Edinburgh, Dec. 12

... the heavy in crimes laid to his charge. a- After the examination of witnefies, the id jury was charged on the part of the Crown ~y by the Lord Advocate, and for the pannel by Mi- Mr J. P. Grant. The Lord Jultice Clerk _ fumined up :he whole in a candid ...


... other perfons there. t, The libel was refiriaed to an arbitrary P punithment. F Thirteen wvitneffes were examined for the * Crown ; and by a conne6fed chain of evi- dence, the ox was traced, in the poffeffion n of the prifoner, from about two miles from ...


... Pepper, within a few edays, and which would be the foub- ject of d crirninal motion againlt him, the fir~t- day of next' ?? the Crown lide Hesryr lluelilse, the boy oF eleven years of age, who fole the various hank notes oult of the letters fromn the Putl Office ...


... Chancellor would not allow the leakt weight, and,. if it had, the heir at law would not have been benefited, for the right of the Crown would have inter- . pofeds It appeared the plaintiff had been naturalifed b - Acf of Parhiment.-Thus the Will was declared ...

r los -p. , ?? -th. betwixt the h. i.l of Pre - ?? 7:i ! ?? little : bove

... pariihiollers - - to a o Rev. John Gordon, miniltcr - L. 9 10 o Kcv. William Spence, miu_l.r - -la c Parilhioners - - L. IZ ,; o Temie. Resi Robert Lcith, minifcer - L. ,- iS o Parilhioncri - -f, + 0 Rev. J.bn Gordon, minillcr - L. 7 18 o ' 7-ilT.im ...

jwjJngtT! of ■rEttin&ntsji* t-.-he dilfeient Erarich'es of Ednca- ;''• .Vencd th-r ensuing S-aV. la as iol- ..

... years old, yst. lolh. I Six years old, ?? ;lb. Five do. Est. icib. [ Aged do. 9*t. 4lb. The Horscsto be entered »t Ciiapi.es Gordon's; vintner, Hamilton, on Saturday the 18th of October, betwixt the* hours of 10 and 12 forenoon; at which time and place proper ...


... LAtW fv2L~ L camS, . .t3RT IF ElNG's, BEECH, AsrL5b'f A deed.was redd.by the 'Clerk of the Crown OflMce . D by which the, Hon-. George Kenyon. is appointed to th' ?? dlrici in the Court; vacant by' the d&at3 ofhji eldeir Br. hez He afteiwards.aku'.the ...


... brother officer, the late Capt. Gordon Maxwcll, s of said regiment. In his loss they have to !arnent *t the soldier, the friend, and the man of honourr- n This gentleman was nearly allied toethe present e Duchess of Gordon, and, in the execution of n some ...


... thefe fiences. Foreigners of all nations may be cowpetitors. Friday at a Court of Common Council, a feprefentation from Dr. Gordon was read, ftating that he had difcovered the art of making Flour from a certain fublirauce which abounds in this country, ...


... with everY eve ?? the jealoufy of an un- prejudiced min d couldL diccate, as hie appeared in fome fort an evidence for the Crown ; but, his Lordflip obferved, in the courfe of his atten- tion to the criminal prafiice of the country, lie had never fcen ...


... Jiamrs Brifece, 7cbn Denbaro, and Jar- E Vis Baker, the perfous accufed of murdering Thoinas t Pamphlin, fervant to Meffrs. Gordon and Knight; the diftillers, on the evening of the fourth of the laftP month in Compton-ftreet, Clerkenwell, occupied almoft ...


... ht resh Of thefe it is not eaty to of y .ote maniih -but it- is novorio as what is-indirteiri -14lt hte rplinvy'&twith a crown wtion itslead.: I cannot ther etend to ('rpeak io;iti'ely o. *. itat'I have nbt fer., but put l ton tie fi tI hlil the 'ace ...