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... Viscount DE CHtATEAUBRIAND. _ Printed for Henry Coibsso, B, New Bturlingtost-street. In a few days, 3t vais. poot too. SIR MICHAEL SCOTT; a Romance. By ALLAN CUNNINGHAM. Printed for Henry Colburrn, 8, Newv Buatllngtori-street. In 4 vals, post octavo,. THE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AiNswvOTa. VANITY FAIR W. M. THACKERAY. TEE KNIGHT OF GWYNNB C. J. LEVER. DOMBEY AND SON CHAS. DICKENS. TOM CRINGLE'S LOG MICHAEL SCOTT. Also Tales from Boccaccio, and other Short Stories. London: JOHN DicEs, 313, Strand. All Booksellers. Ncov Publiebiiig ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and co., China). Williamn Maitland, Esq. (Messrs. MIlfl~op, Stewart and Co.,] Calcutta). aCOMITTRB IN BOMBAY. The Hon. Michael .. Scott (Messrs. Ritchie, Stenart, and Co.) Robert Hlannay, Esq. Mesars. Grey and Co.) Cowasjee Jehanghier, Eqf GE4IRALJMANA ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Five. TRAVELS in AMERICA, ITALY and FRANCE. for t PleV'contyDolECoATEAUBBurlotN-tre. In a few days, 3 vaet. post 8eo. SIR MICHAEL SCOTT; a Romance. ByI __ ~~AjLLAN CUNNeING RAN. Printed fer He ryCo~vtrrn, 8, New Hurliogtoo-etroet. Is 2 T,~ . Oro. price 285 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... by WV. DI. Thackeray; The Knight of Gwypne, by Charles Lever; 3ombey and Son, by Charles Dickens; Tom Cringle's Leg, by Michael Scott. Alec Toles from Beccacei, asid other Short Stories, &fc. CONTENTS OF VOL. XX.:- Life and Adventures of Peter WilXins, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... by W. M. Thackeray; The Knight of Gwynne, by Charles Lever; Dombhy and Son, by Charles Dickens;,Tom Cringle's Log, by Michael Scott. Also Tales from Boccaccio, and other Short Stories, &c. CONTENTS OF VOL. XX. Life and Adventures of Peter WilGins, by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... by W. I. Thackera; The .night of Gwynne, by Charles Lever; Dombey and Son, by Ta harlee Diokene; Tom Cringlo's Log, by Michael Scott. Aleso alte from Bocaecio, and other Short Stories, &c. CONTENTS OF VOL. ?? CONTENTS OF VOL. XX. Lifc and Advontlsres of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ANOsWORTH. VANITY FAIR Hi. M. THAcnEATY. TlE KNIGHT OF GWYNNE C. J. LFvEn. DOMBEY AND SON CHAS. DicKans. TOM ()lINGLE'S LOG MICHAEL SCOTT. Also Tales from Boenaccio, aed other Short Stories. Vol. 20 ?? Four Complete Novels:- PETER WlILKINS ROnERT PALoeCK, THE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... eritraved by Liglitfeot. Price G1,, irearl pbound in cloth. The Volume Ifor January will conitainr TloOM 5r120tr,r~i' Loe. By Michael Scott. With a Itruonlitpicco by Clarksone Stanfield, R.A. The lirot Voluile. publislned NOV. 1, Militiasn GAuLT's AtireALa Oh ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Dtubiin. Thin tday isl pttlliseltt, a Notw Eduition, hli oine voluite, ptrice op. Clot It, of OMC R I NG E 'S L 0OG. T fy MICHAEL SCOTT. Wilim a Notice of Cthe Auttor. intl a Frontispiece, by Clitrktson Stranliatell .hA., B-lring votlume lthe Tjhud of BLACK ...

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... AYliSISRI LEGATEE~i iyGIt7.Pic s FtR ANDREW WYLIE. Bly folia Gilt. Coinpietel ii I Vol. PricO 05s, TOM CRON(5LE5L~l fly Michael Scott. Complete in I Vol. Pricc6-. THE PROVOST AND OTHER TALES. 13yJdclii Gait. In I vol. Price 55. THlE YOIJTI AND MANHOOD OF ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O'Brien's and O'Flaherty's- Italian Martyrs-The ?? Boyle Farm-Diary for the Month of December 1 iElcabetb Evanabtaw-Sir Michael Scott-The Red Rover-Magaziniana-- prices of Shares iW Canals, Docks, &c-Literary ?? lately - PublishedPrices of the English and ...