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t\\\4 ®an v $uWft> Dedicated to the RtWorJhipful John Simpson, Eftj; Mayor, TH E Firft Four Books of Telemachus ..

... Imperial Golden Snuff, Pr. 1 s. the . Pap.r^ A Chymical Lotion for the Itch, &c. Pr. is. to be >€>ci \ti. Or Lett againft Christmas next, THREE SALT PANNS at South Shields, nofr in the Occupation of Mi Edw. Faitlefs,jun; Enquire lor father Piirticulais ...

Published: Sat 17 Sep 1743
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 4373 | Page: 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

LONDON, September 27

... the Top of each, and a Letter wrapp'd up in Brown Paper, which ir.forr.i'd them, that if fhey came that Road again before Christmas- Day, thty ihould go horn's without their Heads. Yefterday one Spencer, a noted Informer againft Retailers of Spiritu- ous ...

Published: Sat 01 Oct 1743
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Article | Words: 1405 | Page: 1, 2 | Tags: none

So btlttu ALL the Fisheries in the River Tweed, belong* ing to George Lawfon, of Glofter-hill, Efq; deceas'd. ..

... land, and pf Mr Jofeph Barber, Auctioneer, at his Houfe in Hum- bles Buildings, Newcaftle. m it bt Mtii Or Lett againft Christmas next, SALT PANNS at South Shield, ntnV X in the Occupation of Mr Edw.' Fairlcfs, jun. Enquircfor fuitl.cjt Paiticultus of ...

Published: Sat 01 Oct 1743
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 6608 | Page: 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

To be SOL D, at DEPD

... whoever discovers the Thief, shall, upon Conviction, receive five Guineas. To be LETT, and entered upon immediately, or at Christmas next A Large DWELLING-HOUS E, with a spacious and good accustom'd SHOP, situate in Woodbridge, in the County of Suffolk, ...

Published: Sat 01 Oct 1743
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 4536 | Page: 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

Recitative Britons ! blcfs’d in fuch Alike fecure in Arms or Peace What can your Happinefs annoy Unlefs ..

... of Stair on his Conduit on the Maim In the Prefs and fpeedily be publiffd (Price Three Shillings) THE Merry Medley: Or A Christmas-Box for Gay Gallants and Good Companions Containing Abundance of Diverting Stories and Choice Jokes many dexterous and delightful ...

Published: Tue 29 Nov 1743
Newspaper: Gloucester Journal
County: Gloucestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2800 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

LONDON 22 ENIGMA folved WITH French Diftrefs and Britilh Riches Hague Intelligence bewitches : whom ? The who ..

... Harris Bookfeller and R Raikes Printer Gloucefter and the Men this Journal iff ( Price Three Shillings) THE Merry Medley Or A Christmas-Box for Gallants and Good Companions Containing Abundance of Diverting Stories and Choice Jokes many dexterous and delightful ...

Published: Tue 27 Dec 1743
Newspaper: Gloucester Journal
County: Gloucestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2449 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

are informed that late Point Precedency was compromis’d with no fmall Trouble and that two Pair Coach Horfes ..

... Attorney at Law High-ftreet the City of Briftol j or of the Printer hereof (Price Three Shilligs) THE Merry Medley : Or A Christmas-Box for Gay Gallants and Good Companions Containing Abundance of Diverting Stories and Choice Jokes many dexterous and delightful ...

Published: Tue 03 Jan 1744
Newspaper: Gloucester Journal
County: Gloucestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2738 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

To be LETT, - if. Te enter upon at Christmas mxt, By the Corporation ef Newcaftle upon Tyne, A PASTURE

... To be LETT, - if. Te enter upon at Christmas mxt, By the Corporation ef Newcaftle upon Tyne, A PASTURE CLOSE, fituate and being without Newga'e, within the Liberties of Newcallle, by the Name of the Bull Clofe. *Any Perfon ot Peifons aminded ...

Published: Sat 01 Dec 1744
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 4681 | Page: 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

'At ROSS in Herefordfliire opening Boardinq-School for Young Ladies : where they will be inftru&ed in all Sorts ..

... Rcfledions Celebrated New and Jovial Sought for the Voice or Violin and modifh Country-Dances and the Travels of Father Christmas and moft moving Memoirs of Jonathan Wild the Great The Whole defign’d to prevent expel Spleen and Melancholy and drive the ...

Published: Tue 11 Dec 1744
Newspaper: Gloucester Journal
County: Gloucestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2165 | Page: 4 | Tags: none

I in the Channel the Crew drown’d They from is drove near Walmcr Caftie loft the are all fav’d -

... written by Mr Titley his Majejly’s Envoy or Ref dent at Copenhagen when young Gentleman at Cambridge utitvesfty 0 D E on Christmas Day E Nymphs of Salem who with hallow’d Lays The Fame of royal Vidtors love praife now ! withfweeter fofterMufic fing tender ...

Published: Tue 11 Dec 1744
Newspaper: Sherborne Mercury
County: Dorset, England
Type: Article | Words: 1672 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

EDIN6URG H, Dec. 13

... the great Ladies be forbid to attend the lam? 'Tis ibid the Removes and Alterations expected vY: not take place till after Christmas, if at all. Yefter- day it was moved in the Committee, That 4 s. in ?? be laid 011 all Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments, Pc:i ...

Published: Thu 13 Dec 1744
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 230 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

TT/Hereas fevctal unqualified Perfons do ftill pre- VV fume to deftroy the Game within the Manoi of i-cnwell- ..

... the laid Mi i obcrtl'ou i.i.'V be indebted to, aie delited to fend in theit Aceompts there. 7> ifLIiT T, To enter upon at Christmas ntxt, Py tfe Corporation of Newcallle upon Tyne, A I AST ORE CLOSE, fituate and being as. s-ithout Newgae, ssiihin tha Liberties ...

Published: Sat 15 Dec 1744
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 4642 | Page: 4 | Tags: Classifieds