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ASSI7.ES. FAreard Aadrevs.'Etq. r. rnirick CrneiJn, T.eq. This was action for a libel, imputing that the ..

... the Defendant 201., being j the remainder of the half year’s rent in advance, a receipt was given in Mrs. Dabine’s name. After the Plaintiff quitted Brighton, Mrs. Dabine remained possession, and within three weeks the expiration her year’s tenantcy ...

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... rfthought it would be better where man refused '“| )c any deed set'lcmer.t, that the Judge should h*fe • c to execute u hr* name. After words front Mr. the retttftis ordered to be produced. ...

ii ■ Ta2dy—Not w, my account, my Lo.d; T:~r BOITO-R JOURNAL. , r.-o fully capable of answering for myseH. rrl

... njore party. Bloxham then rushed forward, and arrested the than men in Cadiz, in wretched condition, ■ individuals above named, after some opposition on the without leaders, money, supplies provisions. dis> part of Sherry and Duffy. The mate and boy had ...


... during entire life, lie comlort and consolation to me, that 1 was active member of that body ; and, if any stone shall mark name after this mortal coil with me at end, I fondly hope that it will record best title to Irish gratitude—“ was a member of the Catholic ...


... Nancy Collins :’ she lived at his father’s ; she left it with child ; it was born after ; i! was called Johnny ; it was named after his father ; the second Johnny was younger a good deal than this Johnny. Cross-examined bv Mr. Tirkel)—lit his father lived ...

Siir JDragljrSu glo«r»al

... a society of mechanics and tradesmen were in the habit of meeting every Sunday evening at a certain public-house, which named. After obtaining this information, the Committee the Association deputed Messrs. J. Browne and J. M‘Cormack to communicate with ...

(from the Metropolitan of this month.) With t * lo Irffttrocul the disease, h is not out' speak much mcilically,

... will was some time since biong;ht into 'blip notice by her extraordinary conduct in relitinf marry rich Kast liidian, named after accompanyinff him to the altar at fJf'orjte’s, Hanover-sqnare, l>ondon, applied •• Tuesday to Mr. Conant, Ma'lboioughrret ...


... consequently grandson to his Majesty,who stood sponsor tohisloidship in 1822 The Bail’s eldest daughter, Lndy Adelaide Hay, named after her Majesty, who stood godmother to Adelaide, during her Majesty’s residence at Bushy, while Duchess of Clarence. Lord Hav ...

TUESDAY, JULY 24, 1832

... and amply provided with small arms and boarding pikes for forty persons, which will compose the crew, &c. This steamer is named after the river *h» intended to ascend, namely, the Quorra, which i« the Arabic for Shining River. Her present diaft of water ...


... order to lie their oars was immediately to the boats; and a few minutes the Scorpion, like the venomous insect she was named after, unable wound her enemies, turned the suing death upon hetself, and exploding, blew stars, stripes, broad pendant, and herself ...

&peeit) Grand Toesiay, ness the of Cumberland, a: tl.e in you. Deputy (iraiwl *»n after tea o'clock the Lord ..

... there was a lodge held >l.n, called the Trinity Lodge, hut ii had nothing with the member* of the University. It was merely named after Trinity College, nothing more, cud consisted young members studying physic, dec. This explanation afforded so great ornament ...


... others the rate remains unaltered. descendant (in the sixth degree) of .Mr. Wm. Smith, who kept a tavern very appropriately named after his immortal progenitor, died in Gloucester last week, in his year The late Mr. John Stewart, of Fmtray, Scotland, died ...