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Reynolds's Newspaper

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Bmrnc.-On the 15th inL-t.. ?? or Jjl 3 t, 2. Oon 03d5 hen. oso Gosonra,.--Oa tho Stir imot., at ?? ' .LA 5 Evelyn oobschou, of a ('-ugolte HosTr.-r)3n the 12th imet., . c PyetmLsooo.---On the 11th fi.nt, r2 ; 'rife of lairl Pearson, of -n - u. IICErCo-On fro lGtI inist.t o. of a daughter. ; ?I ?? ~'33 DF BorhZrh I Di. SO:o!,I: 0.. Braszzr, theo re~brooted : ' 5 Sombroon. HZoonoN roe 0 rn-r)1 . ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I WIlLAlris-On the 15th inst., at Dnetstlffnage, 13boekley, S.G., the wife of Dr. Chisholm Williams, M.R.CS,, ?? of a son. MAR!&10;G.8. HOOD BlRC~I-11E-MArnaozf.-OU the 19th inast., at St. Savioursn Church, Waltou-street, Choleea, Captain Artisr Iood, ?? Itilte Brigrde, brother of Sir A. Achiel Hlood, l1 .P. for West Somerset, to Miriftin, oleest daughtor of Colonel Birch-ltoyuardson, of ?? ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... E2tflTES. IIrrsToN--On tite 19th ilyt., :t Ccliii, ?? wvie of )i 1[- HouNton, inoager of the Imop -ri; 1 Bank, of Chis,. of a d&mlfrtter, MA,.D~osALD.-OU the 18i-h inst., at 3, Liascon's jf;v-i, the wife of J. 11. ZlpoDnoibni. o a sot. MAfl2TA iCS. Dowrut: BEitwry rIXN- .pT N. --tin tbo 15th itict, A. i ]Jowden to .Sal i Attotimette Cdc6e, uisoghter ot V . ie3t t5 ~laIgS~oll, 0: ?? ?? *, -c ?? ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH O1' S13 J A. JEPH5ON. The death of Captsin Sir Alfred Jephson, R.N., took place on Wednesday at 26, Bolton-street, Piccadilly, after a long illness. He will be best remembered, per- haps, by the public as the hon. secretary of the Roya I Naval Exhibition at Chelsea in 1891, the success of which undertaking was in a large degree due to his organizing capacity and ready resource. In the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MDMA& O E 0P SIRa BPT 5miwzm We have to announce the fact that the long illness of Sir Harry Smith terminated fatally on Friday morning, at five minutes before eight, at his residence in Eaton-place West. We quote from Hart's Army List the following:- For his distinguished services in the campaign on the Sutlej and brilliant victory ever the Sikhs at Aliwal, he was nominated a ?? and ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DSATZ Or SIP. WOZflS XONTIFIORE. We regret lo record the death of Sir Moses Montefiore, which took place from physical exhaustion on Tuesday afternoon, at half-pastfour. at his house near Ramsgate. Sir Moses Monte6ore was the eldest son of Joseph Elias Moutefiore,, a descendant of an Italian family which settled in England in the last century, and had attained a respectable though not a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Aurr.,-sn.-- On1 the 8tb imL., .t : witf, of Bernar.' Abrahams, s0rbc:t.; :1 r;slrk it.rect of m dglshteir. '>1rvtEZc,-I OE^ 3SUtY:0IE-0,1 tN! 7th lt.n. C c ?? tlh, wife of Iton. n. Tlevvydel 3 ?? t aIr,' UrTTwSY.-0n the 12th ilnt., *L rfif ,.t o f -. .: lecturer, Of e. 0sol, Jg.EXAG.ES. BoICr'Lr Moorr --On tino lth ;n , : n chore-h. Lr. Jumes Liat-on Bogl, ' ! * C'-hesairo, to Agnce, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... YIf?>lrs;r> ?? of Sir ()e .. e 1, :.diti- : C : 5! 0Al')1112- )HI *:1:e LNA.1 1; ?? . . ?? C11 of a son. A ?? oe 'ar ?? ARC-oI1.; i'f-C-T LL.-- ;1 ;,3. t::t . 'iU . - Iiiiloll of Iti ,Ol' 1 fC i' , -.1 TIt:.. y *;;.aoem siage'i ll i i . 0 li }{latOorer-Sqiou ' - i~i p Qi'':~( to 1E' u I~lntlof t~ii; ?? L o isll!:a thoe Uonu'y of stil:olS't. 13r5cu.r--At eelt . .! : aml of Ilarriot f cii ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WUNRA.&T. O - RE&RARD OSTLZR. On Friday, tho 30th ult, the mortal remains of Mr. Richard Ostler were censigned to their last resting place in Kirkstall Churchyard, near Leeds. The death of Mr. Oastler, though.he had passed the allotted term of three ueore yeare and ten, and was known to be in -failing' health, called forth a feeling of profound regret through- out the whole manufecturing ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF THE PASHA Or EGYPT. The death of Said Pasha1 the Viceroy of Egypt, took place on Monday. Said Pasha was only in his forty-first year, and during his short administration had rendered great service to his country. His occupancy of the ruling place in Egypt only dated from 4854. His visit to Lon- don during the late Exhibition season must be remem- bered by all our readers. Said Pasha ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 'Wi5Gu1aGjj OF THE ramcS OrF WA1z . m--1 ;. iwr- The worksII .kch have to thitbe ae p ofgtheestifg peration for thied ceie1cay atin tha e, ?? .eth great rapidity, though not, etnis et s fastrbto ing ilt the ar l ?? eventuSalY have to work da~ and ni ht to get all rzesdy by the appointe time. iven Iths nesn labour, so much, it'is said,. Even whe sucn ht tirce' t agaet-time canl only he g ~ained ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DE'ren or MR. ERNEST 150XZS. [From the Daflf News.] We have to record the death of a man whose name, twenty years ago, was prominently before the public in cons.exion with what was then known as the Chartist movement-Mr. Ernest Jones. The son of Major Jones, an equerry to the late Duke of Cumborle.nd, he was de- sended from an old Norman family, settled in the Welsh LHarches. In early life, ...