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... was SOnmetimes left in the house to take carc of its when the master was aut ; the prisoner . nd the Witness were in the kitchen togethier, nnd after he had eaten his supper he. took her rou: d tire waist and c6rried !er into the parlourwhele hie stuck ...


... tlhe Coroner-If she knew o- any poison in the hose ? She repliod. about two motrts sitce she saw something in-a papet on the kitchen window, wbich one of the youtg men soid was poison, and cautioned her ntot to touch it, as it was to he pltt into tbe sla ...


... decea'sed was his niece arrd was living with him , about seven o'clockt on Thursday maoining lie desired her to go isto the kitchen to see if thz! kettle boiled, in a f t-9 minutes after, lie heard her scream out , fire ; he iii- mediately hastened to her ...


... dinoes in1to the street, aid thelpreisecuttur saw s person follow tile coach, What riseeli clownt cii tile gratintg of tile kitchen window~rv. Witnevrss tonic a ditk stici wenrtdlown sairs, wtt'e tht nine wls trying td wiork out a glillhiet which fastercild ...


... Gilmran,' fruit-sale.;manu in Shoo- lane, was iobbed- ibout four' o'clock on W~edncsday evenring.: Mis. Gilmain being in thle kitchen, gI Vio I somle orders to thle Sie Ivants, and thie Stfeet dooi heitag, opens score ?? enfcted use parkour, iind Carin d off ...


... dsewedt hit fangs; asld, when the sportsmen, ; 'who had secured the dpoy entered, tlihy found him, in lie ' poniesoidn o6fthe kitchen, the -Jd woman and'thethiil. ah dren h-aving retb-ed, iterrr of the intoder, lo an, I cuds corner R lth g The fox was takef ...


... Clements stated, that he was called up by theservant, and In his flurry in attempting to go todlhe street door lie got into the kitchen; after souse time he ascertained where he- was, andl came up to the street door; the shop was on fire, and soon after the ...


... thN partition which divided Ole cdining mornn froro tire drawing roonm. It was not then in fiance'. -luy rho, down to the kitchen to e4 aeado hi returir they could noat get into the room for thre fire. There' was a hole by~tle chihnnvy in the ceiling of ...


... he would wait till he could see him, anri took his eaet ina the kitchen. The servant told her master what the complain- - ant saitr, who upon tieing informed of it, canre into the kitchen,. and evideavovrred to turn the complainant c.ur of thle-house; ...


... alarming his first. if she Was isclrned to do ?? of the neighbours, on the door hidog opened perceived that no fire was, in the kitchen; buit the pasiae Erom the street door and the first flight of stairs aere 0. *a blaze' ahitch prevented Mr. anre-Mrs. Xlicllel ...


... -A chair warriaii, who was in the leitehelal the ?? of thse;sy, W ~as examiined. She said the Coiuntess-catne Inttto tile kitchen iU 'the nmorniing to give .the Ileecuseil to rdi's h ut Ote abruupt- ly disappeared, and -~sLulrd. not be totriod,' fter; ...


... 'he ',VS in the habit t otcorning to the hoaste to putrchase rabbit and other sklins, but v Was oitt allowed to go into the kitchen or ?? ; hav- v hinrexpressed her surprize, antl remrntstrated ivith hint upon the s impropriety of hiis enitering the hitciecn ...