Porkshire Lent Assizes

... of having eliot at John Clayton, with intent to Iili th, murder him (tinder Lord Ellenborough's act), were placed of lie at'- the bar, charged wvith having bten out, in the night I~ a1 mrd time, on thle 30th of November last, armed with. guns, C,l fedl ...

Assuze Intelligence

... them were of the slightest public interest, we forbear reporting them ftl ly:- Robert Owen, v. John Jones, and another.- ?? for the ?? for the plaintilf, John Williams; atturney for thei defen- lauet, William Jones. Charles Hughes, v. Hugh Charld, Debt ...

Porkshire Lent Assizes

... aoi. , I i .2, CIVIL COURT-TU7E5DAY, As'stL! 8. (Before llr..Justicej B ieyfnd a 'Special Ju~yv), '.ci ~HU HON, ANiD REV. JoHN LuNILEY 'SAVILEr V. EAteL C~nnrAN.-hi as afeigned. issue, arising. out of a de- ai ci~-ion by~the Commissioners appointed under ...


... honour to lie, dear Sir,I 51 Your much otuliged and mest obedient servant, I 'i Carlow, Aug. 1I, 3828. 46 ,J. DOYLE. 1' To John Chester, Esq, I The next letter that was read was one from the Hon. H. C. I Clitford, inclosinlg 51. for defraying the expences ...


... hopeless ; a Miss Mitchell likewise was alarm- ingly hurt on the head ; a Mr Anderton had his leg broken; a female ha) her arm fractured, and two others received minor injuries. The Doctdr coach was not overturned, though it sustained considerable damage ...


... corroborated by that of two servants.-Guilty-Death, but recommended to mercy. SHEEP-STEALING. JOHN PADDIFOOT, a man between sixty and ?? years of age, and EDWARD GRATTAN, aged 26, were in- dicted for stealing a sheep, the property of Elizabeth Lewis. Thomas ...


... O'HARA, aged 28, chair- maker, was capitally indicted for maliciously stabbing John Trapp with intent to kill or murder him, or to do him some grievous bodily harm. John Trapp examined: I am a printer, and know the prisoner; he is a chair-maker, and ...


... drunk and rioitaus: ,_ijolini Donnelly 2s fid ; >John Heyney Y- 2s 6d ; Stephen MIKennas .s; -Francis I-icks 5s; Thos. 38- M'ieow~n 5i. ; John Loughrldge.,sa; '~John Glover Ss; ill Pa~trick MMGIuvy as; John Vance 5s ; William Bruce 5s is ?? Anderson 5s James ...


... was lying nearly naked' on the floor. Tlhey immediately pursued the *,Wretched maniac, who' bad broken 'his arm in the fall, but hadinow armed himself with a scythe, and was run- ning about the road with no other clothing than h's shirt. As soon as he ...


... for upwards of an hour, and at length re- turned a vedidlt for the plaintiff for the amountclaimed, 751. 5,, and 6d. costs. JOHN HAIG V. ROBERT WALLACE. Mfr. GAYER opened the pleadings. This was an action o replevin to recover 27 puncheons of whiskey. ...


... Netherlands. Bly ?? Colley Grattan. Complete in otis volutme': al Nethertlans in mthe Sixteetth Censtury.-Painting, whirls had s languished isefore the fifteenth century, sprung at once, into a eunew existence from the invention of John Van Eyck, known Ibetter ...


... concession of the Catholic claims. The work, the grand achievement, as eO'Connell's. His giant arm it was that broke up tihe infernal machinery of the peta] code-llis arm it wtas, nerved by the rent and asso- j cation, snd not the English politicians, that burst ...