Advertisements & Notices

... Eb'w. C: *BANTON, but now unoccupird.. Lot. I.-A FREEIOLD DWELLING HOUSEjand fe GARDEN, with the Appurtenances, Jituate ir George H Lane, Oxford, now in ?? of Mr. CiOLiNG, Ps ' Lot li.-A ItEASEHOLD DWELLING HOUSE, with a convenient Yard, Garden, thire ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Eleven ?? the Forenoon, at which Meeting new. Trurees It will be chofen in the Room of thofe that are dead or refufe Is to a&t. GEORGE BULLEY, e Dzted- left May., Io0o. Clerk to the fald Tauitees. u 'TAWNEY begs leave to rettrnher grate. AEZJ ful Acknowledgements ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jFront, n 'Attorney at Law in Hull. Low-gate, ancFU George-Yard, HUBJ.LL..: . o h9SOLLD fvgetber orfiparastei/,;, ALltJthol.W-ELLING.GHOUSES aod x~ VKEHOU-SES, Gitifted corner Lougate arid George.aid, inr the occupation of Mr. William . lr~thie,. Mro ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Rotheram. James Wollen. Sheffield. - George Cafson, Halifax. Brook and Lancarhire Huddersfilid. Benjamin Fowler Scarborough. Jofeph Wood - Wakefield. Robert Ripling & Co. Ferrybridge. Robert Prefton - Stockton. George Parker - Sunderland. Samuel and John ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of .muy, c6, a st two 'cdtoA in the aee,.aoor. . - A LL that GoOd SHIP,, of A -VESSEI. called the FLAX-! NTON,of Hull, Mr. George Carnmell, t=ยง;late Malter, now lying in the Dock, at E frto s-upon.Hull aforefaid.. Thjt FLAXTO0e is a flout well-built Vefel ...

Advertisements & Notices

... retire into the country. The fervant at the maofion will fhew the eftate, witli a plan; and printed particulars may be had of George Wade, Efq. and at the Saracen'slfead, Dun- mow; Black Boy, Chelmsford; White Hart, Brain. tree; Role,-Cambridg-; White Hart ...

Advertisements & Notices

... nieuit to romwssstea- rent'4' Pr s-i 05/ jan ofo h r 'tqi ss 's -. CORPORATION of LyvE:PtrtL - I Copy Fine Proot Putisey Dawson, Lsq. Mayor: I tlitto dctto Georie Case, Aldlefian I ditto ditst Thoissas Stanitorth, tlitto .. I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Trustees, appointed in and b- virtue of an act of parliament, passed ill the i32d yea. of the reign of his present i.'aiesty King George the Third, intitled, An Act for, anendingwidening, an(A leeping in repair thc 'several roads, or branches of road, leading ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Solicitor, No. -7, 'Saeltville.ltreet, Piccadilly; and of Mr. Willock, No. 25, Goldhi-fquare. Genteel HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE.-By Mr. DAWSON, on the Prenrifcs, on THIS DA&, at twelve o'clock, THE very genteel and, genuine 'HOUSEF1-OLD J1' FURNI'1URE,large Pier Glaffcs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... per annum, renevable for evcr, according to-the cuftom. . I To be viewed till the fale, and particulars may be had at the George, in St. Martin's le Grand ; at the Blue Anchor, in Mouldmakers' Row; at Girraway's -and the Baptilt Coffee- . horfes; of Mr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WINE, Capital Poft Chariot, a magnificent Silver C.P and COVER, geoteel HOuseHOLD FuXNISTVRX, PiCIUsRES, and LEASE.-By Mr. DAWSON, By order of rht E:Cecutors, on the Premifes, on Tuefday next, at twelve o'clock, T'E genteel 1IOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, TPla~-te ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 2os. per-annmun, rectewvable for cvei, accrdg to the cultom. To be viewed till the fatc, and particolars may be had at at George, fn St.- Martin's le Grind ; at the Blue Ancho)r, in Mouldonakers' Row; at Garrawa-(s and the Baptilt Cafoffe. houfes; of ...