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From the London GaZette, May to; From on board his Malefty's Ship the Torbay in Copenhegen Road, Aptll 26. On

... Hißory ; The Son killing his Father, and in quartet log him, and lay with Mother when his mangled Limbs were under the Bed. Thomas Billings was the fame Day lined la Chaim within a aoo Yards of the Gallows. JO2 before the Execution. a Scaffold that had been ...

From Mr. W s Letter, May xo

... him, fo that the Son killed his Father, and aftifted in quarcerjui|| him, had criminal Conversation with his Mother, and lay with 'hall when his Father's mangled Limbs were under the Bed ; juft: before th™ Execution feveral Scaffolds fell down, by which ...

Published: Sat 14 May 1726
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 782 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

Wye's Letter, verbatim, London, A/ay 10

... him ; ) fo that the Son killed his Fa- ther, aflifted in quartering him, had Criminal Con- verfation with his Mother, and lay with her while his Father's mangled Limbs were under the Bed. Juft before the Execution, feveral Scaffolds fell down, by which many ...

Published: Mon 16 May 1726
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 729 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

Copy ofa Letter from Gibraltar dated April 29,1727

... Gibraltar dated April 29, 1727. SIR, L Meeting with thi Opportunity, I let you know, that c there is nothing but Fire and Smoke, Killing and Deft roy* * ing among us, every Moment by hot Cannonading on 1 both Side^wc defign to do fometliing that will be remark; ...

Published: Sat 03 Jun 1727
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Article | Words: 1081 | Page: 2, 3 | Tags: none

From the Sf. James's Evening-Poft, Dec. 7

... Palace, the Magnificent Bull Feaft which he has been fo long long preparing on Occafion ofthe King's Recovery ?? there were Scaffolds, built round the iargeft of the two Courts, for 20,000 Spectator,?.. The Duke had invited tothaj Fea ft only the Grandees ...

Published: Thu 14 Dec 1727
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 680 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

From the Evening-Poft, Alay J[C'zn

... many Years. Five Workmen being upon a high Scaffold in the Capuchins Church, creeling a Alaufolcum for the late Duke of Lorain, tlie Scaffold gave Way, fo that they all fell ; whereby one ot them was killed upon the Spot, and the other four were miferably ...

Published: Sat 10 May 1729
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 351 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

On Wednesday last wa

... Saturday last a Young-man was kill*d at Melsome, by a Waggon loaden with Stones running over him. It seems in attempting to jump on the Shafts to ride, he hit his Breast against the Waggon, and so fell down and was kill*d on the Spot. Extract of a Letter ...

Published: Tue 07 Jul 1730
Newspaper: Gloucester Journal
County: Gloucestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1630 | Page: 4 | Tags: none

1- 7 :cr.l St. James's Even. Poll, Sept I: One Walter, tlic Lord Vikaollnt Cobham's Royal Itement ot riork, Lit

... Cockmc. Edinburgh, Aug. 25. We have an Account from Cowpar of Angus, a 131 - cwcr in that Place Committed to their Priton tor killing a Meal-maker, who 11: . .d craved him rudely fur Money._ Caialla, Aug. 19. Thc Mountains and Woods have been on File for 1411 ...

Henry-fired with fo little Fear, that they alarmed the People; and tho' they call'd Murder kveral times to the ..

... between Scipione Point and Rota. Gibraltar O. 22 aS. Lag: Night we hid tertible Thunder and Lightning, by which one Man was killed and 6 wounded on board the Dread nought Man of War her Foretopmaft was carried away, and her Fore maft fhivercd. The Maia-maft ...

From the Evening Pofls, Nov. 28

... v ftall have been executed. The King, E had a Defign to make a Tour to Hamburg, has tW beheaded Lieut. i£ at Kuftrin, the Scaffold was ereded under 2Pr Royal's Windows •, and he was obliged l, a- *C * iv Will, to ftand at the Window whslft E- t££™ performing ...

Published: Thu 03 Dec 1730
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 728 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

_ or auour 30,000 1. is to the Widows Orphans ot poor Meriting Minilki ; but an Appeal was lodg'd

... was done much Mifchief, a crowded Scaffold and large Shed Falling down, by wli:ch fevcral Pcrfons had their Limbs broke, and others were mortally hurt, betides which, Ev‘ral Gentlemen narrowly cfcaped being killed by the Mob, who gathering at the Out-gate ...

London Bill of Morta

... Drowned 2, One in a Pond at St. John at Hackney, and One at St. Mary at Islington. Excessive Drinking 3. Kill'd accidentally 2. One by a Fall from a Scaffold, buried at St. Mary at Hill, and One by a Fall into a Cellar at St. Giles's without Cripplegate. Overlaid ...

Published: Thu 19 Aug 1731
Newspaper: Stamford Mercury
County: Lincolnshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 337 | Page: 1 | Tags: none