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COMMERCIAL SALES, DAY. ON Seria: the 30th insta ss at Half-past Tweive o'clock, ice, land Losdon Chambers, 5) ..

... RAPESEED, Som nating ox igus le, — Bombay, Albert Pook.—A: and TAYLOR. ate the at the Brokers 0; ‘dice. Liverpooland ndoa 5 nat Half-past Bunilles RA ESEED, 4 Bags $00 Empty LINSEED BAGS, in JEFFERSON and B-ekers. the 30th instant, at Twelve oclovk, at the ¢ fiice. 9, street, ex —— trom Sisgapore. an Altes Lect Warehouses. WHItAKER. WH EHEAD, ani Broker Ents Day the 20:h at Twe've o'clock, at ...