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... capacious bowl and magnificent entertainment, at- he From t/e LONDON G.ZIRz7r, c his ,, )n- to TUESDAY, APRIL 1. Ing eir nd BANKRUPTS. . od Alexander Man, of Mark-lane, London, oilman, nd James Page, of Birmingham, grocer. ;he William Davies, of Hereford ...


... manage- te ment of them : they became bankrupts. aj About four nmonths'afterwards he entered into 2r partnerthlip with one Cruamp; at the end of eighteen ft *montlsa, their money being all gone, they alfo were t b~ankrupts; the affignees and feventeen- of ...


... BANKRUPT. Jonathan Fullwood, of St. Gdes, London, pawn. i broker. To appear Aujuft 23, §ept. 6, and 27, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Robert Finnes, London Edward Burnett and Robert Oliver, of Manchefter, linen-drapers. To appeal Sept. 5, 6, and 27, at ...


... BANKRUPTS. / Jame, Foldier, o'S_-Wy, Suffolk, taylor and dra- per. To October 7, S, and November 1, ' at Guilihill, Lundou. — Attorney, Mr. Shel on, I London. James Dirchfi ,|d,cf, London, viflualler. J lo appear Stp-embcr 29. 30, an-i ...


... upon Atkinfon for the remain. der, he received a bill from a It. Tobias (Atkinfon's agent) payable in Londqn. Tobias became bankrupt betne- the bill wasi due; and Fletcher now had recourfe capon his principal. Mr. Atkinfon denied that he was liable as the ...

From the LONDON GAZETTE, March 17, 1801

... D~na ]igJar.-Joknn Meredith Mollyn, of -Scgroit, cfq. itt thc ruoemof Eiward Lloyd Lioyd,*of }enyian,) 'fq. ?? .Il _lr BANKRUPTS, Graveley William- Seaborre, of Narrow-ftrect, Lirnehou'rz, malitmaker, to furrender Mirch n, raS, April Z8, at twelve, at ...


... PARTSINCI; AND VL.1Y- FAIR. The three Defendants were the pioprittors bf the Security Banl, in the city -of London, which became bankrupt about-iwo years after its elfablifhmient. The prefentacion'w brought upon one of'their'ipomiflory niotes for lool. Playfair ...


... or a thick fluid, lib rty'tbofun off, and m.,re work will be done. n e* AFJOM THE LONDON GAZt'IT4 ; TutfESAY, sErT. 2i i: BANKRUPT'S. ,3. Hart oflwl Compton-ftrcet, ,Soho, London, jewter. --Johnl'lHarrncr, of Stroud, G'oucdlrfhire clothjer.,E. S. S~nim ...


... Majoi in the Army. ai, Wm. Potts, Efq. late Majd-r of the 8th Foot, to be Paymaf- bj ter of a Recruiting Diflri&t. . lik BANKRUPTS.-J. Holland Pemberton, of Liverpool, mer- cii chant.-J. Tayfor and J. Barker March, of Wigmor.- in Itreet, Cavendifh-lquare ...


... Thonins Gills. The affidavit onn which the rl'e Was founded flated, that Gills had been coummit- tedby the Con-mifionors of Bankrupt for the follow- tlreafun The account of his affairs being confufed, et CoMrmiffoners alked him if lhe would give a more (Olrer ...


... charged them with one of the bolde c Confpiracics that ever was entered into. It was fworn that thefe men, of whom one is a bankrupt cheefermonger, another a man who called Hkt Pcafe, all Hot, through the Itrcets of Deptford, and a third an attorney who ...


... taer mifliry- Sfvtorea,,P~rov~fipouii, and-Fcragef, to~;be ?? .co _ ferving intni~e WtR Indies. . ?? , pd . . _ . tili iew. BANKRUPTS -S. Uolohres of 'hem~as-ftreet; South-. fri the- wark, mercdrant.-O. A.urbgi i id kT. Wan ugrton, ote Warn- St.! my f ?? ...