Advertisements & Notices

... lofs of memory. Dr. SOLOMON's CORDIAL BALM of GILEAD is happily calculated for the weak, the fickly, and the irfirin. In all inward decays,.debility, lownefs of fpi- rits, weaknefs in either fex, owing to youthful irnpm- dencies, this medicine will afford ...

Advertisements & Notices

... memory. , r;rt Dr. SOLOMONs ECORDIAL.BALM-of GIL~EA1j Si hiappi'iy caicuia e4. fin~tiie .v eai;, the ftc yvan* infirm. I1 all inward .decays, debility, Iownefs of'fps 'rits, Nwealinkfs in either-fex, owing to houtntirimpsm- den6ies, this nmedicfie wiln afford ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Sickly, and Infirmi.-In all inward decays, debility, lownefs of fpirits, weaknefs in either feg, whether hereditary, or owing to youth- ful imprudencies, this medicine will afford the mo6t wonderful relief. In certain complaints and femninal weakefea, tiabes ...

Advertisements & Notices

... with from the SA!,E of SHARP's HEPATIC PILLS in this Place, having recommended them in ,a Number of NERVOUS and BILIOUS COMPLAINTS, where they have contiantly been of the utmoll fervice; I have alfio found them remarkably ufeful in fiatulences, indigef- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... allowed to br the celebrated c CORDIAL BALM OF GILEAD; which is happily ir calculated for the-Weak, Sickly, and Infirm.-In all d inward decays, debility, lownefs of fpirits, weaknefs 0 in either fex, whether hereditary, or owing to youth- n ful imprudencies ...

Advertisements & Notices

... vkab1a~ : Aedicine pref ned. to them,. than thefe t;nefli . mable Drops, as a cercaih Cvore in .Rheunsatic and ;Cliroriei complaint's, Viroint Cblds, ancl confquent Pains in ?? relief in the mioll violent Fitps.of .the Gout,.and nothing.was ever taken Witt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ickly, and inir rm -Is all inward decays, dchility, lownefi of fphiis, weaknef£ in either i'ex, whether hereditary, or owing to youth- ful impin dencies, this mei dicne will afford the noft wonderful relief. In certain complaints and &mrsinal weaknellls ...

Advertisements & Notices

... agreeable and powerfu Reftorative in all aervous 61forders ever difcovered. This celebrated (ptdial :is ?? efficaciaou in all inward Wafting', Lofs-oi Appetite. fidigeaion, Drpreion, of irits, trembling or -fhaking of Hands or Limbs, obitinate Colighs,. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... weak, fickly, and ?? all inward decays, debility, h-wnefs of ipirits, wcaknefs in either fex, whether hereditary, or ow ing to youth- ful imprudencies, this medicine will affmrd the mom wonderful relief. In certain complaints and feminal j wcaknelles ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Dieoy ?? trtton, so, Bow Church-ylird, *ate appopnted nthe Wtholefae Venders, (aeis Well as or the Cardiac Tinr9ure, 'for complaints of the Head, Stomath, and BoweltS g outy, bilioS ard nervoutsrv diforders, &c.) of whom, and oi the Veoders of their Medicines ...

Advertisements & Notices

... aged and infirm. In all inward decays, debility, lownefs of fpiriis, se. laxation in either fcx,, whether hereditary, or owing to youthful imnprudencies, this smedtcine will aflord the moal wonderful relief. In venereal complaints and ferninal weaknetfes ...

Advertisements & Notices

... one entire scab, 'his face and hands excepted. tt Durin' his affliction, from the insufferable itching at- z tendinlg his complaint, hi5 life' w-as. burthen,,nle Ito himself, and you may naturally suppose ansinexprussible tiid daily grief to msyself and ...