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Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland

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... G L - O of' In our Paper of the 12th inst. wve inserted a brief sketch Ie of the proceedings at this Ploughling Match, and at the re- er quest of a respectable correspondent wve give the following niore ample detail: - b- The twelfth annual match of the Bangor Ploughing Society was held onl Wednesday, the Gth inst. In a field of C., Mr. Jackson,'s, at Ballywooly. Soon after tots o'clock ...


... On Thursday, the 3d day, the Derby stakes of 50 sove- reigns each, was runlfor. The owner of the 2d horse to re- eeive 100 sovereigns out of the stakes. Eigbty-nine subscribers.Fifteen horses started. Duke of Rutland's Cadland . 0 1 Hon. 1E. Petre's The Colonel.. 0 2 After -two false starts off went Cadland at a good bat, with The Colonel, Zingimee, Alcaston, and Omen closely laid ...


... BELFAST REGATTA. The competition having heen appointed to commence yesterday, a rowing match pulled in four-oared yawls took place. First boat to receive six guineas and the second three. Qommodore Sir James Stewart, Bart. ordered by te- -legraph thatithe yachts should dress at one o'clock.- Theuicktpeas -with which the order was obeyed was surprising. The first match started at two o'clock.- ...


... BELFAST REGATTA. In Tuesday's Newas-Letter we gave the particulars of the sailing matches which took place on Monday. TUESDAY. P Te match for a Piece of Plate was sailed for by yachts of thefirst class; which was won with great facility by the n Thetis, - George, Esq. of DIblin, beating her compe- es, titors upwards of a mile. nt3WEDNESDAY. ig- Seven boats (not belonging to Gentlemen of the ...


... BELFAST REGATTA. . FRIDAY. There was as fine a race as we ever witnessed, ran by the yachts under 15 tons. The breeze continued uncommonly favourable for thecontest, during the eitie day. Oupassing Gray-point, their order was.-Nancy, Anglesea, Clarence, Gypsey, Jane, and Frolic. Ths buoy off the Briggs was rounded by the Nancy and Anglesea elmost at the same mo. ment; the Gypsey was next in ...


... BELFAST REGATTA.' We endeavoured last week to give our readers an ac- count of each 'day's rabes, and we believe our report was tolerably correct, although our information was procured iil a very hurried manner. Many of our friends having expressed a wish to see an account of the entire week's proceedings, we hasten to oblige them; and have taken every precaution in our power to prevent any ...


... SPORTING INTELLIGENCE, NEWMARKET JULY MEETING. The sale of Lord H. Fit7rov's stud excited a very lively Interest. The following lots were sold without reserve and with their engagements:- Lancastrian, 3 years old, by Merlin, out of Monf. En- gaged In the Goodwood St. Leger5 25 each, 15 ft. (nine subscribers), 1828-Sold to Mr Molony for 450 guineas. Chesnut colt, 2 years, by Woful, olt of ...


... DUBLrN. REGATTA; E DUET, JuT t2i.-The fist diy's exhibitlon took place yesterday, Ia the Bay, at Kingstown, This' fete wai given In eompilment to his. Excellency the Marquis of Anglesey.- At half past ten o'clock the Marquis of Anglesey, aecom- panied by hi twtoyouugers~'na arrivedln abphsaton andpair. mmnediately after his lsceiecy, ,carme the Marchioness of Anglesey and. lse Ladies. Paget in ...


... NOftTHERN YACHT CLUB MELTING ON THE CLYDE. THURSDAY', JuLY31-FiFaST DAY.-The first prize :n the sailing match by wherries, was won by the Marion and Janet, of Greettock; a boat belonging to Rosneath gained the second prize.-In the rowing match for the cup, gained by Mr. J. H. Robertson's gig, the rowers were Messrs Robert- son, Oughterson, Hunter, and Forrest: the boat wvas steered, by Mr. ...


... LONDONDERRY RACES-188. WID)NrElDav, A11u64T 6.-King's Plawt-1g0 guineas- Weight for age-Three mile heats. Mr Blake's b. c. Napoleon, 4, years old . . I I Mr Ruthven's c. c. Stanley, 4 years old 2 2 Mr Wolftincroft's Emperor, 4 years old 3 3 Betting 3 to I on Napoleon, who won easily. SAME DAY.-Antrim Hunt Stakes, 50 sovereigns each, £50 added-Lhdies' Course heats-Rode by ...


... The Lough Erne Regetta commenced on Saturday the .IfthIrisnt. At lto'c1ock, the foilowing ves.elswere moored off' Inisdoney, and entered for the first cup The Lady Erne-Horn. John Creighton. The Blue Stocking-Alexander Saunderson, Esq. Dr. P. County Cavan. The Pheenix-Jobn Tredennick, Esq. of Camlin. Soon after they eprung forth form their stations, the winil blowing at S.W. a stiff breeze-the ...


... FacnAY.-The Hillsbarough Cup was ran for by bunters, &c. not thorough bhed. Three horses started. Alr. Watson'ls b. g. Meteor, rode by Mr. Watson . I I Mr. M'Cance's gr. g. Sir Robert, rode by Mr. Joyce.. 2 2 Lord Donegall's b.m. Modish, rode by Capt. M 'Dermott 3 3 HANDICAP RACE. Mr. M'Cance's Navarino. I I Mr. M'Gouran's Dash .. . 2 4 -Mr. ...