0 p ,Ii,!gbe L l 'iil vii H ito II Ael !, a: Ill I2111? lsll. 12:ii. AA-EXto',DDIE Aso., >11 P -. 11 'AI 1I. 1! i bfiv.F11 ?? ii I! lic'i1io 0it,'V.0> Oil thu' It fl'. I ...