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AD VJiRTISEMENTS are taken in at the Chap tor, PttU'i, Si, i. New Lloyd’s Coftee-boufe, Nit. Stahlon’s, ..

... PttU'i, Si, i. New Lloyd’s Coftee-boufe, Nit. Stahlon’s, Bloflom’s-liin, Laurence Lane, &at the Con/htntiom Punch-Houfe, Drury-Lane, LONDON, WHITEHAVEN t Fritted by JOHN WARE and SON» atth* PaiaTino-Oraica la Kino-STisaT wbue Fnerin Work in general perfonneJ» ...

ViiR'ITSEMENTSkre taken in at the Chapter, Pteh'l, St. Paul’s, New Lloyd's Coffee-hours, at Mr.Slaiutoa's, ..

... Pteh'l, St. Paul’s, New Lloyd's Coffee-hours, at Mr.Slaiutoa's, Bloffom’s-Inn, Laurence-Lane, at the ConJUtutien Punch-Houfe, Drury-Lane, LONDON. WHITSHAVtN bj JOHN WAKE SON, at the ?ai«TIKO-Of Mca in KiHO-SraiiT } b«t trmtim Work gcacraJ iifctferoad, aad lUno ...


... St. PmTt, It New LhyJ’i CofFee-koufe, at Mr.Staintea'i, Bloflbm’s-lnn, Laurence-Lane, Sc at the Conjunction Punch-Houfe, Drury-Lane, LONDON. WHITEHAVEN Printed, WAtCEwd bONyXCCftc rniMlliin-Orf tea in Kimu-Etkit mixit Work uneuerol isperfermci!, ud H*a» ...


... if your army, for want of , New Lltyd'i Cotfee-houfe, at BlolTom’i-Inn, Laurence-Lane, &at the CntJUtutitn Punch-Houfc, Drury-Lane, LONDON. ADVRRTISEMRNTS ire ttken in . • P|llHTlNa . orrl(;t Kma-SritiT wh«e Hr*k I«nu»i ii (Wfonntd, «xi H*»d Bill* Ta»ii> ...


... *t Puli'>, St. Putt, ft llnft Coffiee-houfe, at Mt.Slutm’t, BloffiMaWim, Lauw#ce-Lane, ft at the Con/Hmfin Paath-Houfe, Drury-Lane, LONDON. « Klt «d K.a. ST.WT , .Wn*i« «,«.«««*.«4 Ha«. ■u.» Ta,„« 8.. d.« «. Hour-.Not*. ...

An entire new Edition of

... new and improved Edition that celebrated Work. - Steiitta'i, BloiTom’i-Inn, Lavence-Lare, at the Ctnftituiin Punch-Houle, Drury-Lane, LONDON. lie tnu in acnciil it penormed, u4 Man* Tam* Ac. dune at an Hovir't Notice. ...


... Paul's, te Nemo Lloyd’l Coffee-houfe, at Mr. Siaintoni, Bloflbm’s-Inn, I.iutence-Lane, &at the ComfiilulioH Punch- Iloufe, Drury-Lane, LONDON. WHITEHAVEN : JOHN WAKE aid SON, P.inTm.-Ornc* in Kina-STifiT j wh«.Triad.. fftrA genual iiperiotmed, and Han. Tana* ...


... St. Paul’s, tc Nnu LUi4 > Coffee-konfe, at Mr.slr«i«/*aV, Btbflem'a-Inn, Lanrence-Lane, kat the Cnftitutin Punch-Hoofe, Drury-Lane, LONDONi DVSOH»atthePni«»we-0»»i«»»• kine-Staiar , in«eiier»l iiperformw), H«aa T*ra»n *c. don. Ho«r’«Rctiw. ...

S T O L E N,

... St, Paul's, and Mew Lloyd's Coffcc- Houie, at Mr. Stamen's* Bloflbui-Inn, Laurencc-Lanc, and the Conflitutm Puncn-Houfe, Drury-Lane, LONDON. , ESTATES for SALE. TO lw Sold in puMic Sale, » i)«c. I7H -, at the Hon.! known by the Sign the iuu in ■ County ...