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{From the Timet-) We

... obstnre a disposition to inole our relations with the ncwly-establi-hcd Transatlantic States in obscurity. It is asserted, that if join with or assist these, in casting off the yoke or government of the mother country ?lha is, Ferdinand Vll.?we are practising jacobinical doctrines, and leaching nations to rise against their rightful Sovereigns. A slight attention dates and facts will set this ...


... The Chancellor the Exchequer observed, that this was one of the annual duties, and produced £3.500,000, and he thought it would ) premature thus to propose to reduce offhand, as it were, such an important branch of the Re- venue. Mr. Hume said those were war duties, and the House was bound honour to reduce them. There was surplus in the revenue of £6,500,000, and why should the country be ...