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Whitehaven,' 9, 1777* TO SOLD Public Sale, to the Ilighcfl Bidtler, Monday next, the ijthof J.tnuaiy, Mr. ..

... the Prcmill’ci and Coal about Two Miles dirtancc. The Buildings on the Eftate arc, a modern built Dwelling- Houfe, a large Kitchen with and Stables, fuitable for a Gentleman's Family, a large Barn and a Cow-houfe.— The Eft ate has a Right on, and lays adjoining ...

SAL E of \V O O D

... the Frcniillc* anil Coni at about Two Miles difiance. The Buildings the EOate are, modern built Dwelling- Hrufc, a large Kitchen with Brewhoufe and Stables, fuitabi* for a Genth man’s Family, a large Barn and a Cow-houlc.-- Thc Eftatc has a Riglrt on ...

KAPGa i r L t

... Ftcinifles, and Coat atabout i Miles diftance. •pile Buildings on the Eftate are, a modern built Dwelling- Houle, a large Kitchen with Brewh jufr and Stables, fuitable for a Gentleman's Family, a large Barn and a Cuw-houfe..-- Eftate has a Right on,and ...


... of one very large and commodious Dining Room, fronting the m»in llrcer, two very good Parlours, and two ones, very good Kitchen, with Stoves in it, a Hall, three very good and dry Cellars, and Pantries, ten very good Bed Chambers with fir-.* places in ...

The P R I C E S are at follow, via

... of one very large and commodious Dining Room, fronting the main ftreet, two very good Parlours, and two ones, very good Kitchen, with Stoves in it, a Hall, three very goad and dry Cellars, and Pantries, ten very good Bed Chambers witkfire places in them ...

ARRIVED.] Albion, Hogf; and Badger, Flynn, from tenco at New-York

... underlie,ch but fe contrived to be out Sldit; the whole Fabric is portable and Tea KiUhep, and whatever Convenience may in » Tca-Kitchen, for Ten, fame will be in ** this for Spppirr. . i- The giett adeaatagta which have been received from my . Machines curing ...


... one very large and commodiotaa Dining Room, fronting the main fteeet, two very good Parluurt, and two fmall once, very good Kitchen, with Stove, in it, a Hall, three very goad and dty Cellar*, and Pantrier, ten very good Bed Chambera with fire place, in ...

Kii*c's Royal Patent

... in iu old form, the prefent Earl C»»rke Orjcry, being taken into his gardens, and the two rooms •f which conftfts, vi*. a kitchen, and a chamber, are furnilhed a* much in the ftile of thole times, and with •Ufor,* ofufcfulfumiture,Looks,prints, dec. equal ...


... luge, commodious, new 1N N, with Stabling tor tw nty-one H.irf-s : o^rther with new-built Houle adjoining tl.crcto .ialnin a Kitchen, and four Rooms above ilrj; uate in Rukergate, Cttrlijlf. For Particulars pleafe t» enquire Air. Diirir/ Puttirfott, Joiner ...

This Paper may be conftantly feen in LONDON, at the Chapter, Pee/c's, Nczv-P/oyd’t C-offec Houle, and at Mr. ..

... of. next,- ■ —A comni'Klious, I-N N, with lim» lor twenty-one Ilorfrs Together with new-built adjoining thereto containing Kitchen, and »ur Rooms above Stairs; fituate in Rirkerfjie, Cathfie, .—For I’articulats pl-afr enquire Mr. Patti*fin, joiner, in Ctn/iJJe ...