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Advertisements & Notices

... DColonel ormant, Mr. Williams; Valentine,Mr. Dunn; Fairly, Mr. Wood Blackberry,Mr. Mitchell ; inmmy Jumps, Mr. Mathews; Randy. Mr. A'dcock. -Louifa, Mrs. Burton ; Betty Blackberry, Mifs Duncan; Molly Maybufh, Mifs Jackfon. To begin a2 a 01airterpafl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHAW. To which will be added, A favourite Mufical Farce, called THE F;ARMER. Jemmy Jumps, Mr BERRY E-armer Blackberry, Mr SIHAw-Betty Blackberry, MrsTuRpiN, Molly Maybufh, Mrs M'GIeo sN. Tickets to be had of the different Maftersof Lodges; of MrandMrs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Chmbetis; Caun, fellor Flummeqy, Mr Thompfiqi; Rundy, Mr Stan- wix- Farmer. Stubble. Mr Hnpe.-L.ouifa, Mrs Chambers. Betty Blackberry, Mrs Jarman ; Molly Maybuib, Milsjackfun; landlady, Mrs Fierich. o Tickets as u(nal, and of Miis Jackfon. at Mr. 1.uccock's ...

Advertisements & Notices

... andin 'the County of York, have beef) greatly Traversed, Ran Over, ssd Trod Dn*o by People seeking Mushrooms, getting Blackberries, Nuts, ;tepAj ifawi.Cutting down the Hedges, w hi ch they seem to think they hiave a right to do0; therefore they are'hereby ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Garden, &c. ad- - joining, - - - . 0 3 16-4 0 19 3: d S. Round Mleadowr, Wil. Dloore, 8 I 23 fr t Shamifield, - - ' 4 1 11 at Blackberry Field, , - 6 0 1-18 i'35 4. Boselei's 0eadow . Richard Bull, 2 1 19 * Brassairhli';'Field - - - S 30-S t 15 n) S. B;i Meadow ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Cow Pastirre, wiilu uG,:den, &C. ad. ~C joining. . - - t .~~ e, Round Weadow. Wim. Moore. 8 12 , Shawuelde-d' 4 11 i et Blackberry Field. - 6 0 1-18 9y 4. Boswell's Meaksw, Riekaird 134511, ~Ii '* lirasork's FielId, - 2336-.51 13 . it ileadowr or 'n ...

Advertisements & Notices

... consisting -of pine apple, apricot, green gage, I plum, orange, afid. quinceinarmalades rsbryaplcur- rant, strawberry, and blackberry am;peredmrellas cherries, green gages, peaches, apricots pieapesiepums, moguls, red* and ss'lile ejiiince' in quatradbakadredI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CAonsgnment.-Of - PRESERVED FRUITS, consisting 'of- aricot, green gage, raspberry, currant, strawberry, apple, barberry and blackberry jams; plumi, orange and quince marmalade, preserved' morella cherries, gooseber- ries, green gages, plurns, miloguls, damsons ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of PIZE- I. SEIRNVE1D FRIUITS, consisting of green gage, 2pricots, raspberry, currant, strawbetey, apple, barberry and bla.ckberry jarns; plait, orange, and p trnae iarrotoldos ; pre~served m orclia chrelicie, gooseberries , green gages, plhitrs, n oguls ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Consignment of PRESERVED by FRUITS, consisting of' greengage, apricots, raspberry, currant, strawberry, apple, barberry, and blackberry jams, plum, orang~e, and quince m~armalades, preserved Marslla cherries, gooseberries; greengages, plumns, moguls, damsons ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Consignment of PRESERVED I.a FRUI'TS, consisting of greengage, apricots, raspberry, currant, strawberry, apple, barberry, and blackberry Jams, pIum, orange, and quince marmalades, preserved Mdorelia cherries, gooseberries, greengages, plunms, moguls, damsons ...

Advertisements & Notices

... consistirig of piie-applos in jain and - icly, ine ours Gren-gage, Apricot, Raspberry, Currant, Stratll berry, Goostebodry Blackberry, and Barberrygams, Black and Red Cur- rantBunlirry, pieeS Jelties, Greeni-gages, Ayricots, Plums, Dam- s e in quorters, ...