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Eastern Argus and Borough of Hackney Times


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Eastern Argus and Borough of Hackney Times


... benefit of their presence. We must not however give up all hopes of any more fine weather. We all look for a fine month for blackberrying, and I hope we shall get it. ...

Mothers Outing

... when they sat down to a well loaded table, which they did justice to, returning home about 7 o'clock well burdened with blackberries, wild flowers. etc., thoroughly delighted with the in terest Pastor Ilarrison took in their welfare. previous cc nvictio ...

The Bakers' Arms Annual Outing

... were very satisfactorily carried out. Afterwards various emu's• ments were indulged in. the adjacent country explorrd for blackberries and nuts, and a quoit match was indulged in by some. Tea was also p.rtakan of at the Golden Lion, to which nearly 100 ...

--.... • — Child Murdered

... William Curteis, Monday afternoon la-t,was passing through the Lea Bridge Ito.ol when he im firmed by a boy, who wet blackberrying that he had peen the foot of a child nick. ing out of a parcel in the forest. The constable went with the iy to a clump ...

The Coroner and the Cornet. Correspondence. Causing an Old Man's Death

... enjoyed 'limier with marvellous keen appetites. Afterwards nearly the whole of the excursionists wandered into the Forest on blackberrying bent, and bad time to stain their fingers and tongues with the luscious wild fruit before the rain came down, and it did ...

Outing or the Ashley Mission. . The sixth outing thin seaeon from the Mission took place on Wednesday, the 10th

... carried on, under the direction of Mr. T. Bailey. Another start was made through the forest, when the cry went up for the blackberries, there were plenty of red ones, but the black ones were rather scarce, but the quick little eye of the Bethnal Green Children ...


... most enjoyably in many and varied ways. Mr. Harry Stokeley and several friends had a blackberry excursion down by the old bull and bush. They were very busy on a blackberry bush when a bull grazing in the meadow took offecce at their intrusion, and quickly ...

Death of an Old Trade eman

... dahlia:, which at that time were very much thought of as a flower. In this same neighbourhood, when a boy, be need to ick blackberries, an•Lalso near Twig F.•lly Schools. He was a teetotaller, sad few were ',tiler in the canee than Mr. Evans. For mete than ...


... Thompson and Mr. H. Bonny, presided, and after dining the company scattered in different directions for the afternoon, some blackberrying, some to view the splendid scenery, whilst others went through Squire TowzNi lovely park to view the deer, etc., of which ...

Harvest Festival at Bt. Philips

... , apples, peers, plums, grapes, pose, benne, carrots, turnip., melons, onions, potatoes, flour, nuts, eggs, cucumber., blackberries, currant., and indeed everything which harvest pooduoes. The sermon in the evening by the it.,. G. R. Thornton was a very ...


... Candidate for Bethnal Green. He hail been appealed to fur an eligible man ; but was sorry to say they were not as plentiful as blackberries in autumn. But under the new political dispensation London was going to return a greater number of representatives, and ...

The Registration Courts

... chap, and he was discovered In the woods, weeping bitterly, and Galling for his papa. He lost himself through gathering blackberries. The home journey was then begun, the ' Westminster Arms' being reached 10 p.m. After partaking of some of Mr. Critchfieli's ...