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Public Ledger and Daily Advertiser


... across this part the country might, in some degree, he formed into canal extending from tower to tower, and, raising a hank the inward side, the Flushing inundation might be confined within the semi-circle formed the said chain of towers? At each of the towets ...

EAST INDIA HOUSE, March 1. Committee of Warehouses the Fast In-1 Company hereby give Notice, that they will be ..

... application to Mr. Robert Clerk the said Couiftittee, at bis Office, in the Tail India House, BROWN’S INFALLIBLE REMEDY for the INWARD and OUTWARD PILES. Mediciue is the most eflicuciotvs Remedy ever made known the Public. It has been n P* '*atc practice for ...


... was any medicine on stntab e the complaints the Lascars. A» to diet, they had rice, &c. such tbey are accustomed to live on. violence was offered to the men to his knowledge, and believed tbey died from tbeir complaints. men appeared be all urfder 30 years ...

HOSniY, DECEMBEB 30. 1811

... complete I „f the Governors, Subscribing Lodges, anJ Subscribers. Mini Lodges and t'.crefore intend to cqntnhuts inwards the support of the In-tiution. and wish their numbers r names appear in the new List, will please to forward their Subscriptions ...

LONDON WLDNCSDAY, ArtuL Some fiirllier American Papers the 6il> nit. have been recclve.l ... town. They contain ..

... attacks of the plague, withoi. lieinb infected; and Italian physician, who ..Ivnig. n, I'm key, the symptom* ot this dreadful complaint, inoculated himself with matter from pe.son who ,h. Plague, and nu.hswent vaccn nation without the contagion developing ...


... war, carrying for the id)>ration Germany, shall render necessary. . We give to our Privy Counsellor of State, ami Chief the Inward Customs Department, M. Von Hevdehreck, full ami uncoutrouled power, to make what futther alterations he may see til. m the ...


... possession quantity of alum. Provioenti at. Discovery, a West Inoi w.—An eftectnaK’ure for Bilious, Asthmatic, and other inward Complaints, iu either Sex, after every other medical aid has failed. The following recent extraordinary cures will authenticated ...


... body of John Oavis, who met bis death taking corrosive soldi mate. It ap|teared that the deceased bad been afflicted wMt inward complaint; and, instead ot niakuit application a professional person, took the advice au unskilful neighbour, and infused a quantity ...

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... From the direction taken by some columns of the troops towards tjommeren and Aston, it probable that the grand force turned Inwards the frontier, leaving Bergcn-op-Zoom and Antwerp to attacked the Dutch and British. the approach Prussians, the troops under ...


... I* action are j alitlie answerable. They have arrested the national j vengeance—excited cT.unour about the public bur- j (inward in favour the enemy, and did all they could to make the country fall upon her knees j |to merit a. Ami vet they have the ...