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Advertisements & Notices

... their standard join the cause wshicls th I were sent to overturon assured the people of the United States that the spicious rumours which had been put in circul wore such as could only affect the minds of those had engagements of commerce with Perstanabuco ...

Advertisements & Notices

... vol. Iorno. A NEW ENGLANI) TALE; or, Sketche:a of A W Ne lw England Chsracters and `uI.lnets. 1' When those remarks (oil tlhe Spy) were prepared for the press we lad not read the New England Tale, a belttiful little picture of native scenery and manners ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tite toost eminent Medical Men; by falso in Rtheumnatism, Lutob~ags, and obstinate Sciatica,- Palsy, Scrop ho- Pr loutsT'rumours, and Ettlargement of the Joints.-Dry, Bath of' Heated t -Air, wvhicis producirtg persprratiou over- the whole asdy, removes ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3as. 6d. - In thev-ress, 5. HISTORY of GEORGE GODFREY. Written by Himself. a vols. 4. THE RED ROVER. By the Author of The Spy, is The Pilot, The Prairie, &c. 3 vols. Published in 1818 as d ISI, Parts I and I 1, price los. each, THE NEW TRANSLATION ...

Advertisements & Notices

... are .the only claims uponI which I can at pres et rest my pretensions. The effects of a l te severe indispositiol must be spy apo- logy for not paying that personal attention to the ' Electors which I could wish ; but, although upon this point I lhave ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a. tr. call strongly mrie~d orn ma. 0 On Mlonday, Mlay 2,1, I received a letter from Kettering,' stating that there was a rumour there that Lord Birudenell was to stand with DMr. Csrtwcight, -and that the Friends of Reform ira that town wished ma to stand ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'atlie ! of A FEW QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. ti ti Ist Q. WITHO employed Oliver the Spy, and t nlt lianged Tornel'andtBriandreth?-Al. Ti e'TOiIIu.s V Q. Who cIe Il Richmond the Spy, and stirred ip 0an bi OD 15011 ectig tilild and hanged the dupes ?-A. 'I Ie ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to the base spy who fur- nished the report, so called, of the lost meeting for the Standard, An authorized contradiction, in the most explicit terms, was given on the part of all individual whose tamne has been mentioned by common rumour as the author ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Loiidon, it thle instance of RICHMOND, and thus exposing the SPy SYSlTE1. Tle resultsf that ac- tioii wals eoinisletehv satisfacotory and triuseihaist. For thle first tiiie the ovorkiiig of the Spy svstesf wats laid open in a court of justice,, after its ...

Advertisements & Notices

... macnt at Bayonne, how, and( by what meanis, I g cross and reeross the frontiers with such rapidity.'' an Our informant is no spy of the Spanish or any wa~ other Government ; lie has stated what we have Pu )- Pulhishied ulporn hi, o(% hi., j e he that ...

Advertisements & Notices

... teing Russian. -This gentleman's character gave rise to much speculation-at the time; some considered him an impostor, others a spy, 'but his manners and address pro. cured himu the entre into every society; and the spirit, the almost ierceness with which ...

Advertisements & Notices

... authors ofthe New Poor-law, the Si direct curse that ever befel a nation. The Whigs are tile anthers of the Rural Police, a spy j system, invented to coerce the Tories, and the opponents a of the New P'oor-law. , I The Whigs are the authors of the Irish ...