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Aberdeen Press and Journal


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Aberdeen Press and Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... TO SPORTSMEN. Ai QPORTSMEN are respectfully informed, that the Su- K5 perior SPORTING G UNPOWDER, manufactured by Aleysrs. Al ciatscws & HAY, Roslin Gunpowder Mlills, is sold Wholesalc by 'WILLIA1i hIACKIE, their Agent, No. 413, BnoAD STREET, Aberdeen: of whom may be had, PATENT tjUOT, PERCUSSION GUN CAPS, of all descriptions. po From the very peculiar chemical process used in the manu- e ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEDNESDAY, June, 2, 1830. r 't ?? Fo:res, on the 15th ult., Mirs SuTEst of r'epa i ~ ofa sn. (hn thle 511 ult. in Harley Street, London, the Lady of 'Jolus' Fnsmens, Esq. MI. P. of a daughter. Bs R ?? Inchas House, on the 25th ult. Mrs RoBE1T-'r Si, ?? of' Inthes, oF a soil. Died, at Pulmeuir, near Aberdeen, on the night of the 23d 5, elt. Alrrs. MAl AY H-LutVEj, Spouse of Charles Gordon, Esq. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ASSEMBELIES. ~HP, next ASSEMBLY will take. place, in the PtrniceRooats, Ton TiiL'ISDAY thle 0thotJanwitiy,. Danciig to coinsisence at.2 8. Tea at10 o'clock. Car1ds nod Refr-eshmiients, as usual. SL (dr Strangers, introduced by Sobserilsers, to pay 7s. 64 eat],. 11 The Steward.; ale requested to meet, inl the Card Room 01 Poit lic Rlooms, onl the 9th of J~muary, at half-pas,1t twvo o'clock ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... This Day is Publishetd, pi-ice 6di. A SERSDION, PREACHED IN THE EPISCOPAL CHAPEL, AT OLD DEER, E fiTl2 Antic., On the lit'ftsi) Of the SUDDEN AND UNEXPECTED DEA'Trt OF T'IO REV. RALPH WALKER AN.DFlSO, A M. TItE GRIRATLV RES.S'U(TCM) AND MUCII 1.AIEXTED P A ST 0R So Of thia Conygrcyalioaln. fl'i TIlE REV. JOtlN 1. PRATT, A. M. Aberdeen: Printed for Iewis Smlith ail ?? Maitland; A. C. d Brander, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A BETS in the PUD1LIC RoOusts, onti'itlay ttt' Id day j]5 e7^ Sle;ifvzer- * . Dinner at 5 o'clock. Business at 4. pD THO. BURNETT, See. I Abltrdeen, Aug. 10, 1830. P/f!T UEEf.f!~t5 PAssrrltG.; 74 131. 17. 1'O(ERI, AIINTATPItFE PAIcrTEIn, begq re. ta t, s lueztflliy to inform his Friends, that he has iemcrnnd d from Eldiin.hurgh. Sizocitnens of his work may be seen, anti re te ins heard, at his ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEDMIROSA' Junle 14i, 18'13. -- ?? -, 1I3imiIt-At Ciuotluthill, on tbe ltth Itustaiit, Mr, 2 ?? of Sun. IRtTii.-At 12,i ing Street, oil ?? 1Si lo it., Mrs A. A N)titsos. of a i),ilghter. Inititil --At 19, Ilttliteij Street, ott til 28th ult.. vih .1. *1tSi- qsurii l, of a D iaugitcr. 1 lit1ll -At No. t, St. Nicholas Liole, ouu tbe Ilth curt, Mrsli. R)i atII.., of a Son. ?? til Malnise it' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ABERDaZEEN rnARItE ZNIAUANG;E _11),CIOIPNYCOmsiPANY.Ot 010.dt i&iertto Miltes- (if J 1,101f1 till an upl Ow h- teilowitleg lie ea-o oiltn'sof the o '.eel to he adltlittet ilputI 2di, Ili A vura4', Cii lit i'ti 0-1111it liii0. tur ii ld for the ilrlt foe i-cpairs wolit 1:0 be dtedutiled until thle ?? is ?? toi o.inittt'~ 1 ; provided the N e-.el1liri not beel tad itt., I tie ri- upmtionri Ship ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *Aberd6*e tijlt~ ?Trlrcety and~ shawl W,;are-rooxns, 26. 27. 28, 29, TOP OF CASTI,I- STREET. Li Np rF C rD E N r D I) I S . A Y O F British and Foreign Manufactures. FAMFS GORDON bezs to announce the arrival of' tileI ?? ole of his recent personal PurllchaMSe, Meild) for Ex6tent, Elegance, Novelty. nald fleauty. far surpass anfy firmer slettsoii Ohot excepting his opening in) Cabth' Atrcet). ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t~illeal Sale of IIS-tokvW$ Stock' 'I I t * ~ Oti whvole wion be offreil at II Veatri idol~i I JroI . ?? the, woiild lce'1ertfoiiiv invite their 1u100 Mo)t in td thc publici to varly hinpQolin'1. -,It'icl~. foril llorl ot atil zztiiohi midl fir0,i bits wvl I. ii 'ml ?? iteite vylioel be. celrell ohII. 0 I: it U(Is WII hiN t lt.. fromt I 5.~d ti 4s. 1per yard. I hI . I N S 11 LA t NI:E.' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... !A on' L Monday the 14th inst. to SHOOT foi' thot PRIZP-S1ooti00 tO cotlomesne, at I ocloc . (rtA Dlinners in MIaChray's Hotel, at htilf-p)ist 5. 711± May, 113e;2. WFILL crOsE Ilr I SHORT TIrmr, 'rI E tiClltITION OF T'iOSE SPVlNDlID oIentJS:, TAXIA 0' FD3ANTB~t, Sac-ETO JoIE Ny, THE' ZAWIDLOVE'D & LANDLAD-7, Exectited by Mr JAa-ES r.S T'o, the Self-taught Artist, and Illustrative of thoe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I ABERDEEN TXOWN AN33 GO'71TT BBMSL 01710E, I NTI3MATION -is hereby given, that, in terms of the Con- tract, the Annual General leeting of the Company, for the Purpose of choosint- DiltEcoirts, will take lahice here, on Friday the 5th day of Alarch, 111030, at 2 o'clock Afternoon. ALEX. FOULEIITON, Secy. ALEi:NiSEF I';LE3OD, (LateliJ of the PirPi of Clark LS- 111Ltod, Dr i. ts.) c-ZAS this ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COPANY wi~llb held bore on FRIDAY the 27th ?? o'clock, rn,,, for tho pueposix of examining the Company's matters, and foreolecting A, Committee (if Msanagemneft and Mlanager for the esusiing 3yoor. Banff, 1 2th August, 1841. Old Deer SaVIT~gis Bantk. P'11E, ArtelUAT. c.'F,\IIAL 11Cs'TI'tGt Of the DITIEC.TORS T.Lwill be held in tile S~s~sisdo\~l~ssE, on htQNDAY, 30th current, at Eleve. Ixelock ...