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: 335 ) iron, Sir Ge

... her Majefly's Ship the Chatharn had brought into Crook-Haven a Frenchman of War of 32 Guns, and 190 Men,. after a fmart Engagement; in which the French had 3o men killed, and the Englifh 8. The London Gaily from Leghorn put into Kinfale the tinh, reports ...

Published: Tue 23 Jan 1705
Newspaper: Pue's Occurrences
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 539 | Page: 5 | Tags: none

Yesterday arrived an

... Privateer engaged the Medway for 2 hours Broad side and Broad-side, in which Action we killed and wounded between 40 and 50 French, but the Medway had but one Man killed. The Medway also met with a French Man of War of equal force, and engaged her an hour ...

Published: Sat 10 Feb 1705
Newspaper: Pue's Occurrences
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 588 | Page: 4 | Tags: none

Forces before Gibral

... general Storm, it the Inemy timid attempt it, and withal told them, it theylud Succefs in bolding .it the place, be would engage, that the King of Spain thould e erea a Monument' whereon ibould be engraved the brave and noble Attions of the Heroick Officers ...

Published: Tue 20 Mar 1705
Newspaper: Pue's Occurrences
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 585 | Page: 4 | Tags: none

C 404 )

... reported that the Kim ot Sa , eden is abcrA to propole hisM, It I .)o tor a Ger:cal eace bAwcet. the (.haian Pot: ntatcs engaged in the prefent War alx:ht the Sic,:effionui Spin. And ,the F. King his *- poled ,o the s;wi iS tro..s to niAlze l'eace between ...

Published: Tue 27 Mar 1705
Newspaper: Pue's Occurrences
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1268 | Page: 5 | Tags: none

( 412 )

... ro. N. S The Lenin that came this day from Frage, and the Gatesse printed at Antwerp, do all agree, That there has been Engagment between the Costtlerste Fleet Commanded by Sir Luke and ander Monfieur Pointy: Some Advices fay, they Lad yet no Accoun: ...

Published: Tue 10 Apr 1705
Newspaper: Pue's Occurrences
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 591 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

( 4 16 ) and ordered Cum to prepare for an Engagement. In the man time the Confederate Squadron appeared,

... ( 4 16 ) and ordered Cum to prepare for an Engagement. In the man time the Confederate Squadron appeared, to the number of 35 Ships: The Fremh Men of War immediately cut their Cables, and got cy.t or the Bay, but Sir j. Leake loon p wizli them and furroundul ...

Published: Thu 19 Apr 1705
Newspaper: Pue's Occurrences
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 671 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

Advertisements THese

... his Accompli.:es, and bring them to jultice, he fhall Receive the laid Rewsrd ot Ten Pountl.s. And the laid Mr. Span does engage himtelf tO de his utinoft Endeavours to obtain the Difcoverer's Pardon, and will pay the Charges of paffing the fame. Dated ...

Published: Thu 19 Apr 1705
Newspaper: Pue's Occurrences
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 393 | Page: 5 | Tags: none

On Saturday arrived

... towards the Coast of Barbary. Here's a report that the 8 Men of War separated, from Ponti, having heard nothing of the Sea-Engagement, and being returned to join Mons. Ponti, fell into Admiral Leake's Fleet, and are all taken or sunk. The Duke de Fernelade ...

Published: Tue 24 Apr 1705
Newspaper: Pue's Occurrences
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 503 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

Advertisements. Wher

... discover his Accomplices, and bring them to Justice, he shall Receive the said Reward of Ten Pounds. And the said Mr. Span does engage himself to use his utmost Endeavours to obtain the Discoverer's Pardon, and will pay the Charges of passing the same. Dated ...

Published: Tue 24 Apr 1705
Newspaper: Pue's Occurrences
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 265 | Page: 7 | Tags: none

( 427 ) from the Spa

... remained above Water, which the Enemy set fire to in the Night, as they did to the Vaisseau the next morning. After this Engagement was over, our Squadron got further from the shore, and on the 12th looked into Malaga Road, where Her Majesty's ships the ...

Published: Tue 24 Apr 1705
Newspaper: Pue's Occurrences
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 671 | Page: 5 | Tags: none

4 fiftance, and afterwards they alro poffrired- thWell we have only the Tower ot rratife left on lalt in order ..

... the Duke of Marlborough having paffed the Saar, marched the Initant with great 'expedition toWardsSyrk, in order to have engaged the Enemy; but that upon his Approach, they retired to Retel, where they were advantagioully polled behind a River, and tome ...

Published: Sat 16 Jun 1705
Newspaper: Pue's Occurrences
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Illustrated | Words: 1417 | Page: 3 | Tags: none