... on, atd damaged as far as it possibly could be. If any one would walk by the new squares in the Chelsea quarter of London, he would perceive that the flowers and. standing'. plants were twining through the: ralls, and of hundreile of thousanuds of peo- ...


... Sergeant Brett, 29 B, said at 2 o'clock that morning, .accompanied by Sutton, 169 B, he was passing neor ter- tmaid's-yard, Chelsea, and saw a light in the rear of 12, iTurk's-row. Be looked tnrough the window of the beck a room on the lower floor end saw ...


... upon bim, and it was worth notice that he had not then received his wages for three weeks. The whole of these facts tended to show that there bad been complicity, that when the pound's worth of silver was given the sovereign was given with it, and if a remand ...


... calling hima a black, applied a filthy ex- Preosaic to hilm. The piiseoer cross.examined the writess, endeavour- ilg to show that it was another person. who had used the expresasone attributed to him. The witness, how- eyer, insisted that the prisoner ...


... Thi prisoner here said he did not think he was meking a false declaration. Mr. Cooper, for the prisoner, said he was able to show that if there was any fraud it originated withl Mr. Bayne, and ltad been ciiip-oaodd by Mrs. Taburnay, and he would submit ...


... takiug care of his horse and cab. Henry Cousens, 40 B, said that at half-past 8 in the even- ing he was on duty in Turk's-row, Chelsea, when he heard the screaming of a female, and on going to the spot with 262 B, he saw the defendant fighting with another ...


... (Laughter.) Then, gentlemen, lie turns fromu dreaming to dancing. My learned frieiid read you with great emphasis, and, I thought, showed a little feeling, when tle spoke of I he electric sparks of love-(laughter)-and what I thought came upon it with a very ...


... and a verdict re- $turn ad to the effect that the deceased died from the wound 0o71 the head, but there was no evidence to show how or by whom it was inflicted. Cox, at the inquest, said the de- ceased gave him hsis property before be, died; but oil being ...


... considered the loan ?? honour wasv of opinion tha~t if Fowler showed defendant the letter, the mortgagee and surveyor might have good ground of action against defendant, but there was no. thing to show that Ecwler hadidefendant's authority to retbain plaintiffs ...


... alleged that when he dis- covered his mistake'he offered an apology. Mr. Hall: The evidence shows that you did not, but that you made an absurd observation, which shows you did not know what you were talking about. You said you would not offer an apology, ...


... assa brewer. He became the proprietor of the Anchor Brewery at Chelsea in January, 1854, and, in the following June, failed. He had formed an intimacy with a woman named Batson, living at Chelsea, and, after his failure, he deserted his wife and went away ...

Published: Sunday 03 February 1861
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 3341 | Page: 6 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... cornmitted for two calendar months to the House of Correction, PROGRESS IN WEALTH.-An inc6me-tax return has been issued which shows what progress this kingdom has been muking within the last few years. The total amount of income annual value of property assessed ...