... George Mealmaker, weaver in Dundee, That albeit by the laws of this, and of every other well governed realm, fedition is a crime of an heinous nature, and feverely punilh- able; and whereas, by an act pafred in the 37th year of our reign, cap. It3, intituled ...

Edinburgh, Feb. 1

... hours, found and Robert Williarofon, David Mathefon, Jas thi Arthur, John Drummond, and Anne Wil- te liamfon, gudy of the crimes libelled, adand Selab Greig art and part, but that fhe was rep, not aftive in the riot. Robert Williarnfon, David Mathefon ...

Edinburgh, Feb. 8

... Edin- iry burgh till the 20th in&t. then to be fent to ach Haddington, and on the 23d to be taken to red the place where the crime was committed, ex- there to receive ten lathes; and to be whip- ef- ped, the fame day, through the town of ,ri- Haddington ...


... 1., The Privy Conil tet on Thurfidayo at ihy o'clock, and with an arduous folicitude not only to inquire further into the crimes vf the perfons at prefent accutfed, and others applre- f hended, charged with being guilty of fimiar e offences againft the ...

Edinburgh, July 5

... declaration which Jhe emitted before the Magillrates of the countv before her trial, might amount to a confef- fion of the crime, yet, as that was extra- judicial, it could not be admitted as evidence. On thefe gronds, their Lord(hips were un- animoully ...

Law Intelligence

... hisapprentice was, as ufual, at work with a journeyman, to whom he related the fuory, who immediately lu- ipected him of the crime, and communicated his fufnicions to his mailer, and ohfeived that the lad feenmed uneafy and did not fettle to Lia work.; fame ...

Law Intelligence

... by Britith fubjeis, and you: commerce will then be in a wiferable Two other. feamen were capitally convieu- a of the fame crime, and received fentence oif death. - Lieut Innes, of the Caithnefi Legion, and Pi'aes Brothers, a private in the fame corps ...

Edinburgh, Dec. 12

... of young thieves, and that he to alone remained in cuflody for trial, although es he was by no means guilty of the heavy in crimes laid to his charge. a- After the examination of witnefies, the id jury was charged on the part of the Crown ~y by the Lord ...

Edinburgh, Dec. 26

... punifll- e ;riret could follow on fuch a verdifI, as it a .vauted the e3Tential words of the indiflment, v v hic' conflituted the crime, viz. fe/oniouAl I f/nor! /l or ah/ii-Prir'. Munro was therefore r Tedfimpliciter from the bar. i the courfe ofthe lafi week ...


... ilennI which VVs granted. Dr. Nicholls, the King's Advocate, after forne introdut'tory obfervations upon tho heinoulnefs of the crime of murder, briefly ilated the circumnfances, which were after- wards detailed by the witneffes. Mr Minchins faid, he was on ...

Edinburgh, Jan. 30

... an On Tuefday, at two o'clock, the Jury re- WI turned their verdic, all in one voice, finding an the pannel Guiltyj of the crime libelled, upon which he was Sentenced to be hanged at the L, common place of execution here, on Wed- wi nefday the s 2th of ...


... offence. uld There was no evidence tbat th Pritoner was the ag- ithe gtnifor, and aggreffion was neceflary to conflitute the ave crime of murder; neith er was it ' proved that- Inisa this was prefent when Brothers- fired, a circumitande re- equally ?? cafes ...