Advertisements & Notices

... may in the iflantine bseacon by applying tof JO I-IN SA U NI)1E1S, junior, Broker. CIT.\nZL, LEI1Us, 2hiils Jau. 18_ 4- r AMERICAN BLACK B[lIC4H, ASH, AND s / T1're$ YELLOW PINE. v / TheY Will bc exposed to pullic SALE, in a Yard at thec Lothian ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fiue Brig MINSTREL, sI T. HoDo.s, Master; A 1 at Lloyd's; burthen 146 tons, coppered and c. copper-fastened, and in every respect an eligible B conveyance. Apply to F. ASHLEY, Goree Piazzas. 11 e- ON SALE, e , \ The fine new North American built Brigantine ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Pulihed by 'BSal~dwin,- Crador, an Joy prie is -Publi~~~ ?? A POyT A H W o the Authors of the Forest Minstrel. EUOPEAN REVIEW. On Friday, Sept. REtVwsEpWlihed THE THIRD NUMBERE-of tieI EUROPEAN REVIEW by B. . Fnthe, o.-, lrydges-strect, Covent-garden ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1e15IJSN f th SOCeTofMRITISI ARtTISTiS Is OPEN doll) ?? Uorwelol seven. NB.~~h~~ete. T. iturox. Secretary. TI1I2FROLESE MINSTRELS (tke RAoaeZR Fld~)rsetuly(lr h obifll and Geelt?, that 'the ?? theyhde 'a ?? Fr j ?? ala. athWnsr, d-jgVID md ndi~et wi5' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Memoir of the Tyrolese Minstrels, ?? The Drsma,.&c. eLondon: piflished by S. Leigh, IS Strand; and sold b lthe Booksellers, and allrespectable Msicsellere intownandcoun.try. LQNDON MAGAZINE for 'Sept ier~JNo. XXXIII, 6e3 zeis ?? American AnulRhsterl-The Reign ...

Advertisements & Notices

... or Mysteries; Court Plays; Puppet Plays; Moving Pictures.-The British Bards; the Northern Scalds; Anglo Saxon Gleemen; Minstrels.-Joculators; Jugglets.-Dancing; TumrblineB The Sword Dance; Fools' Dance; Morris D1aace; Egg, Ladder, Rope, aod Wfire Dancing; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PATON-Roshini. God save the King, with Variations-FLUTE-MR CART -Drouet. SECOND PART. SPIRIT SCENE-From the Lay of the Last Minstrel- ?? MANIAC'S SONG- They say my Love is ?? E. PATON-Lindley and Byrne's Mielodies. SONG- 0 Lord, hare Mercy-M RBENNETT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... herHull, but is well found in rigging and sails; haa one Cable, and Anchors, and may be fitted out at little ..e'pense for the American or Coal Trade. The Hull will 'be put up in one Lot, and the Stores, consisting of Whale- boats, Lines, Oil Casks, &c. will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OF T'HlF MINSTRELS; B and may be had ofT. HORN, Music Seller, 41, Pil- grim Street, Newcastle. In the olden time, when the Troubadour wasa welcome guest in the balls of nobles, it frequently happened that a number of these wandering minstrels were assembled ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'Mr. Weippert's Band vill b]e on afresitlce. 'as ;. . ?? DICKSON, I.C. ed I 3y. -AREWELL CONCERTS of the 'TY- nd jLROLE9U MiNSTRELS, the bRAINER PA- d MILv, tunder the espeinal jatronage of his Majesty . e- and all the Rovyal Family, who have the honor ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BARNETT'S SONGS of tie MINSTRELS, Vol. II, price l]s. and to be had sIngly, price 2s. each.-, These Compositons ale entitled I Soeogs of the Minstrels,' and do equal honour to the Poet and the Mosician. The Portuguese Minstrel, I The spot where I was ...

Advertisements & Notices

... by InELEGANT CHRtISTMiAS PRESIENT'S, InCabinet Voliumes, ?? Fire Nhillitrgs &Sixpence each. 'FHE SEASONS, by THOMSON; The Minstrels I ?? he Trankr,Tahic Talk, sari SlcrorfProsanr. by Coopvre ?? s lvoi ; Paradise Regained, and Milnor Poems, aim.; r ie Shipwreck ...