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Advertisements & Notices

... Comedian, from the Theatre Royal, Covent Gaudon, Drury Lane, and Adolphi; Mr. WRIGHT, from the Theatres Royal, Drury Lane, Covent Garden, and Adelphi; Mr. ALEXANDER LEE, Composer, from the 'Theatro Royal, Drury Lane; Mr. IIIGGIE, from the The- atres Royal, Liverpool ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Fu nd the last night of his engagement.-Fourth op laranre here these eight yeats oIt' . CoopEti, of the ,i'heatce R.oyal, Drury Lane and sixth gppeainnee this season of lTl isa H esnr.uT, of the Theatres Itoval, Druryc Lane and Dublin, who are eu~aaae for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the Priu. cees a Theatre; Isr. PARSELE,TE from the Strand and Harymariket Theatres; Mr. HlOLSTON, froma the Holborn and DrurY Lane GaeyTheatres ; MianMId Mi, LYIAE fFOOThE, from tihe Olymnpic, Prince ef Wl~aes and Globe Theatres; under the direction of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... side of A Upper Drury-Lane, six yards'front, aend runs in depth to a Warehouse in the' possession of Messrs. Maskin and Sutton, 20 yards or thereabouts, now in the possession of Mr. Parry. Apply at C. BAIDsSELL'S office, 26, Drury- lane, Liverpel. On Friday ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lierf ed the new ragedy of A4IFRED THE GREAT; OR, Tjli :k PA4TRIOTK 7 NG. As produced last week, at the Theatr. 'l roVal, Drury Lane, arid now pertforming there nightly with the amnst decided success. Allred, King ol England Mr. Vanden. Sce- Irff; tlir ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Libraties purchased, and Newr Books exchanged for -Old. An elegantly-engraved PORTRAIT OF MISS WIL. SON, -of the Theatre-Royal Drury-lane. will be presented, gratis, to the purchasers of the first Num- ber of the -NEW OBSERVER. 0N Sunday, the Eighteenth of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NIGHTS ONLY.-Farewell en- i -_ F1 gagement of Mir. CHARLES DILLON (previous to his e an, eppearanceuat the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane), THIS EVENING William Tell ?? ?? .r. C. DILLON. I ear. Beliphegor ?? (371tt i ?? M r. C. DILLON. I :)ii QUEEN'S THEATRE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... performed for this night only, rhis last new successful Play called r'TME SMCRETARTY. As now performing at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane. Lord Sherbrookl .vOr. Robert Roxby. Colonel Green .. ?? Mr. Butler. Wfito7 Mr. Charles Pitt. Lady Laura GavestofI Miss ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the 1st apirearance of Mr. BIANCHI TAYLOR, of the Theatre Royal Covent Gar- rden; and Miss GRADDON, ofttheTheatre Royal, Drury- - lane. TTHIS PRESENT SATURDAY, 27th June, will be -presented the tragedy of MACBE T M. Macbeth .. Mr. Waldron. Hecat ...


... & CHAPPLE, Liverpool. PI [ 'Agents for the WATERWITCH ; at i - M'KEAN, i'LARTY, & CO. of r . 21, Water-street, corner of Drury Lane, Liverpool. ar STEAM FRON LIVERPOOL TO AUSTRALIA, IN CONNEC. . TION WITEI THE GOLDEN LINE OF PACKETS. n ] Will sail ...

Business Announcemen

... 'witnessed within the Walls of the Royal Ampitheatre, London. No. 2, .KENILWO1rTH, as performed at the Theatre Rs?yal, Drury Lane. No, 3,. THE HEART OF, BID LOTHIAN, as per- formed at the Surrey Theatre. And: No. 4, 1ROB ROYk, as performed at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ever witnessed within the walls of the Royal Ampitheatre, London. No.2, ENILWORTH, as performed at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane. No. 3, THE HEART OF MID LOTHIAN, as per- formed at the Surrey Theatre. And No. 4, ROB ROY, as performed at the Theatre ...