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Salisbury and Winchester Journal

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Salisbury and Winchester Journal

LONDON, January 5,

... the White Hart in (> efport, Salijhury, January 7. Laft Tucfday Morning, one Lcnton a Baker's Apprentice, going into the Kitchen the Pe!ican-Inn with Bread, and feeing a Gun lay in the Settle by the Fire’s Side, was fo extremely indiferect to take it ...

of Parifh Clerks intends to apply to The Company Parliamen t this Seffio ns for a Bill to make feveral

... lately comimit- ted there, a Farmer going into an Ale-houfe Kitchen, without any Provocation, began to be very abufive to the Company who were drinking there: upon which he was turned out of the Kitchen, when he {wore he would ill the firft Man who came out ...

To he LETT and enter'd on immediately

... Rooms each Floor, kefides Clofets and other Conveniencies, having Brcw-houfc, Walh-houfe, and other Out- Houfes, and Rood Kitchen-Garden and Orchard adjoining, frtuate and being Brook-Green the Kle of Wight, in the County of Southton, (being very pleafint ...

The Eighth Edition of

... The Eighth Edition of THE GARDENER’S KALENDAR, dircaing what Works are neccffary to done every Month in the Kitchen, fruit, and Plcafure-Cardcns, and in the Confcrvatory and Nurfery. With Account of the Seatons, for the Propagation of all Sorts of efculcnt ...

This is to give NOT ICE,

... Stone Manfion Houfe containing a large Hall, one large and two other very good Pai lours, all Wainfcotted ; with a lofty Kitchen, Cellars, Vaults, and other Conveniencies : Six good Chambers Wainfcotted on the full Floor, with har.dfome Apartments for ...

SaliJhufj, June 24* be LETT at Michaelmas next., A GOOD new Brick-Houfe, five Rooms on a Floor, befides large ..

... befides large Clofcts, witli two Parlours and Drawing- Room, and Cellars under the whole Houfe, with back Stair-Cafe, a good Kitchen and large Scullery adjoining, with Brewhoufeand Wa(h-houfe feparatc from the Houfe, large Garden, and all other Convenlcncies ...


... Dream of Quality, his being by Fellow Servant lent in Qucft liim. Lafl Saturday ai Mr. Ambrofc Maynard, Clerk of the King’s Kitchen, was coining over liounflow Heath, he was attacked by two Highwaymen well mounted, (one on Bay Cjelding, the other a Black ...

At GuildfopJ

... Price 4s. The Ninth Edition The gardeners kale n d a r Dirctting what Work* are necelFary to he done every Month* in the Kitchen, Fruit, and Pleafure Gardens, and in the Confervatory and Nurfery. With Account of the particular Seafons for the Propagation ...

Letters from Spilfbury in Leiceftcrfliirc, we hav( a melancholy Account, that laft Friday died there, Mrs Keen, ..

... nately did no other Damage than going throng Door into the Paffage j hi* Wife, Son, Daughter ana Maid, being at Dinner in the Kitchen. They write from Amftcrdam of the i3 * , that within a few Days no lefs than thirty-five - arrived in the Tcxel from Greenland ...


... nately did no other Damage than going throng Door into the Paffage j hi* Wife, Son, Daughter ana Maid, being at Dinner in the Kitchen. They write from Amftcrdam of the i3 * , that within a few Days no lefs than thirty-five - arrived in the Tcxel from Greenland ...

{Which is all the News in this Day's Gazette.)

... four, afiall, alarge Room, forty Feet by twenty, three light and two daik onthe Ground Flocr ; nine Garrets and Clofets, Kitchen, Out a Brew-heufe, a Granery, a large Barn, Stabling for twenty Horfes, a Dog Kennel; with a Garden well planted with Fruit- ...