... king tben- lxuote' conditional order for a certiorari to quash au. .crder of the, raspondante maee t lipperary Quarter Sessions, and granting ?? of Richard Pennefather and three a thureo havre certain tithe cumyosition and tithe rentchatag, in the parish ...


... Andrews and a; special jury. A s .already reported, it isf an action by the Rev. Nevillp liearney, formerly -incum- bent of Croghan' County Rioscommon, ini the united diocese of Kiilmore, Bolphin, and Ardagh, and prebend of lKilmanallan, in the Chapter ...


... Byrne. Molloy and Molloy, Thomapson and 3P'Laughlin; arrangement, motion, .Hayes end &r; Cox, first public sitting, Scallan; Croghan, audit account. Kavalagh; Cumrins, mo~tion and audite account, Brown and M'Cann;. Cogan, application for bankrupt's certificate ...


... ion on Friday, the 29th, at one o'clock. The matter of Bobbett's application for a Presentment for Repair of Lucan Petty Sessions Coert, d&c., will be tried before-a Judge of the Queen's Bench Division with a County Common Jury On Thursday, the 28th, ...


... the 1 Sth 18 men from Saintfield. Railway Street, Ag ,Alee, ?? station-i. under the superintendence of District- Inspector Croghan. assembled at the Fairywell, range, and en-aged in their annual ball-firing. The shooting Was at I100 200 30i0, and 400 yards' ...


... evideuicand stated he could. pot ,,y rho lstiabbed limi, as he was very tips7'. 'X'e 4ccused wis con~mitted for trial to the city sessions. Assault.-Charles Reilly, Mary's-lane, labourer,'was qharged with tlaving .ueed profane language and as- saulted a woman ...

Assize Intelligence

... ady Sessions that persons natined Jackson and Robert NeRly stole the onts. The Neelys live about twenty perches from the sanmdbole where witness found the oats. The case against them was dismissed at Nr Pett ssie u. h IMr. M'Baio, Petty Sessions Clerk ...


... pass before deceased's death; but he was sum. moned since about it; witness wasnot present at the investi. gation at petty sessions, but he heard it was decided by the magistrates witness had no right to go to the pass; there was no one along with witness ...


... Meredith (instructed by Kr. J K Toomey), for the defendant, moved to have the action remitted for trial rt Wicklow Quarter Sessions The plaintiff, an aged woman, seeks darmages for i'njuries inflicted on her by the negligent driving of a horse and cart ...


... cou- ditional order for a certiorari to bring up and quada a conviction pronounced by mnagstrates sitting at Limerick Petty Sessions. Marv Deezaa prosecuted Maurice MNamara f'rtre&.pass on cer- tain lands of Singlaud. The magistrates fined M;Namara 2s 6d ...


... W R Iirkwoed, E} P Carte, 1l1 Peard, I Swauton, Atkens, petitioner; I Moynihan, B M Bloom- fIeld, Captain A Denelan, Jr Croghan, Brown vsnnffy, llnittircordi estatte, rdsshiwt par; C J G ol Caridtori'tevite, it warbhrton. I to2 'cJlok-A langford Jane ...


... and she are now agred respectively about 51 and 49 years} ; net rental, 661. 12s. Ojd. Purchased for 3201. by Mfr Edward Croghan.- Messrs. Cathuart and H~emp- hill, solicitors, had carriage of proceedings; POLICE INTELLIGENCE. SOUWERN DIVISIOK.. (Before ...