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Illustrated Police News

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... EYATH OYFIR - . MfOR1ELL MACKENZIER . [SrBJaRe; OF ILLUSTRATION.] Whil WE regret to'have to announce thedeath oE Sir Morell Mackenzie, which took place. on Wednesday' night, , E*3 his3 flien ra viotirL to inftceozae, complicated by Po bronobsirit and. ast8hrnf. When his conditionwaa we t apprently slightly. improving he wats seized with an attiatk of. sycope, and died quite -udeienly, at his ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH, OF SIR JAMES ST¢PHEN. Sis RJA S, STEPH~EN, the distinguished jodge and jurist, I died on Sunday at Redhouse Park, IP9wich. whither he bad gone for the benefit of his hpalrh. The Ron. Sir ] James FitzJames Stephen, Bart., K.OS:l (1887) eldest son of the late Right Hon. Sir James Stephen (1779-1829), the well-ksown ess'ayist and hietnrian, was born at Ken- tington G-ore on March 8rd, 1829 ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... S :DEATH OF THE PI;K ^,F DEVoNsaI .E. [SUD3ECT OF ILLUSTRATION.] 3 WE regret to state that the Dlke of Devonshire diedlast week He passed away peacefully, withouft pain. in the presence of all rfhe members of vhis 1 family, including Lord Hartington and Lady Louasa Egerton-his only surviving sbu and daughter-fVF whom great sympathy is felt. Wilkiam Cavendi'hi 1Ki.GI., P.C., LL.D., li.R.9., ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I', , , i O -I. ?t I ? ?'Il ) t, ?? ?? A , 3, ( [Ti ; l l he ; Il. g, ?? '1 !lSi:Jc: .: 'Lii i V1- . ?? H'I o :lS I i ! £Le !i tt I: O s 2o UW, 1 O :1.IOI~~ L1 ' ~ I 1w eTi' ?? ::.i B! ;lia' !In~i ?? :ltrii' 'l'i .' II i' L Y ' 'ILL Il ?? ' i Ii ; u i ?? ?? r : i / O) T v rtfli~lilni i e x D I 'I ; !ulo;' ; t iL' ?? ! 1 :i: ii ! e ILL);ia i- ?? *Z 1 ?? N , ,, ?? ?? ; ?? )' ?? . ' , . ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... i i iII :: ' i ?? - : .. S ;* :: ?? ' lbviey& to LITLiiol~ctO tho de'ai'11 ol' S(I' Uhoms 1{01iy/ ?? mdao-outat'e a lo~xo 1htm s' o iitoo'. pl'co iod o suldlreml ioif;lni~ ioom in -lanovor- I i Sfp1Ot, itt ht'o o'dol; ol -:l'r1irla 3VliiThl7, JaoIo i( .I-sir Thlihls, ?? lig' taeoral'. nroieti tlhe 'me I Jii$ o .it s at , mas tlaoxail ?? r t'he re re.'tn,-ot ',ebe. Iames7l r~~dnis ieo1 il dl ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - DEATH OF VICTOR HUGO. [WITH iORToUIT.] Vicron HuGo died at half-past one o'clock oni Friday afternoon, last week, in Paris. On the Senate assem- bling, M. Leroyer, the President, addressed the House as follows :- Victor Hugo, who for the last sixty years has been the admiration of France. and of the world, has entered into immortality. His glory belongs to no party, but to all. M. Laroyer ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATE OF GEORGE FORDHIA. [WVIT EORITAIT ] ON Wednos'lay evening week George Fordshau, the poptilaw horpenlan, died at his recidenoe,.Villa hront. rqFle, The Grove, Slough;after a long and wasstisg fillo fifYornconeUmptiOn. With tho deathof George t-trdbahnr; which. we regretfully chronicle, another ?? ta blodfling q llrtsrnieo of the past with those of the orep.e'en ere' has been severed, In ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... IDEATit OR CAaLOTT!A LECLhzRCW | MY AN OLD BraGn. MAY an experienced playgoer who dates his earliest theatrical impressions from the days of Charles Kean at the old Princess's Theatre in the early flfties will hear. with regret of the death of this once beautiful actress, Mrs. John Nelson, known from infancy on the stage as Carlotta Leclereq, died at a quarter past eight o'clock on Wednesday ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FasAliq 4,otes,. Tian death of Marianne North removes one of the mofst energetic women of Enlgland, who was a wondrous; example of- thle power c-f persistence. That he~r artisticI a eiswas great; it is in.,poesilale to believe. Directly onl ofetering thle gallery at Kew Gardens one is strucic hy thec nfI exesv care bestowed o(n the studies Of Plant life, bitt bn ot bytssie gnral effect. Tiee ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF MRS. GLADSTONE. C, SHE IS BURIED BY THE SIDE OF HER BELOVED HUSBAND IN WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 'Wio regret to announce the'death of Mrs. Gladstone, which took place at Hawarden at twenty minutes to six on Thursday evening, During the night the elder 'members of the Gladstone family kept watch. in, or near, Mr's. Gladstone's rooin, and at nine o'clock in the morning the servants were ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OFi 'BARONitdiMlX W01 BARoN -IIECOScI. died on April 21, at bis ?? . near Koinorn, in 11ungary, the inunediate CSi ! of death heing hearf; disease. ide ?? ii: three vears of ae, nr!d was borln at Miii. and began 1his career in Brussels, bleir, thlesc and the grandson or rich newn lie E;e i, first start on his own account b) the pUre63? of a bankrupt Brntsei!s bank. ft bee-n!e Ls:P only a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF A CELEBRATED CYCLIST. CYCLISTS will hear with regret of the death of Arthur Linton, the well-known Welsh cham- pion, who succumbed to typhoid fever at his home in Aberdare, South Wales, on Thursday. He had been ill for the-past fortnight, but no fatal result was anticipated until a week ago. Born about thirty years ago, Linton comes of a family of athletes, as his brother Tom at ...