Our Affiliate Programme
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Whether you are a hobby historian with your own blog or an experienced pay-per-click marketer who is looking for a new product to promote, The British Newspaper Archive's affiliate programme represents a fantastic opportunity. With over 12 million newspaper pages already digitised and over 200 years of history available, The British Newspaper Archive is one of the largest archive resources in the world. Through our partnership with the British Library and other publishers, we feature content that is otherwise unavailable online.
From 18th century fashion trends to 20th century current affairs, researchers will find information on any topic on The British Newspaper Archive. That is why it is such a great resource for students, journalists, historians and genealogists alike.
If your website's content is related to history, your visitors will find more information on The British Newspaper Archive...
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Summary of benefits:
- A range of subscription, pay-as-you-go packages and even gift ideas
- Earn up to £23.99 on a single transaction
- 30% or 40% commission on subscription and PayAsYouGo packages
- Bespoke creatives – contact us with your needs
- Dedicated affiliate manager
If you have questions regarding the set-up or comments about the affiliate programme, please email us at [email protected]