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... to be excused giving it. The information againsthim-was then read. It was upon the oath of John Purton, of Cross-court, -Drury-lane, yeoman, and the offence charged was, the selling to him a blasphemous libel, entitled 'An Address to the Reformers, on ...


... in the upper part nf his thigh, and he fell; lie;was immediately conveyed ?? causc of dispute is said to have arisen at Drury-lane Theatre, during the performance of Giaeanni in freland. MUARRIAGES. At St.- Andrew's, Holborn, John Brooks, Esq. of Sonthampton ...


... been partaking of the hospitalities of the season with a friend, and saving seen the farce of Atnsicnur Tosnsoe acted at Drury-lane 'heatre, he thought of acting the part hinmelf at the prosecutOr'. ?? was brdered to find bail. 1To add to the wonders of ...


... deeeagsed was upozu a visistto her 'sister ?? it Iili be remernlered. was the once fascinating anid amiable M11iss Gayton o f Drury-lane--hentle, thl.3eeelebrated, dancer,) and onl the evniing inl question was sitting ill tbe niiriser-,, with the: niaid and ...


... aged z55, whose death was occasioned by being throvvn out of a two pair of stairs window, from a house in Chazrles-street, Drury-lane, on the 24th of September last. It would be superfluous to enter fully into this case, the pirticu- lars of which have been ...


... being Good Friday, the Dean of Westminster tpreached before the Nobility, at the Chapel Royal, St, James's. THEATRE itOYAL, DRURY-LANE. . Osn Alonday Evenhit next dill be prcsclntcd, FORGE BARNWELL. a After which, ALIIORAN AND HAMSET. TI4EATVi4I ROYAL CO ...


... whether an action at law could be maintained against the defendant for performing in an abridged shape, at the Theatre Royal Drury Lane, Lord Byron's Tragedy of II Marino aFliero, withottt the consent of the plaintiff, as tile proprietor of the copyright. ...


... same, kniawing them to hayehbqep &rlen, .The last nanied prisoner was the keeper of an old iron shop in Short's, Gardens, Drury-lane, and had bought part of the ptptyfrom a lad, who this day. gave e vidence for E thie pr ion, an4 who 1usd been employed ...


... charged with stealing a watch, &c. from the person of a man un- kinown, on the evening of the day on which his Majesty visited Drury-lane Theatre, was then put to the bar. Air. Irsoostcr said, he had humbly to move the Court that the trial of the prisoner ighit ...


... de- fendant had not infringed the plaintiff's copyright by the per- formance of Lord Byron's tragedy of Marino Paliero at Drury- lane Theatre, the Court dissolved the injunction, and ordered Mr. Marray to pay the costs. COURT OF KING'S BENCH, Tsesday, June ...


... ofviceWellingonz-place, Drury-lane,and from their depravity, have lotg been a great nuisance to the neighiboutrhood. he prosecutor stated, that he was a crpenterand resided at I'cm- tonville *be v.was passitg dosti Drury-lane, near Wellingtou-place, on ...


... Thoems Jay, late helper in the King's stables, was acquitted on a charge of stealing a gold watch from a person unknown at Drury- lane Theatre, on the night of his Majesty's visit. On Thursday, J. H. W Kitchiagham w'as .fopnd guilty -of bi- gamy, having married ...