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Cork, Republic of Ireland


Cork, Cork, Republic of Ireland

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£cr.t!;cvn xteycrter, ant Cctt_ ComiuCrdal Curler-

... mind.” occastoxeD ry TAKING Porson Mis- TAKE FoR Sasts.—On Thursday eveuing a Coroner's Toquest was held at the White Hart, Drury-lane, before Thomas Stirling, Esq. on the body of George Morgan, aged 36, who died in conseyuence of swallowing a portion of ...


... ruined, by being robbed of the of his wif’. Ihe plaintiff was ale tradesinan, carryjng.oa dusiness as a end gla- zicr in Drury-lane, and the defenJant’s name was fami- liarly known, having been in the profession of the law, bu: who was now retired upen ...


... Right We orshipful HENRY BAGNELL, Mayor IFTH NIGHT of the En ement of the cele IF brated Mr. EAN, (of the Theatre-Royal, Drury Lane.) who will perform in Cork ‘Twelve Nights only. Evening, FRIDAY. August 15, 1825, wii Le performed Comedy, called THE WONDER ...

umkru k, rrcoNrsuAtr, .\er.osr 13

... of Ballia- curnt, having been attacked a fair near charleville, on Thursday, by a hand of ruiians. and having shot two of Drury-lane and Covent-garden Theatres ave ma Ing active preparations to open wigh great splendour the forthcoming season. CORK, - Printed ...


... expenses of the larger Theatres of Loudon are known to be enormous.— Those of Drury-lane and Covent-Garden exceed more than .€200 each i night. In 1765 those of Drury-lane were less than ni it The company consisted of ubout one hundred and sist among ...


... superintendance, and which promises to employ. many of the poorer classes af socicty.—Cleninet Advertiser. Miss the Singer, at Drury-lane heatre a year or two ago, was so unexampled, and who Aterwards visited Ireland, is preparing to quit England for Italy, ...


... be- longing to the Soci tet y of Friends, were brought to this Office uj nach ve of distributing bills at the pit door of Drury-lane Theatre, the object of which was to pre- vent rsons from visiting that or any other Theatre, as being places of a »rofave ...

LONDON, FRIDAY N 23. THE KING The King will arrive st Carlton Palace this day.— Hix Majesty proposes to continue

... was an aged anda very lusty lady. Her daughter, Mrs. Stapilton, died two or three weeks ago in childbicth_—Loxdon Paper. Drury-Lane Shures are said to have advanced more rapidly than the shares of any other public establish- ment ; during the last two ...

. ■ To Miss M—■ . Hoc ainantu accipe pagnus.” Ob I very sweet was morning’s dawn. To me, When

... commenced with Mr. Kean, and he, among others, encouraged him to come to Drury-lane, where made that appearance which was well known to them. Mr. Cox was a proprietor of Drury-lane, and one of the Managing Committee. None could be more delighted with Mr ...

Bank of Ireland .M 5 0 0* ... 115 0 0 Other Note* 20 5 0

... murdered, but on investigation, it appeared that his death was occasioned by cold and compleat exhaustion. was expected at Drury-lane Theatre Friday night lasr, on the appearance of Kean in Otf.fUo. THR EDITOa OF THE SOUTHERN REPORTER Sia, —From the extensive ...

Reporter, ant Commer

... alternating two parties every half doaen years.* It makes our Ministers men of business and men of detail. Jonathan. MR. KEAN. DRURY-LANE THEATRE. Lohvos, Satukdat, Jai. 29.* The contest between Mr. Kean and part of the play-going public was renewed last night ...