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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Efq-to Mifs Sophia T'in nomio. ifecond daughterof Henry.Thoi pfori. Efq. x' bly Hyl-Ia-: At tlie Colligiate church. Ripon on 'soroiry 'fi, by thie-Rev. R. D. Waddilove. Dea4 * of Lh-at OlaCe, Charles Oxley. Efq. to Xlifs Margaret Lodge Lecoind. daughier ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Rochlort, both ot York. On Monday, Stephee Dickinson, Esq. solidior, to Mrs. ltierington, both of ell]i. On Tuesdaw senni't, Mr. Henry Patclett, to MiV' Sarallh Charnocr, ?? or the Rev. Joseph Char- nock, all of lrptonstll neir Hatilag. On Monday last, Mr:. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. Ohr Thlurstifv the toth tilt. tie Rev. Henry mild. Chaplai:n u, A JiL.vt'dil i i rs isi. ?? rio.(rt(ito WVhito lloithingf,I s-hex . 0 3-iFS.l ?? 'it ?? laughtter ofi t!C late (;en. John iti Ne, of sh, i'lsitt:0usn, in the West- litdii qii Xof ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ,l tl irib. I I tily. at It Kvitiingtilt, by the 1Rev. Henry Taylor, of l Mr. 'ITOiS DLIt Iu oll. , limrlpant, Kilg's.streetr, Cfheap. (o .ido, .Liod ln, to Alrs. II. Strmther, Widow of tl ticle I 15 TIhlomllas StrolLer, Es1. We-lose Hlouse, nlear Ic ...

ties BIRTHS. At Rock

... Urquhart, minister of Tough. On the 24th August, in the Collegiate Church of Ripon, by the Rev. William Waddilove, Charles Oxley, Esq. to Miss Waddilove, eldest daughter of the very Rev. the Dean of Ripon. At Paris, Earl Poulett, to Charlotte daughter ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... solicitor, to e Ann, the eldest daughterof the late John Oxley, Esq. ni of Moorgate near llotherham. o On Wednesday * eek, ait tlhe parish church, Bradl foaid, Ft by the Rlev, Henry H-leap, Alr. Henry llarrcalnttgh. it' Si Bradford, to Elizabeth, daughiterof ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Mary Ann, daughter of Samuel Fletcher, Esq. of Great Marlborough-street.-Mr. William Henry King, of Castle-street, Holborn, solicitor, to Anne, daughter of the late J. Oxley, Esq. of Moorgate, near Rother- hamr-William, eldest son of the Rev. J. Minithorp ...

II- Ua ne3 13frritb

... to Miss Grim- shaw, eldest daughter of Mr. John Grimshaw, corMIteCtor, ,t all of this town. th- Same day, at Rochdale, Mr. Henry Cartwright, linen- draper, to Miss Ann Hughes. On Wednesday last, Mr. Wm. Bottomley, of Scammon- den, to Miss Charlotte Bottomley ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... of thtis toiwtc. tic e On Wedinestlay last, at Iteitiistroli, near tiis town, aged ,it 2, Sarah, reliet of tice late R1ev. Henry Nicholson, rector of Addle. a Stomte day, aged 2i, Stisantnah, olry dauirehi tar olfMr. Betsj. Cciilingwnirth, of Swtniidtin ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... fitt this towil to On the 19th of flee. 1125, at Vera Cruz, wshere he, felt a victimn in to the fever, praevalittg titerS, Henry Oxley. Esq i~l tof Norwlith, IOastd of the firt of Josepht Oxigy atd Sunls, minrehants, of that lycity. On the 0tth tilt, John ...