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... (formerly the Teazer in our service,) a French corvette, and an account of the destruction of some gun-boats, and the guard ship at Bourdeaux. This exploit was performed one evening last week, at dusk, by the boats of the Cadmus, Semiramis, and Diana, ...

letters which

... very boisterous on the Swedish coast, and great fears were entertained of much damage being done among the shipping. The Princess Caroline ship of war lately struck on a sunken rock off Wingo, and was got off with great difficutly and considerable damage ...


... the following article : Core, Sept. 4. On Monday arrived his Majesty's ship Daunt. less, 18 guns, Captain Barber, from Loughs: illy. She left cruising off there, his Majesty's ships Endymion, Captain Sir W. Bolton ; Cybele, Captain Upton ; Brisk, Captain ...


... article Aug. SO.—Lat. .56.34 N. Long. 8.9 W. Cape St. Vincent N.N.W. distant two Leagues. At four p. m. spoke his Majesty's ship &Amer, out two days from Lisbon, having a transport under convoy, bound to Cadiz. Lieutenant Stewart informed me that Lord ...


... arrived of this success : On the 21st of June, 60 leagues to the south west of the Isle ‘ of France, the Fox spoke his Majesty's ship Harpy, Capt. Bain, who informed her that an action had taken place off Timatave, in the Isle of Madagascar, between the Astrea ...

OCTOBER 4. HIS MAIESTY'S HE.%I.TH. Witichlr Castle, Oct. I. Ills Majesty continues in tl:•: same state. Papers ..

... stranded, it is not known that any part of her crew were lost. The city of London, which was under convoy of the Fox, fell in with the Indian soon after leaving the Sand-heads ; and from that ship she learnt, that On passing Madras roads, *the Indian saw ...


... preparation.; on the Spanish and of correcting any erroneous opinion I might have a a ve ., a . K m , — with small arms, a large ship, called the Somer. had, lam all confident that the French will never Nov. T. ,--r. as. setshire, Captain Haly, hound from Jamaica ...


... etocettanito. His Majesty's ship Sabrina, which is just arrived at Portsmouth, was the ship that first discovered, in June last, the island that sprung up from the bottom of the main ocean, about a league from St. Michael's, one of the Western islands ...


... immediately coax up to their succour, fortunately no lives were lost. By Paris Papers dated the 10th inst. we learn, that Buonaparte continues his tour along the Dutch coast, inspecting its ships and fortifications, the latter of which have been from the cam ...

Satorday and Sunday's Mail. LONDON, OCTOBER 10. HIS NIAHISITS HEALTH. Windsor Castle. Oct. 10. The Lag ..

... French, who had already lost a great number of men, killed and wounded, retired in disorder by the Alcala road, which is very bad. pursued by about 3,000 mountaineers, who will certainly give a good account of them. We have also lost many men, but the number ...

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... no pen& was hurt. %. On Monday se'nnight,li lamentable cauiso** occurred at Cardiff. Mrs. Kenmure, wife of Mr. J. Kenmure, ship.owner, of that town, had most unaccountably conceived a sudden idea that her• children were to be poisoned by some persons ...

Saturday and Sunday's Mail. LONDON. OCTOBER 17. HIS MAJESTY':, HEALTH. Ulmltor,Oet t 16. His Majesty is b•ttrr ..

... defence, but on the application of Captain Heywood, of the Nereus, they were immediately g iven up. The crews of the English ships at Buenos Ares, and even some of the merchants, were eager to support the Buenos Ayres Government in the attack upon Monte ...