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Daily News (London)



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Daily News (London)

Advertisements & Notices

... the receipt o2 15 pestage stoumps, by HI. LAMPLOUrGH, 88, Bnowhlll, London, to whomi Mr. Ecek~esxc- c, colosX asalpcd the recipe iD 1842, ITN'CONCERTS.-M1.r DISTIll and 1) SO~ havetho honour to mnnounce that in. coasleggens6 oft jiaing1led ?? offher ejeetyto ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ung Champagne, 42s., 60a., and 72a,; pints, 249. and 42s,-N.B. Old Pale Cognao Brandy, 60. per dozen; Maraschino, Curacoa, Cherry Brandy, and other Foreign Liqueurs. CIATALOGUES of the SALE of MOURNING 'J ATTIRE in REGENT-STREET are now READY, and ?? forwarded ...

Advertisements & Notices

... West Strand. AWES,-'TICDEPILA- og2i.Sd. Iow'a Oriental; Precervative foal the hair, prepared Wron a Ler celebrated eaistern recipe, is tthe' beat article, tar _promoting a most Iluxuriant growth, an4 epn ti lsih condition,,price sa. 8d. tat Sold by all ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and workmen, from making or tompoundiag any medienes according f theI to the secret recipe or preacription, and from in any maner mielg th 1100e said secret recipe or prescription oe or for compounding the sai that medicines, or ariy part thereof, has ...

Advertisements & Notices

... per dozen is a guarantee for thu quality of thetse wines. Old pale Cognac Brandy, S0s. per dozen; .Maraschinlo, Ceraeos, Cherry Brandy, and ether foreign liqueurs. On receipt of a post-office order or reference, samples, with a printed list olotther ...

Advertisements & Notices

... per dozen Is a guarantee for the quality of tlacsewincs. Old pale Cognac Brandy, 60s. par docen; ? ltarosahino Cstrs?oa, Cherry Brandy, and other foreign liq?ecars. On ? receipt of a post-office order or reference, samples with a printed list st of othac ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Syrup, and to notice that the names of Barclay ant Sons, 95, Farrlngdon-street, London (to whom Mrs. Johnson has sold h the recipe), are on the stamp afixed to each bittle. Price 2s. 9d. per a battle. FIFTY THOUSAND CURES WITHOUT ME- C re DICINE by DU BARRY'S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 23s. per I ozen is aguarantee for the quality of thege wines. Old pale Cognace iBrand, 60s. per dozen; Maraschino, Curacos, Cherry Brandy, and other loreign lqueuirs. On receipt of a po~st-offlice order or reference,t s~amples, with a printed liot of other ...

Advertisements & Notices

... hie quantity of every article necessary for the preparation of A each recipe, and the time required for its preparation, are minutely 5, stated. hlbe whole of Miss Acton's recipes, 'w ith a few trifling excep- - tions, which are scrupulously epecilied ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Carvtingl qattyof evr Uatil necssar for the preparation of' I. each recipe, and the time required for its preparation, are mnauttel C ta- stated. l e rn 1The whole of Miss Acton's recipes, 'with a few trifling excep- etie eli tiains, whitch srea scrupulon-ly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... order con t or reference. N.B.Hd. lphise Caguas Brandy,,60s. per dozeu; obpeire leo Milk, Punch, Cherry Brandg ,Curaton, Maraschino, Noyqau, and other recip foreign liqueuirs, &e. IFhl LLISON and, ALLMS N,: Patent Pianoforte pah A Nsnufacturerp, 61V and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... receipt of a Post-offlce order o !The or referecue. N.B. Old pale Cognac Brandy, 60e. per dozen; choice mice,- Milk Panch, Cherry Brandy, Cuira~oa, Maracio 'yandthr f at. foreign liqueurs., Germnan Seltzer Water, ire, PO )OMSBra u riding ESSRS. ANGELL ...