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... Packet. MONDAY, YEE. 1. The divisions which have for some time prevailed in the Cabinet, on the subject of the emancipation of the Irish Catholics, have at-length had the important efrect of prodocing a 'change in the Administration of this country; and Mr ...

Poftfcript. 31,oubon. CILINGE OF MINISTRY

... our laft Poilfcript we apprifed our Readers, that a difference of opinion exifted in the Cabinet on the fubjea of Catholic Emancipation in Ire. land; but there did not then appear to us grounds fufficiently ftrong to induce us to give currency to a report ...

Published: Tuesday 10 February 1801
Newspaper: General Evening Post
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2415 | Page: 4 | Tags: none


... adopting in wholeisale the former fyftrms Ip~ ftrc cote into office upon the avowed merit of refine til th, policy of Catholic Emancipation. Srantge inleed if, Iha we hiotld tender our confidence to men vwho, with alli co the defects of the reigoned Mirifters ...

Published: Tuesday 10 February 1801
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2737 | Page: 3 | Tags: News 

- 1 44 . - Tot. LECXIX. A i _ • ;we Mire , flieftiPPlies for current at thet

... iSirgl,..4 tui lfeAf^ it will' happen , in ordeetimt ,45 .7 . u o e f en L b o y rd L C ad a' : '' . ,,iton. emanciPating the 'Catholics; 1re1a,94,! '.. q .„,Nnain Rldhead, en his promotion 1' :44,0e have been ,„, 4, iar's r ? regiment of Guards, had ...

Published: Tuesday 10 February 1801
Newspaper: London Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Illustrated | Words: 1398 | Page: 8 | Tags: none

Itb, and imeatee tee he of his eldlion. The independent borough -of Devizes will difpenfe with the formality of a

... is of a nature that muff produce more momentous changes than the chief aetors have perhaps the fmalleft idea of. If Catholic emancipation be a mere pretext with them, it is a matter of molt ferious import with others. It is not a queftion that fhould be ...

Published: Tuesday 10 February 1801
Newspaper: Star (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 983 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

L 0 N 13 0 N

... fidered dangerous to the fafety of another, it is far from our intention here to difcufs ; and how far the meafure of Catholic Emancipation can be confidered a violation of the Coronation, Oath, we leave to more competent judges to determine. There are delicate ...

Published: Tuesday 10 February 1801
Newspaper: Morning Herald (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1851 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

The first official notification from Ministers of their resignation, and the first discussion upon the subjeft, ..

... between those who have gone out and those who are coming in. The subjeft of Catholic Emancipation was touched upon, and Lord Clare assured the House, that of the Catholics themselves ninety.nine out of a hundred cared not one jot for the measure. In ...

Published: Wednesday 11 February 1801
Newspaper: Morning Post
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2128 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

be motion.—HiaLordlhip was enforcing his maons why it would be dangerous in the extreme to nterfere at prefent ..

... the fall was, almoft eve ry Noble Lord who had fpoken that day had been a little out of Order, as the queftion of Catholic Emancipation, though net before the Houfe, had been alluded to by moll of them, and by fome in very hong terms, which he meant to ...

Published: Wednesday 11 February 1801
Newspaper: Star (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 5847 | Page: 4 | Tags: none


... the mention of the Emancipation of the Catholics of Ire' Land (Lord Carlifle,) had been long enoughtq that kingdom to know the abundant danger of inflaming the minds of thelrdh, prernatortlyperfoading them that Catholic Emancipation was about to - be granted ...

Published: Wednesday 11 February 1801
Newspaper: Star (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 4445 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

be to endanget the Estabirshei Church; the Great Personage to we have alluded, s supposed to have had

... Parliament, from which Catholics (as well as all ythers) are excluded until they have taken certain -oaths, which good Catholics refuse to , take. But what ?.estraint on religious opinions do we find here ? That, the opinions of Catholics, like those of other ...

Published: Wednesday 11 February 1801
Newspaper: Porcupine
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 977 | Page: 4 | Tags: none


... question of Catholic emancipation was not then be'ore the House, and consequently the speech the , Noble Lord was manifestly irregular. , Lord CLARE resumed. He said it was not his ! intention enter into the question of Catholic emancipation, hut, the contrary ...