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Aberdeen Press and Journal


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Aberdeen Press and Journal

Literary and Scientific Notices, &c

... ta L~iterary ana sfzientlolf Notices, &c. W'hy shoeuli you See'ic'i' 1 Edi iturgl: Thonmes 1'antol USitlu this title, we have a lrief, lint at very seusible arlt Settsot1tle|, on the present state a:lie C'i ilch Q uestion, and ?? rlt. ined Secesiot llo lntiltbr, we tdiliii. shews s cry ably and clat iy, ?? tilO Non Inti-tlutitisias ts'o 1ao i use to qa t tue C'bmitl: other than ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S,1,1A-a Con, ?? IAt 4'iei Ff 1II B ALF-YEAUILY GENERAL MEETING OFte P1A: RTNERSof the BANKING COMIPANY IN ABERDEEN ,ill be hel .I, within their House here, ott TU8SOAS'. the 4til October next5. at I . o'clock noon, In ternes of the Contract. BoreDAVID WssYLLIE, Cashier. Abets ILen Sanki, t6th Sept. 1842. all LIS OF~INLAI~E GOODS T ;-selit lying in the PU~C WEIGH HOUSE of I bundi Saaaw,cQaoet, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOOKS AND STATIONERY. P. AND J. &RA 1 Y EG respectfully to announce to their 'friends and the public, that their CATALOGUE is now Published, c=n ve ~taiuing a list of STANDARD BOOKS in Divinity, Biogra. vO phy, anld G;eneral Literature, at reduced ?? to ehl LClergymen, nnd those having the charge of-Parochial, Cnngre. S1 gational, and Sabbath-schooi Libraries, an opportunity of II furnishing ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LAWnfE'S PUIC1 LIBRARY, 1169 ?? S7mIIETr. I~ILLIAM LAWIITE'l begs leave mlost rcsPectfUllY to annomie TV to his Sobscribers atil the Puiblic', thtatni APPENDIX, to -the CATALOGUE of 11001( contained in his LilaRARY, hiae ?? been Printed, whicih will be fhtind to contain nmost of the nen, wors of mecrit that haI en bltddring, the last fouri years. All the interestinf ne'w Boliks,\' togeother ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ABERDEEN TOWN AND COUNTY BANK O~rViC. irUNTIMATION is hereby given, that in terms of the contract, jL the Annual General -Meeting of the CoMeANY, for the pur. pose of choosing Directors, wil! take place here on Monday the 5th day of March, 1832, at 2 o'clock afternoon. ALEX. FOULERTON, Sec. te 93, Union Street, Ise Feb. 1832. Ibe ifit TO STUDENTS OF =EDICINE. th. J) R. MACROBIN wtill deliver a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Jusl Publishled, PriCe Two Shillings, Boards, ?? hiterestinsg Informations froms nistumerous Sources; And( ORIGINAL LETTEIRS, nmanY of them of very recent dates, CANADA AINID TRlE UNITED STATES. AOERnBIEN : Pnblished by JomN MIATHISON, Bl*Oal Street. Lless1dl: Loisginlall & Co.: Jones & Co.; Batlivn & Crnstlockl Fishler, Son, & Co.-IEdinbhrgh : Oliver 9 Boyd; Win. Black- wvoed; StinIghiz & ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G 0 Rt D 0 N'S D I 0 R A Di A) MECHANICS' INSTITUTION. FANHE PROPRIFTOR ibeg3 leave respectfully to ?? J ?? highly-llberal patronago witih which lho waS holloured by the Citizeiso of Aberdeen, during the recent h-olidays, and to Intnleto that. als the Exhibition Positively Closes, on SATUnDAY the 21st Inst., lie econfidently trusts that a contimnasneO Of public oipproval will be ten- derei ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Bi1 ?? Retcvotii-, oil the titlm inist. the lady of JTa a es Gonloot, Esq. p Biiie'Tl-At lBraO0uil'', Glt tha 1GIt il)te t.hc 11011ueoiable Lady RaiAIAY ?? of aI lilaugt. c 3lklmri-td, tit Mloutrase, onl the 13tlh curt. BIlr DAVID 01 V01S, Blerclmoa t, London, to M~amty, ?? daugl~hter Of J AI]1S, Camll\I o~lm, Esq1. Merl- chiant, ?? at NMarriad, atK11 tammay, on) thuilt' m0 toot, by Itie Rtev. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... POTRAT op JAMES IIADDE1V, FsQ. 'oz PERSLEY. T a Meeting of Gentleinen conlneted with the City of Anr.l- A ) DEEN5, held Wlhill thle Royal Hotel, Union Street, onl Friday evening, 1 I1th Jeansiarv, 1833: WLVILIAM ANNAND, EsQ. of BELClOXT, in the Chair: It w ?,,s unaisoezv Rtesolved, 1. That, as a testimonial of the opinions wnlich the Citizens of Aberdeen entertain of the eminent services ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Wigmaking and Perfumery. -I E O R GE S Y At 0 N, WIGM1AKER and PEl-t G F l Sl :R, gratefil for thie sipport he has hitiherto ieceiv d ii ed. begs to announce to his Friends and the Public, that ho on h:xm received a latge assortment of Tortoiseshell and other lo ('O1llS, Suiperior RAZORS, BRUSIIES, &c. Also a rare va- it' listsv of iRl'EEMPNERY GOODS. tit G., hegS tr say that, from his owfn ...


... EIT. ALEXANDER BN'DONALD rrormnerly n'jt/ Mr WILLIAm TnouP, and latterly wthil Mr GEOREGE KING) 1 E SPECTFULLY intimates to his fricends and the pub. kl~ie in general, that he has commenced business as BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, In that Shop, No. 19, GALLOWGATE, (opposite Littlejohn Sireet), formerly occupied by Mr. Johnston, bookbinder; where he has laid in a neat assortment of STATIONERY11 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .NEW WORKS IN DIVINITY, SOLD BTt A.. BEOWN & iO. BOOKSELLERS, AnltnnEE sF.2 ISTIOP MAN'r's flI -E. quirtn, in parts, £3 9s Cd. .EZ, ?? ?? . Pl;AYEtl ll OK, quirto, bids. £I IlIs. ?? Oo UPITIeAs. No-rita,.s of thu- Atrosri.EsM and orlher SMXN'TS, i3150. hdsl. lb. ?? , tl 'S Ons. t ?? ' BiShop PTO' v a T, S imSn;U Os, just pudblilhed, BuO 12s IBisllop Al il:se'S Ssimt-.oNs, fIwo. ?? Cd b Bishop ...