... On *surd the Provide.nce are one or two large boxes, and forne other ufefol articles, • made from .the wood of .the Bread Fruit tree. is of a clofe hard grain, much rerembling •anahogany. • •• The St. Vincent's colleetion of plants, which are to be taken ...

Published: Saturday 16 February 1793
Newspaper: Royal Gazette of Jamaica
County: Jamaica, Jamaica
Type: Illustrated | Words: 1219 | Page: 23 | Tags: none


... Government to Captain Illigh. evidently fh ew the 1 beralitv cf the Bridal Nation, as he is direfted to kav e a part of the bread fruit tree plants, at the Mauritius, and Saint Helena, and to diQribute the remainder amonet the Weft India Hands. The Portugueze ...

Published: Thursday 28 February 1793
Newspaper: Calcutta Gazette
County: West Bengal, India
Type: Article | Words: 2234 | Page: 2 | Tags: none


... BREAD FRUIT TREE EXPEDITION. Thurfday advices were received by Government, of the fafe arrival of His Majefty’s (hip the Providence, commanded Capt. Bligh, with the Afliftance tender in company, at Kingfton, in the of Jamaica. Thefe two veflels failed ...

Published: Tuesday 19 March 1793
Newspaper: Kentish Gazette
County: Kent, England
Type: Article | Words: 174 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

LONDON, March 16

... Lawley, Member for Warwickfhire, died on Tueiday night, at his houfe in Cavendifh- Square. Captain Bligh's carrying the Bread fruit Tree to the Well Indies is an important objet---and we cannot with it better than to ith it fuccefs equal to its merit. The ...

Published: Friday 22 March 1793
Newspaper: Sheffield Public Advertiser
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 597 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

jFrtoap’s so9t

... diviiionof the Ham verian infantry. The Aflembly and Council of Jamaica havevoted the fum of iO,OOC>I. a-gratnity for the bread fruit tree expedition; L of that fum i* voted to Capt. uligh, as Commander on that lervice. As Mr. Mint, a King’s meflenger, and ...

Published: Saturday 11 May 1793
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Article | Words: 4964 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

jfrt^ags 33ost

... of the Hanoverian infantry. The Affembly and Council of Jamaica have voted the fum of io,dool. as a-grattiity for the bread fruit tree expedition ; ,5000k of that fum is voted to Capt. Bligh, as Commander on that fervice. As Mr. Flint, a King's meflenger ...

Published: Saturday 11 May 1793
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Article | Words: 3188 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

L O N D O N, May o

... with the utmoft obitinacy. The AlTembly and Council of Jamaica have voted the fum of 10,000!. as a gratuity for the Bread- Fruit- Tree ex- pedtUon; 50001. of this ftun is voted to Captain Bligh, as Commander on that fervice. By letters from the Continent ...

Published: Saturday 11 May 1793
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 792 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

London, May io

... iciemblir.e. common pilch-pine. On board ?? were one ortwo.arf. and louie other ttfc-ful articles, made- fioni ?? of the bread fruit tree. It is of a cl»L* h..: liuicii ici'eiiir.li g mahogany. The city ot Gotterbttrg, ia Sweden. I fuffercd by tire : — ?t ...

Published: Monday 13 May 1793
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1726 | Page: 2 | Tags: none


... convoyed by the above men of war. The Affembly and Council of Jamaica have voted the fum of 10,000!. as a. gratuity for the Bread Fruit Tree expedition ; half of whicii fum is voted to Captain Bligh, as com- mander on that fervice. Yellerday Ridgeway and Simmons ...

Published: Monday 13 May 1793
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1595 | Page: 2 | Tags: none


... pitchy ~On board the Providence were one or ory large boxes, and fome very ufeful articles, 1 t of from the wood of the bread fruit tree. It aclofe hard grain, much refembling mahoga A theatre has juft been finifhed in Phil vad phia, in the fir file of ele ...

ifriDap anu %aturuaps IPoQs

... Vaughan Edward Bouverie S. Wbitbread, jun- The Aflembly and Council of Jamaica have voted 10, 0001. as a gratuity for the bread -fruit tree expedition; 50001. of that (una is voted to Captain Bligh. as commander on that iervice. It has been determined by the ...


... market, at the port of Canton. The Afleinbly and Cduncil of Jamaica have voted the fiim of ia,oool; at gratuity for the Bread fruit Tree expedition ; s,oool. of that fum if voted to Captain Bllgh, as Commander an that fefvice. Yefterday ill the Corirt King’s ...

Published: Friday 17 May 1793
Newspaper: Sheffield Register
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1566 | Page: 1 | Tags: none