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Advertisements & Notices

... Ballyhough bridge is eel stocked with all sorts of Fruit Trees trained and untrained. Also strong Cauiiflnowers Cabbige. Asparagus mnd Sesa-Kell Plants. Ul;? Wholesale Country Orders paid every attention. Yerchants'.qnlay. February 2, 1821. 'LAST OPPORTUNITY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Desert, aid Tea 3paons; Gras vy, Salt, and Marrow ditto; SauteBoats, Teapots, and Stand, Bread bssketlarge Cup Salvers, Asparagus and Sugar Tongs; Goblletsl Wino Labels, and Funnel; Soup sind Sauce Ladles; Bttter kniv s, Skewers, &c, &e. - In the Plated ...

Advertisements & Notices

... consists of a large Cup, two Cans, Sugar Bowls, Tea Potand Stand, Chamber Candlestick and Extin guisher, Funnell and Stand, Asparagus Tongs, Sugar do.. Fish Slice, Dinner Forks, a Ss'sd do., Gravy, Table, and jeacrt Spoons, S oup and Sauce Ladles, Tea Shell ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BACEOUS PrANTS, DUTCH FLOWER ROOTS, and 21 Sorts qf Splendid DOUBLF DAHLIAS, Five kinds ofearlv Forcing POTATOES, SEA KALE, ASPARAGUS, 4 CAULIFLOWER PlANTS, 4e. tc. Two Millions of THORN QUZCZS from I to 5 years old. Several Millions qf one year SEEDLING ...


... Flowering SHRUBS- Seedling and Transplanted THORN QUICKS-ROSES -GREENHOUSE avid HERBACEOUS PLANTS -and also SEA KALE and ASPARAGUS ROOTS- CAULIFLOWER PLANTS-EARLY SEED PO.. TATOES, &zc. &c. The quality of the above TREES is equal to any In the Kingdomn; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Flowering SHRUBS- Seedling and Transplanted THORN QUICKS-ROSES -GREEN-HOUSE and HERBACEOUS PLANTS -and also SEA KALE anld ASPARAGUS ROOTS- C- ULIFLOWER PLANTS-EARLY SEED PO-- TArOES, &c. &ci. The quality of the shibove TREES is equal to any in the Kilngdomn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... their kinds. f I L. F. islikewis. well Rupplierw th FRUIT and rf OF TREES, ORiNAMENTAL SHRUBS, TH, : QUICKS, SEA KALE, and ASPARAGUS PL-1 with eight varietics of EA RLY POTATOES Belfast, 16th February, 1829. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and true to their kinds. L. F. islikewisewellsu pplj~viUITand FOREST TREES, ORNAMENTAL LRUBS, THORN QUICKS, SEA KALE, and ASPARAGUS PLANTS, with eight varieties of EARLY POTATOES. Belfast, 16th February, 1829. (765 PROPERTY FOR SALE. TO BE DISrosED OF By ...

Advertisements & Notices

... dispose of the Stock on as reasonable'terins as aniy Nursery in Irelaiid. THOI RN QUIC KS, of all descriptions; SEA -KALE, ASPARAGUS, and CAULIFLOWER PLANTS; Six kinds of EARLY POTATOES; BASS MATS; GA B- DEN TOOLS, &r. (69 BELFAST HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Department, he wilIAisp of the Stock on as reasonable terms as anv N v~ ih Yland THORN QUICKS, of a desitions; SEA KALE, ASPARAGUS, and CAULIFLOWER PLANTS; Six kinds of EARLYPOTATOES- BASS MATS; GAR_- DEN TOOLS, &c. (69 r - T( L L S TO BE LET FOR ONEL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... other Stock In.Irpelaud ; pad >1} be disposeil of at reduced prices. N.B.-THOe~R QUICKS, of Aildeseriptions; SEA 1XALE, ASPARAGUS, and- C A U L I FL O WE R PLANTS; Six kinds-of EARLY POTATOES; BASS MATS; GARDEN TOOLS, &a. (221 AUCTIONS. SUGAR AUCTEON ...

Advertisements & Notices

... his Nursery at Ballybough Bridge contains a choice col of l~ruit Trees, trained and untrained ; Evergreens, & Sealail aed Asparagus Plants. ?? Merchants' Qaay, 9th Sept. 1831. REDUCED FARES AND FREIGHTS, FOR FALMOUTHu , PLYMOUTH, AND LONDON. State Cabin ...